Asking What Kissinger Thinks–but Not What He Did

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Global Research - Peter Hart, 9/24/13


Kissinger’s record haunts him; every so often there are reports about how it interrupts his international travel plans, like in 2001 when a French magistrate sent Kissinger a summons at a Paris hotel, inquiring about Kissinger’s role in the notorious Operation Condor programs of the 1970s. Kissinger promptly left town–and did a series of high-profile media interviews, none of which mentioned the French attempt to question him about human rights abuses (Extra!, 8/01).

Kissinger counts on his friends in the elite media to not bother him with questions about his past. At a 2001 National Press Club event, journalists Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman wondered why Kissinger was not asked about these very relevant controversies. The event moderator, Richard Koonce,  told them that there was, in fact, an agreement not to entertain audience questions about certain subjects (, 6/22/01):

“Was there an agreement with Dr. Kissinger not to ask questions related to Christopher Hitchens and allegations of war crimes?”

To our surprise, Koonce did not deny it.

“There was a definite sensitivity to that,” Koonce said. “He [Kissinger] was afraid that if we got into a discussion of that, for the vast majority of people that, it would take so much time to explain all of the context, that you know, he preferred to avoid that, and so….”

And so Kissinger’s wishes were accommodated and the questions were avoided.







Truth is words matching

TitaniumLotus's picture

Truth is words matching actions...BEing and DOing meet in a cascade of reality manifesting love,  unbound for ALL to prosper.  :)

Our dear brother Kissinger

TitaniumLotus's picture

Our dear brother Kissinger has taken much weight upon his shoulders in this time. His actions in history expose the cabals true nature. He is a bright light in wolfs clothing I dare say.