The Back and Forth of Expansion
by Galactic Love Reporter Jill Renee Feeler
Anyone else feeling this sort of back and forth into the bliss of our "home" frequencies and then somehow out of it?
I'm finding a space of being ok with the ins and outs. We are encouraged to not take our own volatility too seriously or too personally. We are blazing a trail for a new human experience, creating it for ourselves, and leaving the path for others to follow if they choose.
We are in unchartered territory by embodying more and more of our home frequencies from within our human bodysuits. This is new and the more of our God essence we allow into our consciousenss, the more we are in the trail-blazing, path cutting phase of the shifting experience.
When we are creating new paths, there is the gloriousness of the experience, feeling new heights of love, joy, one-ness; allowing the flooding in of our Soul frequencies from withIn the core of our being.
And, there is also occasional settling back in to the well-beaten path of our third dimensional perspectives and sensations. The higher frequencies are still available and I sense we will become better and better at consistently be-ing in that space, in that higher frequency reality.
The more we are operating in that space of our home frequencies, the more easily we can choose to remain there, like a new trail home becoming clearer and clearer each time you make the journey, all from within the bodysuit, adjusting the dials with more precision as we continue in our expansion process.
Jill Renee Feeler
About Jill
Jill is a spiritual teacher, channeler, healer, writer and inspirational figure for many seeking to access their God-self in their current journey. Her awakening process in 2009 amidst the higher frequencies and her soul blueprint offered her ready access to many of her spiritual abilities, sharing them professionally since 2010. Her spiritual support team is still in the process of sharing with her who she is as a Soul. At this time, Jill is aware of several aspects of her Mastery, her Guardian roles as well as Spirit Guide roles. She is a gateway for bringing in the highest frequencies to Earth. Her service include assisting others in re-membering how to "be" in the higher frequencies, how to bring the New Earth into their personal reality in the present moment. Her spiritual support team is displayed to her like a sports stadium filled with Ascended Masters, Angelic Ambassadors, Master Teachers and Guides as well as many Ambassadors from various Star systems. To Jill, they feel like family. The wisdom she accesses most often feels like a highest realm of unity consciousness. In addition, individuated souls also participate in her work including the Souls we know as Mother Mary, Jesus, Thoth, Buddha and Quan Yin.
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