Ashtar: "We are Progressing with Love!"

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Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - July 9, 2013


"Greetings Beloved Family!  We are so joyful to have this opportunity to be together once more in the closeness of our Gathering!  We assure you that you, too, shall be 'Running on the Water'* in your Dimensional consciousness, or doing any number of wondrous things that you may consider to be not fully possible at this moment.  Nevertheless, it is that you indeed are creators, not only of your next individual moments, but of the World, of the entirety of Planet Earth which is evolving, and which is so close to an entirely new Lifestyle for everyone who chooses it.


"But yes, there are some things to do, some details to clean up, as it were, and we will tell you that we are calling upon each and every Lightworker, whether you see yourselves as a Lightworker, or you are here for the first time wondering what this is all about.  You have heard - we will tell you that as the days of your calendars pass you are coming into an even more powerful time!  This is what Beloved Tara and Rama** were discussing, a time for you to act with all of your beings - your Hearts, your minds, your physicalities, and indeed all of your selves - to bring this forward, or shall we say to elevate yourselves and the entirety of the Planet up and into such a High Dimensionality that you will begin this Golden Age Lifestyle in earnest, for sure!


"It’s not a dream, it’s not a vision held by a few, it is the Birthright, the Divine Birthright of every living being upon Planet Earth, all of Mother Gaia’s kingdoms!!!  And in truth there is more awareness among her other kingdoms than there is in the human kingdom, because you still have this thing called duality; you still have divisiveness, and yes, some of you are down in the dumpies or do get down in the dumpies when you contemplate all of that which has been presented and is not yet 'here' - the visions, the destinations, the Lifestyles, your own Divine activation of your own Divine gifts, so you can run on water, so you can get up on to your ships, so that you can have the abundance that you desire, not just of dollars.


"St. Germain will be speaking more on that topic*** because the interest is so high in that particular category.  But we are talking about your whole Lifestyle - all that it is that you desire, all that it is that you’ve been envisioning - all that it is that awaits you, that is, your physical presence, because a part of you is already there.  You are into that Lifestyle and there is absolutely no turning back.  It is for you to connect with the totality of Who You Are, with your entire Divinity, so that you can be in that connection all the time, as you measure it!


"Now it is true that time is collapsing, it is true that there will be no time when you are full-time in that Lifestyle, but for now, time is a useful tool.  Why do you think you invented it anyway, all those eons ago?  It is a useful tool.  Use it!


"Beloved Tara was urging that you meditate each day. We’re going to tell you a big secret of the universe - just get up there!!! How long you stay in terms of your time is not as important as how high you raise your vibration.  And even if it’s only for a minute or a brief amount of time, it counts!  It empowers you and is a grand gift to all in the World.  So be in Love with yourself; be in Love with all of your selves!  Not just what you see in the mirror, go beyond, go deep, deep into your eyes.  Close your eyes when you are in front of the mirror and allow yourselves to see the great light that you are – the God/Goddess of Who You Are is right with you in every moment!!!


"It’s to be in connection, and whether you say a mantra and that is your meditation, or whether you just go so High, so completely relaxed that all of these beings come through and connect with you while you’re communing with your Higher Self – because, you know, your Higher Self is crystalline in nature, and what are the properties of crystals?  They have the ability to receive and transmit messages.  So in this way, your Higher Self is a conduit!


"Now, see your Higher Self as Light but know that it is more crystalline, just like you're evolving to be.  You’re in your Light Bodies, but you may not feel very connected with that part of you, so start connecting, call it forth, this great connection: 'What wisdom do you have for me in this beautiful moment of our Communion?’  And your Higher Self, if you wish to consider that name - there are other names of course: your Divine Self, your Divinity, or Spark! – will speak to you through its crystalline capabilities, and you are connecting with that, and you are becoming more and more crystalline for so doing!


"You see, you’ve already given permission for this transformation, but the speed at which it happens, that is entirely up to you.  There is nobody regulating your speed except you, that part of you which has the overview, the perspective. Again, you might call it your Higher Self.  So call upon your Higher Self - there are no speed limits!  Nobody is going to write you a ticket for going too fast.


"Now of course, you have to take your physicalities into account, and not get rushing into that crystalline state when your body is still trying to hold the energies that are coming in to do the transformation.  But you can communicate with your bodies and you can say, 'Let’s go as fast as you, my Beloved Body, can accommodate all of these wondrous energies which are resulting in this transformation!'


"There are many, many ways for you to run on the water, and we love that phrase!  Yes, we have water here aboard the New Jerusalem.  We welcome many visitors, and one thing that everybody who comes in - who isn’t quite fully into their Light Body - needs, is pure water.  You’ve heard about the crystalline waters, well, that gives you a little clue about the High Vibe energies that we have here on the ship in the water that we offer to our visitors.  Sometimes we need to lower our vibrations a bit.  Some of us do, in order to meet with those who come to visit.  So sometimes we even partake of the crystalline waters. But not all that often.


"I am not straying from the subject because the Truth of it is that you are all transported here to the Bridge where you are all welcome all the time!  You all have boarding passes and there are no time restrictions!  It does not say visiting hours are from 9am to 3pm or any such thing, you are welcome in or on the Bridge always.  Anytime!  If you wish to come here to do your meditational connecting, please do so.  Please do so!  You have an open invitation and it is with such great Joy that we welcome you aboard!!!


"It is here that you can accompany, or attend, the many, many meetings which take place on the bridge.  You know that Beloved Sananda and St. Germain and indeed the rest of The Mentors - I am among them - are here on the Bridge, even though we may be bi-locating in many different places and in many different directions, but we are always here to welcome you!


"Now, to put it very simply, the Mission of the Ashtar Command is to facilitate the Ascension of Planet Earth.  You may think of us as some kind of a military force, and it is true that we do have defensive capabilities when we need them - and we have needed them to deal with those elements of your Planet Earth that we call the 'dark hats.'  Our technology is far superior to theirs.  Let's just say it’s Higher Dimensional.  That is our means of self-protection.


"But our 'weapon,' if you want to think of it as a weapon - let’s call it the great ultimate tool that we have for facilitating your Ascension - it’s called Love.  That’s the most powerful energy in the Universe and if you can envision this: the power of Love is greater than that of the nuclear bomb!!!  Oh, it may not be as dramatic in the physical, but it endures!  Eventually even the energies of the bombs get transmuted into Love, because that’s the energy of Source.


"So we shall not go into a lot of science.  There are those many, many good references available and personal Guides and Masters available to those of you who have what you call, the mind for science.  This Voice does not.  That is one reason why she was chosen for this particular Mission of Ashtar on the Road – the Truth of it is she volunteered long ago and far away – but of course when we presented it to her she had forgotten all about that so we remind her occasionally that that is her Mission, but it is yours also!!!


"Love is your mission!  There is a science to it, a quantum physics, but for our purposes let’s just say your Mission is Love -the same as the Ashtar Command, of whom you are all members anyway in some capacity or other!  So we don’t need to dwell on things which are not Love or loving.  You have passed a milestone, and it is for you to dwell on that which is always, always, always of Love, or an outgrowth of Love!!!


"When you do your meditations, just like the great Masters have said: It is not a time to whine, it is not a time to say, 'Oh poor me, I am so sick, I am so much in lack.'  It is to raise your vibrations, feel the Love within yourself and then invite the Love of the Universe to flow through you.  Feel your empowerment and then create from that perspective all that it is that you have within your fields of vision to create!


"Partner with us.  Do not come on your hands and knees, come in the full erectness of your Divinity!!!  Meet us face to face, eyes to eyes, Hearts to Hearts.  That, Beloved Ones, is how we are getting the Mission done.  We are happy to share with you that which is available to be shared, that which is okay to make public, because it is already accomplished!  There are still some finite details in the works - that is why Master Rama is not getting a lot in the way of answers.


"We must bring them to completion.  No dates as to how long, but just know that our Mission is well along in Phase One and what there is, is for you to join with us to empower the completion of Phase One!  Phase Two is living the Golden Age Lifestyle!  That is where you’re in a Higher Dimensional level, you’re in a Higher Vibration and this is where you really get busy out there in the World, if you choose to.


"There are two ways to do that: From your couch or your garden, or your place of Peace and Joy, or out in the World doing some of these projects to help others, whether it is one individual, plant, animal or human, or whether it is the entirety of the World, or any number in between.  Now, we will add to that that there is one among you who is designated to start the ball rolling publicly, as it were.  He has an entire group of governance - they are governing Lightworkers.  You heard some names, there are more.**


"He still must be seeming to wear the hat of the dark in order to support the ongoing unveilings of the Truth – what the dark hats have been doing and what they want to do.  He has been, let’s say, pulling the rug out from under them in a big flash,** but there is still more to bring into the Light and sometimes it has to be such a bright Light that it is the Light of disappearance from the scene, if there is no other way.  It’s all done with Love anyway.


“He needs to hear from us.  Well, he does hear from the Ashtar Command, from I, Ashtar, and the Masters, but he needs to hear from all of us, all the Lightworkers of the World!  So whether you are sitting on your couch or sitting in your garden, or driving in your vehicle in your stopped position, for whatever reason, send some thought waves to Obama, tell him, 'It’s time, I’m here with you, I’m ready, let’s do it!  Let’s get NESARA announced. Let’s get those landings in the mainstream news media.  Let’s do it!!!'


"Obama needs the support of We the People, as well as the support which he is getting from us.  Oh, he knows how it’s going to all end up and he knows it’s coming to fruition, but let’s support him.  And if you have a moment send him a letter, send him an email.  Call and just leave a message: 'I’m ready, let’s get NESARA done, Peace now for all!'  Put it in positive terms, don’t whine.


"Don’t say, 'I’m so broke. Do something!'  Say, 'Let’s have abundance for all, let’s have shelter for all, let’s have food for all. Let’s have Peace, now. Announce NESARA!'  Those kinds of messages - they do not need to be long, they do not need to be eloquent, they are eloquent in the Love that you attach, or we should say, you attach the messages to your LoveBeams, that’s even a truer picture of what happens!


"We shall be unveiling some additional thoughts for you, perhaps in our next call, depending upon where the progress is.  But for now, think about what you can do to support Obama and the other World leaders.  For that matter, do you have someone in your community who is a leader, doing something good for humanity, or for the animals, or for the plants?  You do. Everybody does, every one of you does.  Is that person you?  Or is it someone else?  If it’s someone else, support them, and if it’s you, tell some people in the community what you are envisioning to do and invite them to come and support you!


"Let’s end this duality. Let’s end this sense that we are all separate and apart. Let’s bring everybody together in Oneness! You know that when people are busy working on a project - we call them Missions - the lines of separation disappear.  So get busy, do something - whether it is to support, or to dive in and start a project, or join a project - do something that is bringing forward, or shall we say, bringing yourselves and your communities up into this Golden Age, because there are plenty of things to do!!!


"Just look around and open your Hearts and ask for the wisdom to come to you of what is absolutely the most Divinely perfect endeavor that you could engage in, and then thank - yourself, your Guides, your Higher Self in the driver’s seat, of course, and all of the Mentors and Helpers that are personal Guides to you - for joining with you.  We are moving up!  You can visualize it as forward on the Path but consider that it goes up.  If you want to look at it as a graph it goes in an upward direction, and the farther up you go on your Path the less subject you are to a sudden drop off a cliff into those lower vibrations we call the dumpies!!!


"The more support you are giving to the really big events that are being prepared for, the more you are opening to living and being a citizen of the Golden Age!  So come on up to our meetings any time you choose.  Get in on what we would call the planning sessions, and thank you, Beloved Ones, and know how much you are loved and appreciated for all that you have already done! We just ask that you take a breath and do more, in your own way and within your own zone of comfort, and spread the word!

"Blessings to all, and Salut!"

*  Ashtar is referring to Come The New Jerusalem, also known as Running on the Water, which he has chosen as his introduction.
***The transcript of St Germain's Message will be published.  The audio link to it is here:
Transcription by Brian Coe.
Given through Susan Leland, July 9, 2013. 

© Ashtar On The Road Publications 2004-2013.All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered or deleted. 

