Banned from FaceBook Again~

Lia's picture

If everyone could assist us in Posting to Facebook this would be helpful. This is now our 3rd acccount which has been banned. This is becuase there are those in fb who were coming after us, and must have complained. We have alot of compassion for these Beings, who think they can stop the light and nothing will change. All Our Love Mother and Father God




Michael Hall's picture

That's so sad that there are still those who wish to stop the light. It seems that some of those who wish to stop it don't even realize what they are doing! I will meditate, and pray for them. I love them either way! Namaste'


Sarah75's picture

I post articles from this site on fb all the time to try and spread awareness and LOVE! I wonder from time to time if it will cause problems for me, but mostly i just post and put response out of my mind.

Truth can't be banned!

Regie Saxerud 's picture

Laugh and the world laughs with you! If they only knew how utterly pathetic they are in these silly, childish attempts to control. All they succeed in accomplishing is pushing the curiosity buttons of all those who are still sitting on the fence leaving them asking , why ?

Laugh, hee hee, haw hawwww!! Silly children!

Much Love and Light!
You have a WORLD of support!

Funny, i just did a search

Guest's picture

Funny, i just did a search for Galactic Free Press in FB & the page came up.

it was their

Stephanie Sautter's picture

it was their "motherfathergodanon" account.

This "NOT" OK !!

PinkStar1111's picture

Im just a little BIT tired of These No-SEEUMS.. dictating AnyONE of


US... This IS NOT OK.. WE R Here and HERE WE Shall BE...




and 18 Wheelers of Bright RED LOVE-BOMBS !!


YEE-HAWWwww ECOING ThroughOUT and as FAR as GOD willing !!



I Am Pink !!

you don't need FB anyway

Guest's picture

Use linked in, youtube, and twitter if you must use social media.


Helping you both

MomT's picture

They may be able to shut you down on Facebook, but cannot stop what is inevitable.  There are a lot of us that have been posting anyway.  The light and love will win.  We are all part of your family and know the love you have for all of us.


set up a FB page as a not for profit organization??

Angelica's picture

can you set up a FB page as a not for profit organization, like a business page? There is way less security involved for busineses pages, and you can share all the same information. When you set it up as a personal account they will want real names and photo ID now..


Just a thought...


Yes the Media Page

Lia's picture

Yes the Media Page is Set up for OUr Business account and they leave us alone there. For all Who are assiting us in psreading the word, YEEHAW.;  Thank You We Love YOU! Love Mother and Father God

Welcome Home into,The Kingdom of Heaven on Earth=Heart, We Love you Unconditionally!!

HA !.. Who's Kidding WHO HA!

PinkStar1111's picture

ALRIGHT , Mother Father GOD !

I mean in this DAY and AGE...

Row Row Row Your Boat, Gently Down The Stream

Merrlie Merrlie Merrlie Merrlie

Lifes ABOUT A DREAM... :-)

Hee Hee !! HAPPY/JOY/PEACE/NEVER Ending *** LOVE ***






welcome to the club!

shelly's picture

The report button on fb is no dount abused by ingorant dictorial type people, haters! Ive been blocked 4x on 2 seperate accts for reporting the truth,it seems when ever someone doesnt agree with you they run to the metiator who I do t even think looks into the complaint because I have never cursed anyone, fight with them nor insult them,Im sorry to report it was also done to me by someone on fb gfp site as well because they didnt agree with my post, we are not supposed to be dictators here but some are maybe without even realizing it, to those I say put your foot in the other shoe, would you think its right for this to happen to you? We are leaning more and more into this police society even worse were allowing this mentality to seep into us, this must be not just acknowledged but it must be understood and haulted at once, this is not freedom this is supression.


Im sorry that you Mother God had this done to you, many are very abusive still




Love and peace,


i just

jerry don martin's picture

i just enter motherfathergodanon" try No results found for your query.

Check your spelling or try another term.
they locked me out few months back, my how big brother get scared some times, never mind, ya gettin out here quite nicely, it was nice to chat with you on skype this day, excuse me early birding...
are we done yet???

Apologies for this. I was

Guest's picture

Apologies for this. I was asked to test security. 


Love and light.

banned from telling the truth?

Guest's picture

yes, it is a bit karmic isnt it?

kinda like all the posts that myself and others you have previously banned that had posted here on the press that you (mother god) deleted? 

being banned from speaking your mind is indeed frustrating. 
whether you believe a person is "speaking from ego" or not, unconditonal love, right?

are we not ALL here to learn? are we not all here to make mistakes?

to take what resonates with us and leave the rest? 

the art of discernment?

perhaps others thought YOU were coming from ego or misinfo this time.?

it hurts to be censored and banned, especially on a place called "free press" from those that present themselves as "family".

just sayin ;)