Ashvatha's picture

Light Artist Janosh




Violet Flame of Freedom and Mercy & Ruby Ray of Divine Love
Divine Qualities - Freedom, Love, and Perfection
Twin Flame-Lady Master Venus, the Goddess of Love

Retreat - Shamballa, the etheric retreat of Gautama Buddha is the ancient home of Sanat Kumara. The retreat, once physical on an island of the Gobi Sea, is now anchored in the etheric plane over the Gobi Desert.

Sanat Kumara, also called "The Ancient of Days" and "youth of endless summers." From Venus, he has assisted humanity from the lighter realms perhaps longer than any other master. He has also been the "planetary logos" for Earth, its prime overseer. Sanat Kumara is the Planetary Logos, apparently the greatest of the Avatars. He is the God of this Universe and He oversees ascension initiations in the inner planes. He has an Ascension seat in Shamballa, over Gobi Desert, where you may ask to go in meditation.

Vywamus - the higher self of Sanat Kumara. Vywamus is the higher self of Sanat Kumara. Sanat Kumara is the Master of Shamballa, also known as The Ancient of Days, who en-souled the Earth up until recently. Vywamus is reported to have had 32 lives in a physical existence in another galaxy, one of which included being a channel. An expert in communication and channeling Vywamus is specifically focusing the energies of joy, laughter and self-love to aid Earth and humanity in their evolution to higher consciousness.

A very high frequency energy bringing profound wisdom on a mass level concerning the relationship between humanity and our planet Earth. Assists in the Ascension Process. He is very much concerned with the Ascension of planet Earth. Ascension is achieved by increasing the amount of Light and the amount of Love that your cellular structure can hold. This Light and this Love is flowing from the Source.

According to Church Universal and Triumphant, the Sanat Kumara is the leader of mankind. It has been said that he is the leader of the Illuminati, and it is he who will rule the world in the future. According to certain esoteric, mystic and gnostic traditions, Sanat Kumara (eternal youth in Sanskrit) and 144,000 souls from planet Venus came to Earth in her darkest hour to hold the light of God.

Notable beings in the 144,000 include Jesus, Gautama Buddha, and Maitreya Buddha.
Sanat Kumara is the great guru, savior of Earth. Believers see him in all the major religions, as Skanda/Kartikkeya in Hinduism, Brahma-Sanam Kumara in Buddhism, Ancient of Days in Judeo-Christianity and Ahura Mazda in Zoroastrianism. It is also considered that Sanat Kumara is Al Khdir (green man) known to Sufi Muslims (According to Dakshinamurti).

A shrine to Sanat Kumara which attracts and unites people of all religions and faiths is situated in the town of Kataragama, Sri Lanka.

Shamballa, the etheric retreat of Gautama Buddha is the ancient home of Sanat Kumara. The retreat, once physical on an island of the Gobi Sea, is now anchored in the etheric plane over the Gobi Desert. Here are the headquarters of the Great Brotherhood of Light on earth. In eastern tradition, Shamballa is the name of an earthly paradise somewhere between the Himalayas and the Gobi Desert.

The main temple of Shamballa has a gold dome and is surrounded by fountains and seven minor temples, on a wide avenue lined with trees, flower and tropical birds. On the altar blazes the threefold pink, blue and gold flame of divine love, wisdom and power. The star of Sanat Kumara hangs on the ceiling above it.

Palace of Light, in one of the sub-planes of the "physical" octave of the planet Venus

Other names for Sanat Kumara:

The Seed
The Great Sacrifice
The One Initiator
The Voluntary Exile
The Silent Watcher
The One Kumara
The Lord of Flame
The Ancient One
The Mighty Lord of Fire
The Point of Blue within the hidden diamond
The Root-Base (relating to the Earth as the base center)
The Son of Will and Yoga (the first ray Monad--the first ray Rishi)
The One Set Apart (as all initiates are set apart)
The Tree (the chain of Hierarchy)
The Ever-Living-Human-Banyan
The First Hierophant
He who changes form, yet remains ever the same
Lord of the Sacred Isle (or Shambhalla)
The First of the First
The One and the Supreme
The Youth of Eternal Summers
The Youth of Endless Summers
The Youth of Timeless Aeons
The Light of Life Itself
The Wondrous One
The Lord of Venusian Love
The Great Kumara within the Flaming Sword
The Peace of All the Earth
Fountainhead of the Will of the Planetary Logos
Lokapati and Locan'tha, the Lord of the World
Vishnu Krishna
Padmapani Chenresi (the lotus-bearer) or Avalokitesvara
Chenresi Vanchug, the powerful and all-seeing
Protector of Tibet
Savior of Humanity
Chantong, he of the 1,000 eyes
Jigten-gonpo, Protector and Savior against evil
Hermes, the Interpreter


" Oh if you could but project in your consciousness to the day of your Ascension. Consider what that will be like for you to no longer have any struggle in the outer extremities, warring against the disciplines that you command. When all that you are is under the canopy of the Love of your God Presence, all that you will accomplish is by that Love and all that you desire to draw into you will be by that Love.

"Think what your life would be like even this very day if you had mastered the way of Love, if you had learned how that Love demands that it be the one to command your affairs, and how it is that Love that is commanded and draws forth all of the necessities of life that you desire and that you require for any purpose. Then the to and fro action of the igniting of each erg of energy of Love - moving, shaping, coalescing, fashioning, forming - allows for the build up in your world of the acceleration you require for your Ascension. And it is all swirling about the White Fire Core of your Being and you are in your right place and you have understood finally what We have taught.

"Establishing the Brotherhood of Light long ago for the Earth was an act whereby I called forth those who would respond to assist the Sons and Daughters of God in holding to these Patterns of God Identity so that they would know the difference between God and their own human foibles. That line of demarcation would be clear, no longer confusing or confounding. If you have found yourself at that place even in this lifetime, I tell you - call to the Brotherhood of Light, for their job is to assist you in parting those seas of unreality in your life to flow out and be no more, and to allow the Fountain of Light - that you are - to unfurl and take its rightful dominion, bringing about clarity of consciousness, the keen vision and the understanding of how, when you are within the Will of God, the Love of God is there, the Love of God is flowing, the Love of God is taking dominion in your life and the Love of God is blessing all mankind and moving out across the land. And you are a part of that activity and it is very good. And you can no longer deny the Presence of God in your life moving, shaping, forming every aspect and drawing you into a greater use.

"For yes Blessed Hearts, these outer vehicles were designed for your Presence to use, not to abuse like many have experienced their outer vehicles abused by their human creation, their human ego. No Blessed Hearts, but to be used, to be played upon, not unlike you have already heard from the Maha Chohan this very day. But let that playing be done by the fingers of God Love, exercising God Wisdom. And in that direction of the Will of God, let the White Fire of the Core of one’s own Divinity shine forth and be the Magnet for the Essence of God Love all about you."

Anointed Representative®, Carolyn Louise Shearer

Call to Sanat Kumara- Preparing for 2012 and Beyond

Ascended Masters Teachings

Ascended Master Teachings as given through Their Anointed Representatives

Research Material:
Ascended Masters- Who are they?
Ascension Research Center

The Temple of The Presence

Sharing Love note:

In honoring a vision that had been humbly received. In this vision was re-given an ancient text, translated into three languages. Which is a contract that had to be signed in love & trust, and so the 'Ascended Master Teachings' is here for all to share in love & trust that we honor their timeless wisdom and uphold it original designation 'Our Divine Creator' divine light working through 'Ascended Masters. Anointed Representatives Galactic Free Press- File Archival The Ascended Master Teachings.


"When we awaken a Master Ascends within."



Thank you, Tau

Rain's picture

Thank you, Tau. Reading this has touched me very deeply.


namaste, Brother