~Ascension Depression~
If you are one of the ones who are feeling alone, restless, as if waiting for something to happen or something to do, do not despair, but rather consider yourself blessed. This is a sure sign of growth. Imagine if you would that you are alone; completely alone, with no form or matter surrounding you. Do you have a body? No, you are simply awareness in a vast expanse. In fact, this vast expanse is beyond space and time and is your awareness itself. It is called Pure Being. This is the stage that your consciousness is at. Notice how in the past, prior to you had alot of spiritual growth, you could often and easily find something to capture your attention for hours on end, whether it was a favorite hobby of yours or television or even hanging out with certain friends. Now, no matter how much you search or how much you do, nothing looks appealing. You feel that you are somehow slacking on your spiritual growth because life seems to be moving on mundanely with very rare interspersed "spiritual experiences" or synchronicities happening here or there. What is the cause of this? It is because your consciousness is now existing on a level beyond the 3rd dimension and the 4th dimension. When you were on 3rd dimensional consciousness the world was fascinating and you always were so engaged with it and it's structures. You chased after money, women/men, and what you thought would bring you happiness in the realm of form. When you moved to the 4th dimensional consciousness you were still enamored with the physical world but then you started chasing after happiness through many different spiritual methods, trying to learn how you could control physical reality with your mind and thoughts, how you could speak with angels and various beings from different places, astral travel, and all types of astral phenomena. You felt yourself a "spiritual person" more enlightened than those who are only aware of the physical world.
Now you are finding that even that is becomming boring, meaningless, unrewarding, and futile. You feel that all spiritual books are saying the same thing. You feel that nothing in the physical world no matter how much you search for it could bring you lasting pleasure or satisfaction. Money, women/men, and all the physical objects are there and still attractive to a small part of you but a much vaster part of you feels this deep and unfuflilled yearning for something much greater than what can be obtained in the physical world of 3D or the astral realm of 4D. This is your transition into 5D. The reason that you feel lonliness, restlessness, and depresion-like symptoms as you make this transition is because you are still grasping towards the former things. Because you don't understand why you feel so far away, so separate from everything, you make a futile struggle to grasp onto some last remnants of the lower dimensions of consciousness in the form of using friends and chatter to try to fill the growing void within or tv, or flirting, or money. Nothing will fill this void and in fact it is not desirable to fill this void with any of the former things. In fact, this void was never really filled with the former trappings of the 3rd and 4th dimension but these things merely helped you to ignore that void. Yet, as you grow towards 5th dimensional consciouness, the void is no longer avoidable. You can no longer ignore it. And you find yourself swept up into it as old relationships are no longer as fulfilling as they used to be or merely gradually dissolve, activities you used to use to love are still enjoyable but not nearly to the extent that they were before.
This is the entrance to the 5th dimension. This void purges all former things away to prepare you to move fully and authentically into a place of Pure Being and Knowing beyond words and study. This it the place where searching and seeking have ceased. No longer do you rely on spiritual methods as a means of advancing spiritually but rather as tools to shape reality. And at this point, no longer do you struggle to shape reality in order to achieve some type of fulfillment as you did in 4th dimensional consciousness, but rather out of the pure joy of creating and experiencing those creations; and because you have fulfillment within yourself, you are no longer attatched to the outcome of what you create.
So, what is the solution to this feeling of restlessness and emptiness? Embrace it. Become it. Experience it fully in the present moment and these feelings will pass like clouds in the vast space of Being. You are moving into the 5th dimension, into the vast void. This void is Pure Being. This void is the heart of God. In this void is infinite peace which brings joy and joy which is the result of unconditional love. Release the past, embrace the present moment, and become. Eneter into the sacred silence and stillness and gradually you will go from emptiness and restlessness to a calm abiding. Peace, Love, and Joy are not dependant on external circumstance. They are unconditional and arise within this space of Eternal Being.
love it.. this was exactly
love it.. this was exactly what i needed to read. thank you
I second that - beautiful, so
I second that - beautiful, so desperately needed for me right now. You saved much self-wrangling and anxiety responses here - bravo! (I think my higher self landed me here as it's the second perfectly timely article I read, the other by Deepak Chopra, but this one takes the buiscuit! xx