The Art of Heart ~ by theuinuniverse ~ December 13, 2011

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The Art of Heart
Posted by theuinuniverse on December 13, 2011 at 1:00 PM  


For my first post in the Blog of Brilliance, I want to thank everyone for visiting this site and reading this blog.

I am being inspired to share a bit from the Universe about coming into one's own.

It is a time of change, of letting go of the old ways of being and allowing our true selves to bloom. If you are reading this, it is likely you are feeling it as well - you are not inclined any longer to trudge along in the old way of being and you are ready to start the amazing exploration of Y O U - who you are, why you've come here, what you do and where you are choosing to go.

A favorite tool of mine is to be in almost constant conversation with my heart - for we have all the information we need within, and our inner libraries of wisdom can be read like open books when we open our hearts and show our true selves.

As an example, and because it will be very helpful for me, I will demonstrate this right now through an exercise that has just come through me called Art of Heart.

What I have been hearing from others (and experiencing myself) as the shifts in Universal energies continue, is that this moment in time, mid-December, 2011, feels very neutral - as follows: We no longer care about all the old stuff, but we aren't finding any new stuff we feel passionate about.

This is because now is the time that we are in the middle of the shift, and we don't know what we are shifting towards. I am here to tell you - this is OK! And the information from the Universe here is that "as long as we are in the flow of the change, and know that we are ready to live the lives we truly desire, we will soon know what it is THAT we desire - and we will soon see what we need to do to achieve our desires and live our dreams"! I am also hearing that "neutrality will always be a part of this. This new way of living our dreams will feel calmer, because the old way of "struggle" will no longer come into play."

What we want will manifest quickly because we will be in connection to our most direct manifesting centers - our hearts.

The Art of Heart Exercise:

You will need paper and pencil. I will do this with you and publish my results.

For a moment, sit calmly in your chair, and take a few deep breaths. 

Deep breath in, release breath out. Deep breath in, release breath out. A few more times. In, out. In, out.

Relax your neck and shoulders. Let your thoughts drift, not focusing on anything.

Now focus in on your love center - your heart.

Close your eyes and feel your heart. What does the energy feel like there? Is it flowing? Is it electric and excited? Is it calm and gentle? Write down how your heart feels.

Close your eyes again, and envision your heart. What does it look like? Are there colors? Patterns? Are there pictures, words or phrases? Write down what you see in your heart area.

Now you are learning to connect in with your heart.

Close your eyes again and, connecting with your heart, ask it the following question:

-What do I love?

Take some time for your heart's answer to form. You may receive it as images, words, phrases or feelings. Don't judge what answers come - simply allow them to gently form and come into your consciousness. When you have received your answers, write them down.

Again, close your eyes and connect with your heart. Ask it:

-What do I desire?

Again, take your time. Write down the answers that come.

Repeat the above steps once more, connecting in with your heart for the following question:

-What is my dream?

Not judging - simply allowing - receive your answers. 

Write them down.

Now you have learned how you communicate with your heart. Now you have learned more about what your passions are at present. These are building blocks that will create a foundation for your beautiful future within our shifting creation!

I am pleased to be able to share my own answers with you here, below. I welcome you to share yours here as well with our brilliant community!


Astra Spider

Astra's Art of Heart Exercise Results:

What do I love?

I love to create and publish information that comes through me from the Universe, melding together my love of language with the active force of how the Universe likes to shoot information into my creative consciousness. 

What do I desire?

I desire to share what the co-creative language between me and the Universe has to say. I desire people who will share with me their experience of Universal shifts in their own unique manner. I desire space to dream and be and feel without judgment. 

What is my dream?

My dream is to create and have a space where our community can get together physically as well as online, to share the shifts in magical and artistic ways.