attachments / impediments and darkness - Updated
19 January 2012 - 6:13pm | ArcMichaelLight
Love Reporter Michael Xavier
[This transmission on energy management has been over seen by Archangel Michael and the Archangels which will be exploring certain anomalies having to do with energetic anomalies and how they affect ascenders. This will also bring forth on how to best overcome these anomalous energies in these times of personal and planetary ascension]
Your Morontial Soul / Energy / Auric field and how to maintain and keep it clear of illusion and darkness.
There are many impinging factors and energetic attachments that are not visible to the human eyes to the morontial individual / soul self / energy system of who you are.
Let us classify a bit more in depth just what these energy attachments are.
Energy Attachments are links that join you to others. These are the most common and you can visualize them as ribbons of light that bond people on not only on energetic levels but a morontial / ethereal and “soul” levels as well.
If you are sharing a personal waking or even subconscious relationship with someone then you are co-creatively sharing your thoughts and energies with that person.
These attachments form between lovers, spouses, friends and usually results in positive interactions within energies. For instance have you ever known when someone was calling before they called or finished a sentence your friend started to say?
These types of attachments are wonderful experiences and are proof in point that you have a connection to an individual on other dimensional / energetic / soul levels of sharing.
Attachments can also be formed through random day to day encounters and contact with random individuals. These are usually formed without your knowledge or consent. These types of attachments may drain your energy, or they make you feel tired, irritable, or cranky.
For instance:
Have you ever been around a very negative person, and after your encounter you have felt literally drained and tired like the life had been sucked from you.
This happens by certain energy techniques being placed upon against your will or through advanced techniques utilized by "Psychic Vampires" through negative energy dumping via a recycling technique.
Sometimes attachments are formed by lost or confused individuals drawn to your positive light / life filled energy. The brighter you shine light the more that you will attract. This is where it is imperative to know that in these times when so many are waking up to remain guarded from those who hold illusionary concepts and ideologies in regards to what they believe to be true and what is actually true.
It is not advised to link yourself to someone with your energy, your aura, your soul or sense of self to a person without their consent. It is always advisable to clear your energy field whenever you do any type of energy work on a soul on multi dimensional / etheric levels due to the bleed over that can actually happen in your conscious waking reality afterward.
We have found that when this energy is not cleared the person linked to would be emotional when the recipient of the healing would be. Many times the healer / lightworker would find themselves dealing with issues and concerns that are out of divine alignment because they were not theirs to own.
We wish to bring this to your awareness through the lessons that others have been through so you may be safeguarded from energies not of your own. These things can happen very subtly due to the energy manipulation that may be impeding upon you even if unknowingly.
You may want to clear an attachment for several reasons
You may have broken up with a spouse, boyfriend or girlfriend and the other person is having tremendous difficultly accepting the fact that the relationship is over.
You may want to break up or leave your wife / husband / girlfriend / boyfriend but find yourself unable to due to the feelings guilt that come from feeling responsible for the other persons energy and emotional well being. These are cases where much co-dependency ensues and both parties remain miserable because of the energy systems that they have created and the looping patterns therein that continue to perpetuate themselves in a looping state of non-changeability. There is usually a fear behind the change especially if those individuals have been stuck in these patterns for a long time. Remember insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.
Your child is moving to college and needs to grow and you need to let them go so they can move forward.
You have had a mentor /guide / guru or teacher that you have learned all you can from and need to clear the energy systems therein even if you were quite close at one point in this relationship. These types can become the most co-dependent if not kept in constant check. Remember that this is normal and necessary for growth and change.
You are feeling run down or bogged down or completely drained of energy and cannot figure out why - but you can always tie it back to an individual or group when either they are around you or even when they are not.
You can't seem to get an individual out of your head and they seem to be bombarding you with energy and thought-forms that make you feel like you are going crazy.
The human kind of attachments are tangible but now we are going to talk about inter-dimensional energies /egregores/ beings and their personal agendas to gain control of your energy and soul for their personal gain and agendas.
This can be experienced as having nightmares or negative dark thoughts that seem to be not of your own. Sometimes these thoughts can feel obsessive and totally unlike you. These things may be accompanied by seeing and hearing things that are not there physically such as shadows - banging - dark spots out of the corner of your eye. This is the case of non-visible energy attachments that we will discussed below.
The negative / dark side of energy and its affects
In these studies we are simply documenting from a human / celestial perspective what we have actually encountered on this world due to the fallout of rebellion and the effects that it has had on the inhabitants of this sphere in the ascension process. These things are outside of normal third dimensional understanding, so if you are familiar with energy and its affects remember that these things are not documented but can only be experienced – Many have experienced these as a part of education to help the many that are experiencing the affects of these anomalies at this time due to the mitigating ascension energy influx on your sphere of residence.
Inorganic energies or spirit beings not living as biological organisms come from dimensions outside of the physical third dimensional reality.
Perverted and Addicted Spirit / Earthly lost souls
Sometimes human souls/spirits linger because of their earthly cravings or addictions to drugs, alcohol, sex. They frequent areas where they can feed these addictions such as clubs / bars and other like spots for these activities. These energies / spirits soon learn to enter and hitchhike onto / into humans to feed their addictions.
Negative beings, either spiritual or physical, prey on any human under the influence of drugs or alcohol due to the fact that they are considered to be an open portal. In many cases all negative attachments concerning the energy latch onto the host as well due to them opening themselves up in a weakened auric state while they are under the influence.
This is how a new host can suddenly become addicted because of susceptibility to the energy and negative output of another energy system or pattern / thought-form.
Incubus and Succubus Spirits
These are often inter-dimensional incubus (male) or succubus (female) that prey on humans to utilize your vessel for energy manipulation. They seem to be an unseen force very good at providing the feeling or illusion of a solid physical body of the appropriate gender to suit the victim’s sexual preference. These beings feed on sexual energy released in an orgasm.
Victims are usually seduced or pleasured into becoming willing by intense sexual arousal. Some of these beings will actually try to form a steady relationship with victims visiting regularly. Sometimes these encounters with these beings are random but can also be attracted by one person lusting after certain illicit fantasies or dreams. The human can provide the psychic fulcrum to broadcast sexual energies and attract these beings into their waking realities.
Many times in the early stages of an attack by these beings a semi-waking paralysis is used. Usually a feeling of a heavy weight sitting on top of the victim preventing movement and intense sexual arousal is the most common experience reported by this energy.
Semi conscious paralysis is a strange feeling and should this ever happen; concentrate on just moving one finger or toe even to break it. It will almost feel like you’re still dreaming but cannot wakeup, and essentially that is exactly what is happening here.
Deranged spirits
These are usually human energies and may have been demented at the time of their death or became deranged as a result of being earthbound and mentally unstable or unhappy. When this energy is channeled it rarely remembers being human and whatever psychosis they imagine they are under will permanently identify or be that identification such as I AM SAD. The zombie egregore is a good parallel here for these energies, whereby they seek to feed from you mind to sustain their life of misery, insanity and depression.
Astral snakes and spiders
These look exactly how they are when viewed clairvoyantly. They will sometimes intrude in a dream state and cause nightmares. People suffering psychic attacks will see them in dreams. Sometimes the one experiencing this will feel like something is crawling on them.
These are usually attributed to fear and are manifested by our subconscious or collective to reveal itself so you can release the illusion of being held back by something that has no power over you.
Any energy facing extinction or the threat of transformation into another state will usually show its power by trying to provoke you into a state of fear by getting you to remain under its control. This can usually always be tied back to fear.
Finding good fear processing exercises to help you release these things are a good way to confront the illusions in your life, and Archangel Michael is very helpful in this regard.
Demonic Spirits or Demons
These are the worst form of negative "collective" conscious entity and can be considered the most troublesome. These are the entities that feed from Fear, Hatred, Anger, Lust, Greed, Hatred, Murder, Debauchery, Manipulation etc.
A demon can also be considered a manifestation of an illusionary emotion that takes the form of possessing the individual of all power by keeping them in a darkened fear ridden state.
This energy has a network that sustains itself on pornography, war, racism, abuse, confusion, conspiracy, slavery, which is perpetuated and fed from the emotions mitigated by these energy systems that are fed into by the human beings feeding from them.
Look at it as much as you would a looping system. Plugging into and feeding any energy system misaligned with God's will and purpose for his children makes one open to these things.
If you are confronted by the “demonic”, you must look at why it seems so real to you. Usually it is to reveal something that is divinely misaligned in your life and to come back to remember to have faith in your perfect state that you were created in which is the Christ of God.
If you are living in illusion or under the control of these demonic energies, the main thing is to realize that you have the power innately to change these things at any time. Many times people give so much of their power away that they forget who they are and begin being defined by a false belief system, false ideology, idol, book, or illusionary erroneous concept by giving their power over to darkness, and in giving over they give themselves over to all that which feeds it.
There are many anomalies that spring up from the “demonic”, but if you find yourself confronted with these things remember to not fear them. The only power that this has over you is the power that you give it to have for these things cannot exist in light and truth.
If you are confronted by the demonic and are having trouble releasing them and are sincere about releasing them from your life, you will be guided to where you need to be to receive the help you seek.
Remember you have been made in the perfect image of the Creator. Many things in this world try to dissuade you from remembering this. You are perfect and loved just the way you are.
Fear is the main mitigating factor in these things which is the direct polar opposite of love. If you have one you cannot have the other. There is a great sifting and winnowing of these energies as many of them become exposed.
When they do remember to clear them and leave them, for they cannot go where you are.
How to Clear Them
Take back you personal power and come back into the awakened realization that you are in control of your life and all of these things are not real, unless you want them to be.
It is helpful to understand the collective subconscious and the grids of consciousness which are imperative to negating the effects of these energies.
You have the ability right now to change your life in any way that you want, for you have been made this way and endowed with every ability to do so.
Archangel Michael and the Archangels are heavily involved with helping you to remember who you are and also help to educate you on how to maintain your energy field to release those things that may be feeding from your energy fields no matter what these things may seem to be.
According to your freewill you may call on Archangel Michael to assist you by simply stating your intention to receive help from Him to free you from any illusionary emotions and mis-creation including any darkness in your energy field.
The light of God surrounds me
The love of God enfolds me
The power of God protects me
The presence of God watches over me
Wherever I AM - God is
In your personal stillness or meditation you can also use your visualization.
Visualize a light scanning your body and everywhere there is an attachment there will be a dark spots with what appears to be ribbons coming from it.
You can also use your hands to run over your body and feel the attachments or what ever visualization works for you. After you have scanned you entire body ask Archangel Michael to cut and release the cords impinging upon your energy field.
Always remember to send all that which has been sent to you in darkness back to the sender transformed by light and love. Receive back from the sender all that in which you sent transformed by light and love.
State: I forgive myself and I love myself for not allowing God into these parts of my heart and life. God you are love, I ask my higher self to please fill me now in all the places and spaces where I allowed separation from you. I fill myself with love now. I breathe in love. I am love. Allow yourself to feel, sense and know that love is filling every cell of your body and being.
If you are having problems releasing these things and have been unsuccessful at doing so alone it is always wise to contact someone that has been trained and has the ability to help you release these things from your field of energy.
Many lightworkers have been given through grace gifts of spirit that allow them to see and speak with beings not of this dimension. This can also be called the discerning of spirit charism.
Simply your intention and desire to rid yourself of cords / attachments / energies or toxic energy fields is heard by the universe, and you are led and guided to the best avenue of information that you can understand and discern, especially if you are asking for help.
So remember, if you are reading this than more than likely you are reading it for a reason.
This next section will go into those who channel and bring forth transmissions from unseen realms.
This section will be handled by Archangel Michael
Remember that we from the realms of light must utilize your mind which is an electro/chemical system and your personal point of view is taken into consideration when we connect with you.
To remain safe remember to give your highest guide within and your guardian seraphim complete authority on what connects to your mind, so as to not allow anything with the improper motives to come through.
A being of light will always respect your freewill and will never manifest itself unless you ask. It will never touch harm or manipulate you into speaking with it.
The most important thing to know for all who connect with unseen beings is this.
A being of light is NEVER AUTHORIZED to connect with you without you asking it or inviting it. This goes for anything that may come on behalf of any name, even a being of light’s name, to connect and give you a message that may seem harmless from another realm.
This is imperative to understand - especially from the many that channel beings. It is a possibility that you may be entertaining an energy form / dimensional being / “demonic” energy system / egregore or multi-dimensional energy utilizing you to drain your energy to gain control over your mind and you may be unaware.
Lastly a being of light will never ever bring you any message concerning conspiracy, fear, judgment of another or confusion. We are here to guide you to your highest guide which is YOU, your highest inner self, and to help you on your personal journeys and ascension to your divine God given inheritance.
This is considered to be informative and educational on certain things that need to be brought into awareness due to the fact that many are asking about these things at this time.
Many people seek to find answers through Ouija boards, psychics, channeling, inter-dimensional beings, séances and things that take away the power that the Creator placed inside of you. Always remember that God is within you, not far off in space. You are multidimensional and divine in your own right, it is something that you must only remember fully.
Opening yourself up to these things can be dangerous and invite unwanted energies and things into your life that you unwittingly are entertaining, so know that you are being made aware of this.
Channeling being and energies can give you a false sense of power and they can make you believe that you are something that you are not or make you lose your identity all together.
There are many people in the past that believed that they were Jesus or another divine being, but remember that we are here to help you remember your own divinity which is unique to you.
If you are sincere, you will always be lead to someone to help you rid yourself of these thought forms and energies especially if you have lost the sense of your identity and are feeling like you are going crazy or are under attack.
You have all the answers within you placed by the Creator Himself which is the divine pilot within your own heart and mind. The realms of light and those in this realm always guide you to this place within, never to anything external. Thank you for taking the time to read this – Archangel Michael
Thank you for being our protector from illusionary concepts/energies that have a hold of the souls and lives of the children of the Creator.
We are always student / teachers, but some of us have been given great experience working in these dimensions and realms as it was all a part of the training and preparation to help others undergoing and experiencing these things.
Fear, confusion, hatred, jealousy, anger, conspiracy, greed, lust do not exist in the light - for they cannot.
This is why you must take inventory always to see if you are holding any of these energies, especially now in the these great times of planetary transformation and ascension.
Remember there are things in this world that cannot be documented - but can only be experienced.
The Creator Father / Mother God always holds you safely in the arms of love.
The Archangels and Michael Xavier on behalf of the Universal service of light
thank you x's infinity !!!
thank you x's infinity !!!