
"There is always such a rush to accomplish so much by a certain date, and depending upon where you live in the World, and what your particular - which holiday among the Holy Days you particularly celebrate - there always seems to be a date on your calendar that is the: 'I've got to get it done or else, I mess it all up, I screw up I can't do that.' And so there you are with your cards, and your letters, and your gifts, and your shopping, and your food preparations, and so on, and so on. And this is all wondrous activity, but where is the time for you?
"Where is the time for you to be unto yourself, unto yourselves, individually, we shall say? And do you have the time, as you measure it, to be with others who are of like mind, and like heart, and be in the true connections of what the Holy Days are all for? Now we're not here to lecture on what the Holy Days are for, because there are many interpretations, and many manners of celebration which are joyful, and joyous, and beautiful. And so we shall say it's all wondrous indeed.
"Oh yes, that jolly man who lives at the North Pole is coming for the children, and if you allow that child within each and every one of you to laugh, and dance, and sing along with the World - the World that is in celebration - indeed it is upliftment of the most joyful kind! And there are perhaps, you would say, not so much the fun, jumping, and leaping kinds of celebrations, but there are the celebrations of the Heart, and that is what we're here to join in together.
"And so the celebrations of the Heart are where you go within, and you nurture, and you bring in that Love energy into your own beings, and then you share. And it does not depend upon the price tag of the gift that you give, or receive. Giving of your own beautiful, loving, radiant Selves, Beloved Ones, that's the gift.
"Now you have heard my Brother Sananda when he was in the lifetime of Yeshua - very much into that lifetime. And he has said, 'The greatest gift of all is Love,' and that is Truth. Now you know there are all kinds of Love. The kind of Love that we are most often in discussion of is that which is the highest, most powerful energy in the Universe; it is unconditional, and it is everywhere. Go ahead, just reach out and feel that Love! Invite it into your circle of being, your energy fields, and feel how wondrous it is.
"We have all done an Exercise a time or two where we have brought that Lovelight right in, and down into our Hearts, and then shared it with Planet Earth, and the Universe beyond. And we have to tell you that even though there are many more Lights - and you can consider this our year end report, if you wish, although we shall do another one before the calendar flips over - but it is most joyful to tell you that the Lights are shining brighter than, for instance, at the beginning of this 2011 year, or at any time. And that is because, Beloved Ones, you're awake, and you are giving this great gift of Love - you are paying it forward, and you are sharing it!
"And, we are not here to talk of the literally infinite ways, and the possibilities, in which you can share Love. You're already doing that with your own beautiful Selves, and with each other. And it is as we come together that we really get to feel it, because that's what we're about.
"You see we have had a very big turnaround in the mission of the Ashtar Command, because you called it forth! And now more and more of you are finding that in your daily lives you are making big turnarounds, because you are listening to your Hearts, and you are saying, 'Wait a minute, this J-O-B job is not what I have passion for, and I'm going to pursue my passion. And guess what, I'm going to catch up with it, and I'm going to live it, and I'm going to BE in it, because I've done enough of that 3D on the wheel, in-the-box stuff, and I'm going beyond.'
"That, Beloved Ones, is a beautiful expression of Love for yourself. And what happens is, as you get into your new endeavor, your new profession, and you feel the passion for it, guess what? Anyone who connects with you through your profession, your new one that you have passion for is going to pick up on the passion, is going to get that gift of Love from you.
"It does not matter what your passion is. Do you want to teach in a classroom? People will flock to you, because you are radiant with that Love. Do you want to fix food for people? Oooh! There's a good one, because now you have a physical substance into which - guess what? You can beam that Love. And maybe somebody will come to you and say, 'Your food is heavenly, or divine, or some such thing as that.' And you'll say, 'Oh, thank you! I'm so happy that you're enjoying my meatloaf,' or whatever it is!
"You see, there are so many ways to express Love, but you've got to be in Love to express Love. You've got be in Love within your entire energy fields, and then you are what we would call an 'Automatic Beamer.' There is no question, you are just simply lighting up the World with your Love, and when you allow yourself to Love yourself enough to let it in, to follow your passion, to open up, did you know that each one of you has a goodie bag that's way more powerful than the one that that Jolly fellow from the North Pole carries around?
"That's your gift, Beloved Ones. You brought a bag full with you. We're not talking about baggage. We're talking about your gifts, your goodie bag . And you can open up your goodie bag, and you can share with the World, if you want to.
"You can be high-dimensional Santa Claus, if you choose to be so. And do you know what - that can be a way of pursuing, and living your passion, can it not? How many more of you - and we know this, because we've got the inside scoop, we get to talk with you occasionally one-on-one* - are wanting to do something that is broadly defined as something to participate in the healing of the Planet?
"This is huge! Look back in your own history/herstory just from this lifetime. Now when you were, let us say, at an age where you were mostly - and most of you still are, earning income, creating shelter, food and all of those things that you need to have - how many of you thought that you could be doing this, or better yet, wouldn't even need to receive any payment, because money's going the way of the dinosaur?!
"Well dinosaurs - there's another World - dinosaurs and money will be part of that World, but not part of where we're going. We're already there, of course, but we're telling you that you're coming. So just imagine, you don't have to be concerned about earning money! Now if somebody told you, when you learned to do whatever profession you have, that there would come a day when all you'd need to do is Love what you're doing! You don't need any paper telling the World what a well- educated person you are. You only need your own Heart, your own Inner Wisdom, and your Joy, and Love of yourself, and then of humanity.
"And there are so many of you, Beloved Ones who are wanting to get beyond to this, and we're telling you: 'Hang on!' It's very short in time as you measure time, when you will be free to express all that you have passion for. There's only one rule of higher dimensional lifestyle, and that is simply that you be fully present with your Joy, that you love yourself as you love everyone else, and that you love everyone else as you love yourself.
"And then, of course, we don't even need the obvious expression expressed from a more negative perspective, which is, 'Don't hurt anybody!' Because nobody is going to even think about that. How could you want to hurt anyone anyway when you love them so much, when you love them so unconditionally, when you have Joy, and you've opened your goodie bag, and you've got your gifts, and you say, 'Well, step right up World - what would you like me to share with you?'
"We'll tell you this: It makes no difference which Holy Day you are observing, or whether you observe any - any, at all. You're lighting up anyway. If you have decided not to engage in the activity of having a Christmas tree, just be the tree, full of Lights, full of Joy. And there is only one gift, let us say, that you really need to give to yourself, and that is Love. And when you do that you automatically light up, and then automatically you share it with the world anyway. Isn't that delightful?! That's the thing about Love - it's contagious in a beautiful, beautiful, way, and you're doing it, and you're opening your goodie bags!!!
"And, so many of you now are really giving some, what we would call - not solid, because we're not solid up in higher dimensionality - but you're, let's say, giving some higher vibrational focus to loving yourselves, and loving what you do, to living your passion, and helping to heal the Planet, and you have literally unlimited options, and potentials, and possibilities. Because as we're going to find in our Exercise, you can find something everywhere that could stand more Love, more Light, more healing activity. And that's what this particular Holy Days Season is most for. It's called 'get ready!'
"You can fasten your seat belt, or you can get up and dance. We don't have any signs that say you have to stay in your seat with your seat belt fastened. For some of you that's a good thing, and for others it might be that you do want to dance your way into this, what you call 2012 year, however you choose to express yourselves, just be Love! That and your goodie bag and you're good to go, as they say, because we're going places, yes indeed, places in the Universe, places within your own Beloved Beings. And that's what this Holy Days Season is for, is to beam within yourselves in Love, to open your goodie bags, and see what gifts that you have that you have the most passion for sharing. And be joyful, and yes be comfortable with that sharing!
"Now you have heard the report from Masters Tara and Rama.** Now these are matters of 3D, but they are matters which are important, because what they are doing is literally breaking down the boxes of 3D, which have kept humanity on the wheel of experience, coming back, coming back, coming back, to get it right, get it right, raise the vibrations, and finally come home, and that's where the consciousness is coming.
"Home, Beloved Ones, and we have in the Ashtar Command, and the Ascended Masters, and the Angelic Realms, and the Divas, and the Fairies - we have your permission to come and meet you, and that's what we're doing, and we're having a busy time of it. You can consider us all your helpers, your assistants, your team, and that's why we keep saying, 'Call on us!' We think we finally got through to the Voice, and she's been doing that - because you are not alone. Nobody is alone! We're all connected through the dimensional veils, through the portals, which are opening wider and wider, and those veils are almost gone, almost!
"Now there is one group of people, though, on Planet Earth, and they have a special need. You see, you might think that they've been the ones who've been kind of hovering above you in the boxes, and just because they've been running the show, we want to change that image, because we want you to know that they actually have been in the most imprisoning of the boxes, because of the programs that they have been running.
"And we're talking of the ones that Masters Tara and Rama are talking about, the ones who are finally leaving the stage. You know, they promised that they would do that, oh let's see, over ten years ago in your time, as you measure it on your calendars, but they didn't keep their promises. You see, they didn't understand; they were in such dark places. They would not allow in the smallest glimmer of Light, so they didn't get it like you did. They didn't wake up.
"Now we've been walking through walls and dropping in here and there, and doing some things to get them to wake up, and some of them have. We've already reported on that, but what you're seeing is what you might call the exodus as these ones finally leave the stage - not necessarily because they want to, but because time is up for them. It is extremely important that the energies, or we should say the vibrations of Planet Earth, remain high. So all of a sudden you're going to have all this stuff coming out in your news media, and on your internet, and it's going to be talked about more and more - it already is.
"We told you a long time ago that 'sexgate' was going to break it all open, and believe me, when you look on your computer, when you dial onto the internet, and you get all of these news headlines. We are finding that at least one-third of them have to do with 'sexgate.' It's a very low vibrational interpretation of one of the gifts that everybody has in the human body, but these ones have turned it into another prison box for those who are, what you, call their victims.
"And then you have 'moneygate' - 'greedgate' - let's call it by it's real name shall we? 'Greedgate,' and you know who are involved in that, because you know you've got these wonderful people occupying everywhere, so you know all about that one, and there are some movies out there that are pretty real. We shall make a recommendation. Go see 'Margin Call' if you can, behind the scenes, and it's as cold, and incompassionate as you could possibly imagine, so when you're sitting there, flood them. They're just actors acting, but flood them with Compassion, because you're getting the true behind-the-scenes look.
"Now things have advanced since that movie came, since the events in that movie happened, and it's even worse, much worse, and you'll see that too. So what do you do? Bring your goodie bag along, and make sure it's full of Compassion, and beam it at these ones, these 'moneygate,' 'greedgate' ones!
"And then there's the 'dogmagate.' Oooh! Sananda is addressing that. Well, you know what I'm talking about -all these rules that have been so confining, and restrictive, and cruel, all these eons of time. Why? Well you know why, and there have been mis-interpretations deliberately made. Our guest speaker*** tonight is one who really knows about that, but from a little different perspective than you might imagine at this moment, but we shall unfold that.
"We are simply wanting to tell you, no matter what it is, and in many cases it's multiple gates that these ones have created -and we like the word 'gate,' because it's like going into this really deep, dark, box of a place that is a prison. So they've entered through more than one gate - imagine that - multiple gates. Their burdens are heavy - they're heavy. You've got Lights streaming into you, and you have Light streaming through you, and Light streaming out of you, so you are much lighter than these ones. So just please remember your Compassion.
"You can Love them compassionately. It doesn't mean that you have to accommodate them, obey them, or in any way support them in their programs. You know there's such a thing as called 'tough Love,' and this is a pretty good thing. You can send them messages of compassionate Love, but 'tough Love,' and you can say, 'Hey, you're busted!' Oooh, I love the lingo - 'I forgive you, I release you from any judgment that I may have now, or ever have had, and thus I create my future connection with you to be totally without judgment, just Compassion, just Love.' You can do that!
"We did an Exercise a while ago. This is a good one. It's a very good one for the Holy Days. If you have a little time off from work, or school, or whatever, get out your Star Wars DVD's, or go rent them. Oh, you can rent them for very little dollars, and you watch them, and you start with number one. And there's this little boy, and he is so adorable, precocious, a little genius. You might liken him to a Crystal child. He is so easy to fall in Love with. Really love, adore, and just think he is wonderful, and he's a bright shining little boy, and his name is Anakin Skywalker.
"Then you watch the next movie. You've got to keep on loving that little boy. He's not so little anymore, and things are starting to shape up in ways that are maybe a bit uncomfortable, but suspend judgment, forgive, have Compassion, and Love that boy. And of course you know who Anakin Skywalker became, and that Darth Vader guy has been used as a symbol of evil and darkness throughout the Universe.
"Well, evil's in the eye of the beholder, and you'll find out at the very end, if you don't already know - well that's all right, it's not a secret - Love prevails! That one so dark, so judged to be evil, returns to the Light. You've got to watch all six movies to get to that point, but it's well worth it. Now the question is: Anytime that you start feeling 'Oooh!' He's really a nasty guy, or something like that, can you bring yourself back to compassionate, forgiving - as in absence of judgment - Love? Of course you can!!!
"After all it's only a movie, but it's a pretty well made movie, and if you know within your being, or perhaps you have some inside info, there's a lot of Truth in that movie. You know a lot of the movie makers these days, and the ones who write the books, they're real connected, and they get a lot of Truth, and what you might want to call history/herstory. They have ways of showing Truth to the World. They have ways of presenting entire stories, such that your vibrations just go up, and up, and up. And they have ways of presenting stories that might have some darkness to them, which is an opportunity for you to have your vibrations go up, and up, and up. So enjoy whatever opportunities you have to be in touch with yourselves, to be connected within yourselves.
"And now here's the really big thing. This is a gift that every one of you has in your goodie bag, every one of you. Everyone in the World has this gift, and it is the gift of Gratitude, and it is to say, 'Thank you, thank you, thank you, for showing me,' whatever it is. You're not judging it, you're just saying thank you, and you're sending your Lovebeams out to any situation! Just imagine!
"Let's say that you can look at parallel realities. Well, you all can. Let's just say that you're driving in your car, and you're on your way to a destination, and all of a sudden you see some blue lights flashing behind you, and you know it's not Archangel Michael, and so you pull over, and here is somebody, and they want to see your license, and they write something down, and you look at that, and you say $300. dollars. I wasn't going that fast.
"And they say, 'Well, just up ahead around the bend, if you'd stayed going at that rate of speed, you would have crashed. There's a big obstacle up there, and you would have just gone right into it!' And you say, 'Oh, one moment please, I need to check my parallel reality here,' and so you leave for a moment, you go back and you look and you see yourself, and there you are crashed, crushed, crumbled, whatever you want to call it. You didn't make it with your body through that event. You left your body because your body was so mangled and hurt. And so you come back, and you say, 'I don't know how I can possibly express my thanks to you. I am so grateful to you, because I have a lot to do here on this Planet, and by the way, do you have any tickets with you to the Policeman's ball? I would like to make a donation!'
"Now you can see how that all works, and you can see the multiple infinite opportunities to have these events, these kinds of interactions come up for you. You can interact, you can interact with a movie, or with your internet screen you know, or with your television set, or your radio. You just send that Love right on the airwaves, send it right back to whatever energy is coming at you. Of course you can be interactive with living beings right there in your face, so to speak, or in your space, and all living beings.
"You know there is a reason, and since it's a Holy Days Season, and everybody's going to be doing some kind of feasting of some kind or other, let's bring this up right now. There is a reason why, there is a custom that so many of you observe, which is to bless your food. Well, you want to thank your food. It doesn't matter if it came from an animal, or a plant - whatever is agreeable for you to be consuming. You want to thank that living being for bringing it's life force energy. Do you think it's dead? Not really, it still has an energy field, everybody does you know.
"Everybody's got a spirit, and even if the body dies, the spirit lives. Animals have spirits, plants have spirits - energy fields let's say. So thank them. You know why, because when you express thanks, the response is a smile from the spirit of that food. And guess what happens when you eat it - you're eating Joy and Love. It's a good reason to bless your food before you eat it, even if it's thirty seconds, it's still a wondrous thing to do!
"So Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude - in expression more and more!!! This is what has happened since we have been communicating through this Voice. Years have passed, and the fundamentals remain the same. Only, guess what? You have brought yourself farther along your Ascension Paths, and so you know more, you have more openness. You have your Hearts open to receive Love, and you understand how important it is that you bring the Love of the Universe - that highest energy of all - bring it into yourselves and then share it. You have your goodie bags and you know it!
"You are communicating, let's say even in communion more and more within your own Divine Beings, and with the entirety of the Planet Earth and Beyond. And so we shall conclude this discussion by saying thank you to you, Beloved Ones, you're all treasures, you're all gifts, and you're all bright shining Lights! Thank you for allowing us to be with you. We have so many gifts yet to share with you. We are here with you every step of the way, and indeed we bring so many different ways of freeing you, and Beloved Mother Gaia, from the boxes which have been quite prevalent!
"So we're all going to dance together. And you, Beloved Ones, shine forth in your passionate expressions, and know, KNOW that whatever it is you choose to do, or be, or yes to have - Mother's**** tapping me on the shoulder and reminding me that it is OK to have that little red sports car if you so desire, and of course it is. It is you blessing yourselves, Beloved Ones, and we thank you for blessing us, and for allowing us to come and be in close communion with you. We have longed for this day ourselves, for this time, when we could be in reunion, and we call it communion, because that's what it really is.
"So, look up in your skies, look into your Hearts, you'll find us everywhere, and more and more, because you are shining so bright, Beloved Ones, we will be coming through and shining back at you. So come out at night, especially when your skies are clear. Give us a wave. Send us a Lovebeam, and then be still, and allow us to love you back even more! We've come so far. We have yet a way to go, but it's hand-in-hand and Heart-to-Heart from this moment on. Thank you for sharing your gifts with us, Beloved Ones, and Happy Holy Days to all! And we shall bring forth a guest speaker,*** and we shall do an Exercise of Love - stay tuned.
"And so it is! Salut!"