Ascension What’s Ascension all about Alfie?

Lia's picture


Thank You to Galaero A.E. Aurelius


      To me Ascension is mainly about humanity waking up to the reality that we are all one - and also that we are more than we appear to be.
     The earth is undergoing a transformation as she moves into a higher frequency and if we as a collective consiousness connect with her electromagnetic grid and raise our own vibrations we can literally transform ourselves.
Where does Reiki fit into all this?
       Well .. I have been practicing various meditations over the past few years which involve connecting with the earth’s core crystal and the great central sun through portals in the chakra system. During this process one works as a conduit for energies to be transferred from heaven to earth.  >      

     "This is the legendary Rainbow Bridge, from the Galactic Mother (Tula) to the Earth Mother Gaea.   There exist a full rainbow bridge of "sound & light", together to form this all knowing connection between the two most important feamales in our Galaxy -Tula & Gaea.

     This has struck me to be very similar to how we practice Reiki. We ‘get out of the way’ and let the energy do the work.

Where did these meditations come from?
      I have been guided to them by various means & they have all seemed `right’ to me. This may not be other people’s path as we are all unique but it has seemed to be very natural to me.

 Another aspect of Ascension is remembering.
        As we wake up we begin to remember who we really are. One of the meditations I have been practicing involves reconnecting the DNA and our chakra system. The mind is a powerful tool and even if this were not `true’ the idea of reconnection within the body is enough to change our biological make up so I believe that this is a very powerful technique.
       It is said that Ascension is happening regardless of whether humans do this consiously but I believe that we all have a unique chance to experience some powerful energies by remembering our connections to the universe in this way.
      By connecting with our higher selves and being guided from within I feel that I am remembering who I am and as long as these experiences resonate and feel true then I feel that I am being guided to where I need to be.

      During this process of Ascension we have been asking to release all that no longer serves us.

Once we have released, released & released some more     guess what?  You find that there is more to release.

      Ascension for me has felt like I have jumped into a hot air balloon.    First I cut the strings ( a lot of family stuff, religion and Nationality ties ) & then it has been a case of finding sand bags hiding in the base of the basket which I have then proceeded to chuck overboard so that I could get a bit higher & feel a bit lighter.   

The funny thing is just how many sand bags there are.

    Each stage feels a little lighter & freer, this had led me to wonder about what is termed our ‘ Multidimensional selves’. In this moment & every moment we have choices & these choices give voice to each dimension. Therefore in this moment we are in the possibility of several dimensions.  Mind – blowing really isn’t it?

      We have the choice to be aware & act accordingly & therefore make a choice which raises our vibrations or act out of habit & miss that opportunity.


For some reason WE as human beings, act so often out of duty & often this choice lowers our vibrations.


      The amusing thing is that while WE are doing what WE think WE ought to do, WE are not doing anyone a service least of all ourselves.  I believe that actually WE are here to enjoy ourselves. If WE make the choice to do what brings us joy, WE will raise not only our own vibrations but those of everyone around us-so the next time I think of doing something because I think I ‘should’     I am going to try to step back, (< I love this phrase-WE call it moon walking) &  choose again.

     A lot of the time WE - especially feamales, are programmed from an early age to please others & when 

     WE make choices which please ourselves WE can be accused of being ‘selfish’.  I believe that when WE follow our joy WE are not being selfish.  WE are taking our place in the world, fulfilling our dreams & most importantly being who WE really are.

      ‘Be yourself , everyone else is taken’  - I love that saying and it couldn’t be more true on the Ascension path. To truly be ourselves is what is needed WE necessary in order to take our place in this jigsaw of humanity & fulfill our role in this life & beyond.

8/8/10 – Lion’s Gate

& just to prove this point,

    Today I had the choice to do something which I suppose I thought I ‘ought’ to do .. or do what I would really like to do. I had thought of visiting someone who I usually find a bit of a challenge & quite often come away from very quite low … or .. because it was such a beautiful day-go & have a picnic on the riverbank.

      I chose the latter.  My daughter and I brought some paints and we painted while listening to music out in the sun by a  clear river in one of the most outstandingly beautiful places in the world ( which I am also very lucky to be living in :-) … I was richly rewarded by having a lovely day, the radio station I was listening to played Stevie Wonder’s Higher Ground :-) … followed by George Harrison’s My Sweet Lord :-)  …


I am beginning to see what happens when I follow my joy ! It is a if the Universe is letting me know that it is ok.



