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Originally posted on September 20, 2010 at 9:27 PM

Ask and ye shall receive - when you give your time, money, resources to others. You are not only manifesting through the energy of participation but you are also engaging in the law of attraction. You manifest through participating, through showing that you do not need or want because you have enough to give. Through this manifestation you are drawing to you the energy of receiving because it is an energy. An energy that returns to you. What you put out in to the world you receive. What you focus on you manifest. So what do the scriptures teach us when they say Ask and ye shall receive?

lets look at Matt 7:7: in it the verse says: - Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.

This simply means that whatever you believe will manifest. Do you literally ask for a good friend to come in to your life or do you say that you are ready for a good mate to come in to your life? saying to yourself: I am ready for so and so to come in to my life is the same as asking. Because the universal presence tells us that whatever you focus on is translated to a want, need, desire to the universe and so you attract it to you. But if you THINK that you need or want something then you are translating to the universe that you do not have this and this very same energy will return to you.

Seek and you will find! No matter what you focus on you will find it because again what you believe and focus on is what you will attract to you because it is the law of attraction. This whole verse tells us that whatever we desire or focus on is the very same thing that we will attract towards us, if we focus on giving, sharing, and growing then we will receive, have shared with us and grow with others.

Matt 21:22 also says that if you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer. Prayer and meditation are two different focal points. The act of prayer is speaking with God/The universal force and meditation is the act of receiving the communications from God/The universal force. When speaking of Prayer we do not mean literally getting down on your knees and speaking to a force beyond your SELF. Rather it is a form of speaking with your inner dwelling.

The divinity within your being or higherself. Consciously communicating and affirming your wishes for example: I AM conscious living love or I AM ready for a change in my life situation. Meditation is as you all know the time when you listen to that dwelling place. To medtitate is to come in union with the universal force in your being and in all beings and listening to the energy that is available to you through the connection of the all.

It is all in how you communicate with your eternal presence and how you give yourself the time to receive. As a spiritual being your acknowledgment of your eternal presence is what shapes your life. How you interact with YOU. for You ARE the eternal presence:

In John 15:4 it says: - Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me.

You are eternal presence and the eternal presence resides in you as well. Unless you understand your connection to the universal force/God/The great I AM you can not partake in the fruits of manifestation, law of attraction or unity consciousness etc because you do not understand your great power and potential. You will understand this if you understand that you ARE eternal presence. Many in your world understand these simple teachings but do not consciously acknowledge them because they fear retribution or judgment by others this is also addressed:

In John 15: - If the world hates you, remember it hated me first.

Does that mean that everyone hated God or the Christ presence in the beginning? when you enter in this realm of physical beingness it is easy to forget and fall in to the unconsciousness of 3rd dimensionality. Many who incarnate in to this density become one with false truths and abandon the great universal truths that are naturally forgotten upon being birthed in this realm. Coming in to your eternal presence is a sacred union between you, your higherself and the energy of the ONE.

You ARE the One. We are ALL the ONE. As the ONE is all of US. no matter who or what you identify with, the great I AM presence will always be there within your core being. You can not become separate from the eternal presence just as you can not stop being the one who birthed a child. You may abandon a child however she/he will always be your child because you brought the child in to life, however that does not make them your daughter or son. What makes them a daughter or son is your being in their life but as said before no matter what you do you will always be the one who gave life to the child just as you will always be part of the ALL.

Many have forgotten their eternal presence. Many have forgotten that no matter what they do or say or think, no matter what they do with their lives it is all just a simulation experience meant to bring about an understanding of physical materialization. It is not about understanding the SPIRIT it is about understanding the PHYSICAL. Why are you here? why are you in this density? what must be done to rise above the physical? What can be done to help others rise above this as well? What must be done to remember our eternal presence while BEING physical?

All these questions can be answered by again going through what was mentioned above: Prayer and Meditation connecting and listening to your inner dwelling.
