Balance of universal Anastasios.

Lia's picture

full rainbow - toonewewillreturn -

We are all connected in a collective consciousness that is why frequency energy (thoughts, feelings) of each of us affects us all.
Scientific studies have estimated the energy frequency of each individual person as well as the frequency of large groups of people.

People who operate through higher energy levels exercise empowering effect on aggregate. Unlike those operating at lower levels, the effect is debilitating.

Let's see what is the difference between the two:

Those who work through lower vibrations can not distinguish truth from falsehood. One can easily influence them to dictate them how to think, who to hate, who to love, what to do. They can easily be dragged like sheep in a mass culture based on minor details, such as the particular place they were born, what their parents believed their ancestors, the shape of their eyes, their color and too many other factors. Work through anger, fear, sadness, apathy, guilt, shame, hatred, criticism and general negative feelings.
Constitute 87% of humanity!

Those who move to higher energy levels work with love, kindness, harmony, not experiencing feelings of contradiction and separation, respect all life, not resist, is in contact with the inner self and thus always maintain their inner balance and peace regardless of the circumstances around them. Represented by the great spiritual personalities who shaped patterns that followed millions of people over the centuries.

It is precisely these people were and are a counterweight to the negative influence of people less energy. This does not happen to match one-to-one, by the time 87% of humanity moves in debilitating lower frequencies.

Let's look at the studies that have been done, that offset the lower frequencies:

. An individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of optimism and willingness to not judge others, will balance the negative energy 90,000 people moving into inferior disempowering levels!

. An individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of pure love and respect for all life will balance the negative energy 750,000 people moving into inferior disempowering levels.

. An individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of enlightenment, bliss and infinite peace will counterbalance the negative effects 10 million people.

. An individual who lives and vibrates to the energy of grace, pure spirit than body, in a world where there is no duality or where there is absolute unity, will balance the negative effects 70 million people moving into inferior disempowering levels.

And most surprising:

. A single avatar that lives in our own historical period, moving to a higher level of consciousness, one which would fit the title of Master as Buddha and Christ, would balance the collective negative energy of the entire humanity today!

. The negative energy of the entire human population will lead to self-destruction, the absence of the balancing effect of these higher energy fields!

So it is obvious how vital it is to discover ways to enhance human consciousness, aware of the importance of raising the frequency of our vibrations.

Raising the frequency of our vibrations even slightly, making regular acts of love and kindness, refusing to judge the choices of others, focusing on the good that can offer the disguised evil, may also pose a counterweight to 90,000 people living on the planet and move at lower energy levels of shame, anger and fear.

Harmonized with superior cosmic energy we can become instruments of peace...Be Blessed..Anastasios.

