One of the hidden messages we received growing up includes the idea that we are not good enough just the way we are. This makes it feel as though we must earn the qualities for which we long, such as love. Constantly looking for fulfillment outside ourselves is a recipe for disaster. What we most desperately seek dwells within. Sure we can get some love from the outside but it becomes a different animal when one depends on it. As the saying goes, if we feed a man a fish, he’ll eat for a day but if we teach him how to fish he’ll eat forever. Learning to connect with the soul shows us that its presence is unconditional. It does not depend on us being good enough.
The soul has always been with us exactly right where we are in this exact moment but the personality blocks our awareness of its presence. The survival of the personality downplays the soul’s importance. The personality feels pressure to remain attached to something at all costs. Here is the lack of self-esteem disguised as attachment. The personality does not believe it will survive if it lets go. It obtains the illusion of survival from the attachment. Unfortunately the survival is more like spiritual death because it encourages disconnection with the soul, the source of real life.