Bashar on Earth Chakra Points

glr_Andrea's picture


Caricato da ridleyja in data 23/gen/2012

Are the earthquake, volcanoes, and strange sounds proof of the planetary ascension? Bashar discusses vortexes, chakras, earth power points and ley lines.



Very accurate!

M's picture

The Chakra points in the body are definatley places where you can move from one reality to the other. When you meditate or are contmeplating in a place of stillness, simply begin to train yourself to become aware of them in your body. You can FEEL them, try not to overly THINK of them first. Become familiar with them, they are yours and in your body so become the scientist of your body, it is so liberating and sooo much fun lol! Study it and love it for the gift it gives and for the gifts that it is. You will see very soon just how powerful you are and then you will bless all those around...if you are not doing this already.