ASHTAR ~ Energy Update – Integrating Golden Energy for Ascension
Ashtar ~ Energy Update ~ Integrating Golden Energy for Ascension
Ashtar, who is a high vibrational Being of Light of the 5th dimension an upward, and who watches over activity on a Galactic Level, has given me an energy update this morning, which we would like to share.
The Planet is beginning to take on the form of Golden Light. If you allow it, you may feel this influx of divine Golden Energy. It will enter into the energy streams of your body and raise your consciousness closer to that of an Ascended Master on earth.
Your Guardian Angels will direct the flow of this radiant Light in such away that most suits and honors you and your level of progress. Allow it just to soak into your body and being as your resonance begins to acquire the frequency of Golden Light.
This has begun a process that, once seen to completion, results in a pure, Ascended status.
You need to meditate, and breathe. You are already in an Ascended State, from a higher point of view, and yet your physical mind simply needs to become aware of this fact. That is what the discipline is about, of meditating and cultivating high vibrational practices into your every day experience. This is an act of love which allows the God-Force within you to be fully accepted into your reality.
I AM Ashtar, and I love you.