HJ: Life is meant to pass through us like clouds drifting through the sky, but we often times try and hold on long after an event or circumstance has passed, essentially binding us to the experience and causing the energy of it to become stuck and trapped in the body. The art of reflection and more specifically, letting go, helps us to remove these energetic blockages and resume our lives in the flow.
Letting go of everything and accepting what is, is the most surefire way to instant happiness, freedom and flow. It initially takes some trust but you quickly are rewarded as you watch events, and more specifically your life, begin to take on new rhythms that are far more synchronistic and spiritual in nature. Extended practice of letting go and acceptance leads directly to miracles and the realization of your hero’s journey.
Learning the daily reflection practice below is an amazingly powerful way to begin this new habit and way of living.
- Truth
Reflection: Let Go of the Day By Doing These Exercises Before Bed