~Ashtar's Preview~
November 1st Teleconference
"Greetings, Beloved Family! We are positively overflowing with joy at the momentousness of this weekend just passed!!! We shall be giving an explanation for this when next we gather.* For now, let us just say that the greatest shifts ever since the beginning are happening, and we are able to be quite precise in our accounting of them. However, for now, let us just say that we are moving forward on the Golden Age path with you, and the forward progress has increased exponentially!!!
"We shall be updating on the TRUE state of the world, and of the universe beyond, because that is the means by which your visions are made real, or valid, to you. What we mean to convey to you is that, when you feel something within yourselves, and it is documented by an "outside" source, then is carries more energy of Truth to you. Of course, the greatest Truth here is that there is no separation at all, for we are One, and what one heart knows is known by all!!! However, if you see our ships in the sky, the experience is all the more real for you if we are on the six o'clock news, is it not?
"There is no aspect of the 3D lifestyle which is not in flux at this moment. And, we see these changes and transformations and evolvements continuing on, with faster and faster speeds, until there is a complete collapse of all of the boxes of fear which have kept you from living Who You Really Are! With our Beloved Guest Speaker, we shall be joining in a sacred Exercise of Celebration of You and Your Courage, your Wisdom, and most of all, of your Love, which is lighting the way for all of these 'magical miracles' to occur in what remains of the third dimension on Planet Earth!!! Salut!
* Ashtar Teleconference, Tuesday, 11-1-11
Given through Susan Leland, October 31, 2011. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
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