Ashtar, channeled by Philipp: Update on September 2013. August 5, 2013
In September 2013, you will experience a big leap forward in your consciousness which will confirm all that we have told you. Since many are still in doubt and require more information about this jump we are happy to address this issue once more.
Your Ascension is a process – you are going through a growth period. You are learning much, clearing away old baggage and returning to your original state – as fully conscious Beings of Light.
You have imposed upon yourselves the current limitations in order to experience your 3D illusion. However, your soul is yearning for your return home and, therefore, the game on your world is very close to its expiry date.
There is still a way to go until you reach your goal of full Ascension but we hasten to add that this time is really short, even in your terms.
However, there are some ‘markers’ on your way home whereby you will experience a noticeably big leap forward. So let us explain.
You are constantly clearing away old karma which you have imposed upon yourselves throughout all your lives in the 3D illusion. Isn’t it quite a paradox that while you have created your 3D illusion in order to experience a separation from All That Is, you have at the same time been working on your way back home and releasing all these self-imposed limitations?
You have achieved so much, not only in creating the illusion but in overcoming it. Therefore, you will act as mentors for other Beings that have chosen to experience a similar limited reality. You will help them on their journey back home like we are doing in your case.
Whether you realize it or not, one of the markers which we have talked about was your time around December 21, 2012. We know that many of you are rolling your eyes now when you are reading these words, but if you doubt our words please review your progress since then.
If you are open and honest with yourselves, you will undoubtedly recognise the changes within you.
We ask you again to place your focus on your inner self rather than on the outer realms. Don’t look for outward signs to get a confirmation of where you stand in the Now Moment.
In September 2013, each one of you will make a big leap forward in your consciousness, which will be quite different to that of December 21, 2012. This time you will be really amazed when you do your pre- and post- comparisons – there will be no room for doubt and you cannot fool yourselves.
You had asked for a period of grace and it was granted to you. This period of grace will end in September 2013 and a further prolongation is not possible. Please remember that your Ascension affects many and, due to your request for this period of grace, some alterations in the Divine Plan had to be made. Since many are eagerly awaiting your Ascension, which is a necessary step for their own evolution, this period of grace cannot be extended any further.
You realise that this period of grace until September 2013 is fixed. The extent of the jump in your consciousness will be individual for each and every human being, but each of you will notice it, and your journey after this point will be easier.
There are those amongst you who have decided not to take part in this jump. They have chosen an alternative journey and a different timeline to follow. Honour their free will and their decision.
And last but not least for those of you who doubt our words we suggest the following:
If you are placing your focus on September 2013 expecting that nothing will happen, try to change your focus. Please remember that you invoke those events that you place your focus on. Remember that you are Masters who create their own reality. We suggest looking forward to the time immediately ahead of you in a positive manner.
And if you will allow us to give you some more hints – don’t underestimate yourselves and don’t let yourselves be distracted from your desired outcome by placing your focus on the reports in your media.
In this Now Moment, there is much news intended to create unrest and fear – don’t support such news by focusing on it. If you notice any such news just switch your focus onto that which you desire for yourselves.
We hope that we are giving you some valuable information about the communicated timeline until September 2013. Be joyous and place your focus on that which you wish to create and not on that which you don’t want to experience.
I am Ashtar, your Light Brother who loves you so dearly that words are insufficient to express this Love.
Below once again my friend
How is it going to relate for everyone? How can one be certain within the far reaches of time, the outcomes are to many, for one purposeful meaning within, as without becomes another part of reality.
The rise from the last month... how does one keep stable? They come back every time and time again.
Realizing a paradox, creates a split, a path for accelerations in the trigger, many common 22's relate to all conceived events gathered in the paradox. A shift in frequency, "Higher Mind" constructs the labels on a parallel overlapping the paradox. It's like a 4th dimensional clearing in psycho-navigation............. I am in a juggle, two choices in one point in time, all-ready entered... two choices are now similar from complete opposites of expansions.
Be at One, Namaste,
What are you trying to say?
Once again, Mario, your discourse leaves me scratching my head as I try to understand what only appears to me to be confusion at best. This doesn't appear to be an appropriate response to the very clear and concise article above, in my humble opinion.
Blessings on your path
A Path 7:22 8:22 common 22's on parallel overlapping
Bon chance mon ami hahaha nahh coincidences in my path trying to get good stable balance
Namaste Ron
Do you see the codings
Embeded in numbers look at 9:11 notice what he says
Philipp and Wes
Today you wrote:
"In September 2013, you will experience a big leap forward in your consciousness which will confirm all that we have told you."
We get this a lot from all of the alleged channels/channelers.
"place your focus on that which you wish to create and not on that which you don’t want to experience."
I wrote the book on it, then book II on it in more detail. So here is what you have helped us all place our focus on, and PS I am being positive here, I am positive that you gave us this information early this year, 2013 just as you did early 2012 and we can go back from there with your written transcripts,,,your words:
Ashtar thru Phillip 6/16/13 "You were told, that the transformation of your financial system is a done deal and only waiting for implementation. As well you were told, that the dark ones have no more power to delay or to prevent this any more. This we can confirm and you will also see, why this is so important. In the next days and weeks you will learn more about it and even better, you will experience it. We are looking forward to see, how you rub your eyes in disbelief, asking yourself: "Is this really there? Am I dreaming?" After this short phase you will overflow with happiness and will be totally excited. This on itself lifts you up a great deal and your vibrations raise to higher power. And why do I, Ashtar, tell you this? Because this joy that you will experience with the introduction of the new financial system is absolutely critical and the basis, that disclosure can take place."
Now go back to Feb/March, 2013, you wrote:
Ashtar thru Phillip S. 3/1/13 "Our Creator is full of joy, happiness and love for you and is so proud of your development. His project "Playfield Earth" is coming to a successful close. This grace period until September 2013 was not easy to provide you with. Please don't forget that although you put your focus on your Ascension and that of Gaia, the last which has already taking place. Rest assured that we are well prepared and that we know very well what our job is and what we have to do and when. The timing is perfect and no delays will be allowed. The outside events which we have referred to and which show humanity that Disclosure is here are on your door step and will happen very shortly. And by this, we mean “soon” in your language."
One more for now as reminder to you, you wrote: Ashtar thru Phillip Schlienger by Steve Beckow 2/14/13 “And from your point of view the most wonderful thing is, probably, that we are talking about weeks and not years until this fundamental transformation of your economic system gathers speed and becomes apparent to everyone. And if this stone is rolling, you can also be assured that Disclosure will not be long in coming.”
My most important to you question is this??? In the last years you have told us humans that the NESARA, financial support, free energy devices, replicators, disclosure etc was to happen prior to ascension as to ease us into it. Now you say that we will feel it this Sept. Your time on the promise of this ease into ascension for this year is over again.
One other sincere question to you. When you says weeks in our time, how many months of weeks within them is it that you refer?
I don't know "who" you are channeling Philipp, but if you are in cahoots with the cabal this will come out "soon." If it's lower astral beings, ck in with the Christ Light before you channel. If this is a Being of Higher intelligence, Higher than who? If this is "The Ashtar" then pray for us all. This message is just to butter up the promises of years gone by without direct to subject tangible results of any kind.
We the people don't need or want any nice buttery words to pump us up that are conjured up for self serving agendas that have nothing more to them than such. We want the truth, no matter a time frame involved. If we are not getting that then we are led to believe it is the same ones behind the words that have been placing them in our minds for the last 13,000 years. After all they, with IBM (666-massive under ground initiation of "The Beast" in Europe) were the initial "ones" to allow the computer to "go viral" to the people. Do you think they didn't know what they were doing and have a grip on it to date?
People stay alert to all messages and track them for authenticity.
David Porter
Author of the series
Open your eyes
Just today and yesterday it is all over the internet that HSBC bank is collapsing. This is the biggest domino of them all and so there it is. Time is relative to us all, and is part of the matrix as well. Remember: When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.
Blessings on your path, my brother.
They do Ron
They do change