GFP Note: As part of our new Disclosure Project, we are updating the FAQ/Ascension Primer. We will be updating some sections and adding new ones. Following is an expanded discussion about the Ascension Process.
To read the FAQ/Ascension Primer, visit this page. You can also find the FAQ by going to the main page of the press - the link is at the top, in the center.
Ascension is free. The Light is available to everybody on this planet and this ascension process is really about remembering who you are, finding your own inner guidance, and connecting with your Higher Self. These are all things you can and should do yourself. If you want to participate in paid courses, workshops, etc., that is entirely up to you we do not recommend it. Think about it – do you really need a middleman to help you connect with yourself?
The Kingdom of Heaven is within. We encourage ALL to go within rather than without for Truth. Looking to outside sources for guidance and answers is old paradigm thinking. It means giving away your power. Trusting yourself and developing your own inner guidance is 5D or the New Paradigm.
Charging money for “Spiritual Services” is a sign that one is in spiritual ego. A spiritual ego can only help you make progress to a certain point on the Path to Full Consciousness. If you rely on gurus and spiritual teachers instead of yourself to progress, you will get stuck.
Additionally, relying on sources outside yourself to pursue your own spiritual development can open you up to manipulation and control by the minions and their handlers. Ultimately, letting somebody else take charge of your spiritual development will leave you stuck, uncentered, and unbalanced.
Help is available to you here at The Galactic Free Press. Our Family at The Press is your Family, too. We are One. We are here to support you and provide guidance, assistance, and information. We Love you unconditionally! We are also your Divine Mirrors – reflections of you that help you see who you really are and what you need to release to connect with your Higher Self. When you connect with us, you dive into the River of the Oneness Energies. You can contact us at any time and also join us in the chat room every day for support. We also provide Awakening Sessions to assist you. You can read more about our Awakening Sessions in this FAQ.