Ascension Diary Wednesday 12th September

Oz Angel's picture

Time is still playing silly buggers with me ~ I feel like I'm now living in "the eternal now" as I really have no idea of days or dates, when I'm sending correspondence from my business I find myself having to switch my phone on just so I can recite the time or the day.. The fact that I can say that my relationship with time has changed shows to me how far I have come on my journey. Only a few years ago wherever I looked I would be surrounded by clocks, and would be constantly asking what the time was, how much time we had left (on a certain project), what time did i have to be somewhere etc.. Then one day I got rid of clocks in my house, this didn't happen over night, but gradually one by one the clocks went by the wayside... No bedside clock, no clock in the kitchen, no watch.. These days the only timepiece in my house is the one that is on the front of my microwave. Yet I'm never late for appointments, I have plenty of time to get whatever needs to be done in my day done and find that I am far less stressed. I've now discovered time works 'for' me not 'against' me.. A significant shift in my belief system and one that I've noticed cementing itself to me as a marker on my ascension journey. So I find it interesting that yesterday a common theme I heard when talking to people was time and the varying beliefs that we all hold around it.. I had a realisation when I was talking to a friend over dinner last night that busy is our new collective definition of success.. Think about it, how many times do you hear people ask "You keeping busy" "Have you been busy" "Are you busy".. I could go on and on, and a lot of responses when you ask people 'how' they are will respond with "busy". The realisation I had was this... Busy keeps us in the dark to the truth... If you truly wish to connect with your heart, your higher self, your spirit then you look to slow things down and go within.. Not speed up and go without. That's a pretty significant "A-HA" moment I feel... In terms of 'physical' symptoms... my headache has abated for the moment - I was shown in a dream state that I had been undergoing to some significant light upgrades to my pineal system which was allowing new pathways to be formed and awakening sections of my brain that had not been used in this lifetime.. (that makes sense to me ~ since we according to current medical resources utilise only around 10% of our capacity). My beck and neck continue to crack ~ this too I was shown is as a result of the upgrades taking place to my pineal system.. There is now additional light starting to course through me in a way that is making my 3D body uncomfortable.. The cracks (& groans and cramps etc) are my physical body attempting to house this energy upgrade. I wonder what this period of integration will bring up next... Riding the wave with Love ~ Joy and Abundance





ShaunaLin's picture

I completely resonate with this message. It's comforting to know I'm not the only one feeling these things. It calms the ego's worry. Synchronicity is commonplace through my days now. I spend hours alone with my children are at school and work. Starting to 'see' things with my eyes closed and hearing other's thoughts, though jarbled. (I'll hear something and ask "Pardon?" and they hadn't said anything, but I know I heard their voice as clear as day.) My physical body is having a time with housing the new upgrades. I have cracks in my feet (I feel like it's energetic portals that are a bit overloaded) and my body is achy all over. I've put on weight. More emotional the last 2 days in particular.


Thank you for sharing today :)

Namaste <3


Oz Angel's picture

Namaste Shauna


I thank you for sharing... It still amuses me that I should find such comfort in knowing that others resonate with where my journey has me at the moment.


Funny you should mention that cracked feet - I hadn't even thought of that as a 'symptom' (not sure why) but yes... Mine too... Has been for a few weeks.. So, Thank You!!


Much Love to you my friend..