~Ascension Q & A ~ What Are Gatekeepers~
Q: Hi, Carla, What are gatekeepers? I just listened to a reading with AA Michael and there was mention of gatekeepers. What do they do? AAM said that some people went to the 5th dimension on 11~11 and now they are acting as gatekeepers.
A: Great question and very timely!
Firstly I want to explain what gatekeepers are NOT. I do this because there is an engrained metaphoric image of a saint at the gates of heaven deciding if you will be allowed to enter the “promised land”. This is a manipulation by the organized religions of earth and not at all true.
Metaphorically speaking, gatekeepers are not keeping the gate closed and deciding your fate. They are holding the gate open and inviting you through.
There is no entity between you and the realization of your vaster self. There is only the brushing away of the limitations you self imposed as part of the Earth adventure – which then reveals to you the vaster self you are.
Those referred to by AA Michael as “gatekeepers” are also called “the first wave”, or similar type references. These are individuals who have learned how to release the limitation they took on as part of their human experience, alter the frequency of their lightbody, and experience life in a 5th (or higher) dimensional resonance. They are fully conscious of themselves as light beings. They usually have the ability to access the full information of the One Divine Consciousness. They are “wayshowers”. They have taken on the responsibility of creating an energy template which allows others to discover their truth more easily.
On a vaster scale, everything has a particular harmonic resonance. In order for you to have a human experience you had to alter your light resonance so you would only be aware of a very limited spectrum of life. In order for you to do that, other aspects/facets of your vaster self agreed to “hold a particular vibration” so you would always have the ability to return to your knowingness.
As Spirit explained to me, using the term “integrity” in the scientific way – there needs to be a certain “integrity of resonance” for creation to maintain harmony. So, when one facet of your soul said, “I want to go play as a human”, other facets of your soul said, “we’ll stay here and ‘hold the vibe’ so you won’t get totally lost.”
A similar thing is happening with the gatekeepers/wayshowers. They are facets of souls who have had a human experience. Some of them are very old souls who may not have known their vibrational essence when they were born. They have been in the process of awakening for quite some time. Others are very pure consciousness who chose to have a human experience at this time for the purpose of assisting humanity in the mass ascension. Many of these people came to Earth remembering that they are here simply to “hold a vibration” as a template for others to benefit from.
Energetically speaking this template is a vibrational example. It is not like a pattern that must be repeated and reproduced. It is a particular vibrational frequency that serves to attract more of the same. Most clearly, it is the vibration of unconditional love and appreciation for All That Is. By standing on Earth and Being this vibrational resonance they have served as conduits of energy between heaven and earth. This has allowed a finer frequency of Light to reach the earth, be integrated into the energy grids above earth, and more importantly be anchored into the center of the earth.
Now, they have reached a vibrational range which allows them to experience a different dimension. There are lots of humans who have tapped into the higher dimensions for short periods of time, but these dedicated soul facets have learned to remain in that dimensional frequency. Some of them are able to actually adjust their frequency from one dimension to the next. These are the gatekeepers.
They know exactly what it takes to transition from the limitation of the human adventure to the awareness of self as a vaster expression in harmony with All That Is. They are able to, quite literally, beam compassion across the planet and hold the vibrational truth of the higher dimensions – thus providing an energetic bridge for others to follow.
If you pluck one guitar string and wait you will see that the other strings begin to vibrate also. There is transference of resonance. This is what the gatekeepers are doing. They are serving as a particular “note” in the orchestra of ascension, thus giving others a pattern to “match vibrations” with.
I have to add that the wayshowers are not going to remove the stones from your path for you. That is your personal responsibility. They are going to shine a light on that path so you always have the ability to SEE – provided you are willing to remove your own blinders. I will also add that not all of these people have “disappeared” from the planet as part of their ascension. There are many people walking around looking much like an ordinary human, but responding to life from the vantage point of their vaster awareness of self.
It is entirely possible to be eating chocolate, watching a sunset, while bathed in and emanating the Love of Source energy, all at the same time. That was never possible (en mass) on Earth before, but it is now. Welcome to ascension. Welcome to the awareness, connectedness, and feeling of Source Love while walking in form. It is available to all who seek it at this time.
It is important to make the distinction between 3d and form. Many people think that being in form means that you are in 3d. Not so. Form is form, and form can resonate in dimensional frequencies other than 3d.
I’m going to take this discussion a little bit deeper and broach the actuality of what is taking place with the gatekeepers. Depending on your individual belief system you may, or may not be able to embrace this – quite yet.
In truth you are pure consciousness, and there is only One Consciousness. But let us say, for illustrative purposes, that the One Consciousness decided to fractal itself in order to have different experiences. As one of those fractals, you chose to have a human adventure. You designed a holographic program that would allow you to resonate in a particular frequency range. The unique characteristics of this holograph were that those pretending to be the holographic projections could only see others who were in the same frequency range – 3d. While others, vibrating in a variety of frequencies could always see each other and you.
The “gatekeepers” figured out they were vibrating in a limited range, and “did the work” of adjusting their frequency. Now, they can see the other aspects of creation and you. Once you have made that adjustment you are flooded with compassion and want to help the others who cannot yet see. So, they are saying to us, in the way they live their lives, “This is how you can change the frequency of your holograph. And I’m going to stand right here, with my focus on your journey, holding this vibration until you begin to comprehend how it is done – if you want to.”
It is also worth noting that those who might have “disappeared” from the planet have not actually gone anywhere. They are simply resonating in a different range. Think of it like the dial on your radio. All the signals are always being beamed out into the airways. You choose which one you want to “participate with” based on the tuning of your own dial.
There have always been aspects of Source whose responsibility it is to keep an eye on the Earth adventure. These cosmic beings have always known that Earth would continue her dance within Creation, and that all holographic projections eventually realign with Source. There have been times in Earth’s history when portions of humanity achieved ascension. Entire cultures learned how to make the vibrational transition. But, as little as 30 years ago, it was not known that humanity and earth would share the experience of shifting vibrations together – in synchronicity with each other.
We created the possibility and the actuality of this event. Yes, we have had a lot of help. In fact, countless beings from throughout creation are focused on Earth right now – wondering what we will dream up next. These are entities who truly know that whatever you dream is what you experience…and they are watching to see what we will dream up.
That opens the door for an entirely different discussion, which I’ll save for another day.
I hope this broadens your awareness about the gatekeepers. If you have questions about adjusting your resonance and living in the vibrations of the higher dimensions check out Aligning with Soul. >>>
Espavo ~