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Some Ascension Concepts





by GLR Yojman
Humanity seeks comfort on all levels, the highest of which is the Comfort of Spiritual Freedom. Once achieved, all other ‘comforts' fall into the background and a Spiritual Peace and Solace abides within and through us, moment to moment ...and through Eternity. This is the Comfort of Cosmic Holy Spirit and is the result of letting go into Ascended and Free Consciousness. Whatever brings true comfort to our physical, etheric, mental and emotional vehicles is laudable, but in finding Comfort of the Soul this is the True Journey of Spiritual Freedom. It is not so much the end point of the journey but the Peace of knowing that one is finally truly on the Eternal Journey! And this is the Comfort point of the Spiritual journey Humanity enters in this Sacred Year of 2012.
The Ascension is a delicate balance of actively achieving it (through pure thoughts, feelings, words and deeds) and letting go of self, time and space ...where (in terms of physics) ‘the wave submits and becomes the ocean.' Seeking Comfort of the Soul guides us in this process of letting go into the Whole ...into Indivisible Flowing Wholeness ...into Coherently Connected Divine Consciousness...into Ascended and Free Humanity ...into Oneness Consciousness with every Solar Christ Self. When we realize we may balance our ‘right effort'[1] in Ascending with the Peace of letting go into the Ascension (like the flower opening into the Sun), we find our own Spiritual Comfort of the Soul.

This is but another aspect of Love's Perfect Balance made manifest...this year's Theme and Thoughtform. It is in finding this balance between yin and yang, centripetal and centrifugal, inbreath and outbreath, in our own Ascension. When the Ascended Masters contemplate the Gathering of Ascended Humanity, they see mostly the ‘effort' side of the equation and a greater need for ‘letting go into the Light.' The same could be said for the great majority of Humanity, where effort is not the problem. So as the Gathering of Ascended Humanity practices the Comfort of Divine Stillness, we draw all Humanity into this same balance ...where many embodiments of effort are now balanced by the Comfort of letting go into the Light. This represents the Sacred Year 2012.

In some ways, comfort is the balance of effort ...where ‘Salvation through Grace' supersedes ‘the effort of Salvation.' We are clear that embodiments leading up to this Cosmic Moment have been mostly based on ‘effort' and rightly so. But in ‘this moment' we have been strongly prompted to focus on the Comfort of Being the Ascension and apply our ‘effort' in that direction ...letting go into the Radiant Light of Ascended and Free Consciousness. We remain people of good will in our thoughts, feelings, words and deeds ...but knowing this also includes most of Humanity.

Let us contemplate the Realms of Spiritual Freedom and Comfort within daily life. Lightservers tend to see these Realms as outside of daily life. It is true these Realms we seek are beyond self, time and space then let us imagine the experience of daily life beyond ego and solely in these Realms of Light. In our visualizations and meditations let us allow our consciousness to soar into Divine Realms. But then let us also transpose this into thoughts, feelings, words and deeds of daily life ...while appearing ‘well balanced' within the Middle Way. This too is Love's Perfect Balance made manifest! Let us affirm that in our current process of ‘letting go' into the Light, into the miracle working I AM Presence ...that this Mighty God-Self now presents the right and perfect thoughts, feelings, words and deeds the right and perfect time and place our command every moment! Contemplate this! I AM the miracle working Presence, there, and everywhere Present!

[1] One of Lord Buddha’s Eight-fold Path.