"Greetings, Beloved Family! We are approaching the date on your calendar you know as 9-11. In this message, we shall be adding a bit to St Germain's message * on this focus. As the world's institutions and boxes and dogmas come tumbling down, they are being seen for what they really are. The consciousness of Planet Earth has finally reached the place of being ready for Truth!!! And, one of the most important Truths to come out is that of 9-11.
"9-11 has served as the basis for all of the power grabbing of this century! It was conceived even before this century began, with a cold-blooded audacity which shocked even the underlings of the dark side. While it is true that this one event in your history/herstory caused a spike of loving oneness in the consciousness of Planet Earth, the ensuing days and years gave rise to an outpouring of fear-based messages and repressive laws which created opportunities for even more cruel manipulations of the majority of the kingdoms of Mother Gaia.
"Wars have been fought worldwide which have had nothing to do with 9-11. The so-called Patriot Act has been used to invade privacy and to stifle dissent. And, of course, the staggering debt of individuals and countries has been laid on the backs of the people, while the relatively few wealthy ones have been helping themselves to the gold.
"We know that you are aware of all of this and more, Beloved Family! Were you able to read this message thus far without getting into emotional fear-based reactions, such as anger? It is not to recall your fearful feelings as 9-11 occurred, but rather to offer Love, Compassion, Forgiveness and Gratitude for 9-11 and all of its outgrowths. You have grown and evolved, Beloved Ones, and it is our mission to heal any remaining hurts within yourselves, so that you may then light the way for the rest of the World to call for the Truth to come out. Keeping it hidden will only prolong the fears - it must be acknowledged. Then it can be healed!!!!
"So, we shall have a most loved and respected guest speaker who shall lead our Exercise of Healing the Fears of 9-11, and we shall indeed share our Love with all of Planet Earth as we do so! 9-11 is not to be forgotten - it is to be remembered as a catalyst for the evolvement of the World up and out of fear to absolute unconditional Love of the highest vibration!!! We invite you to join with us in co-creation of this Gathering** and the Healing we shall be offering, with Love and Grace, to all! Salut!"
** 9-6-11 Ashtar Teleconference, see below.
Given through Susan Leland, September 4, 2011. www.AshtarontheRoad.com
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