Be present

KAISUN's picture

I have been in the Mount Shasta area with Mother and Father God Amon Ra since early morning July 24. In that time I along with other light workers in the area and globally have activated the first light city for the new earth.

Being in the energy of Mount Shasta, along with the the Merkabah activation and The Lionsgate opening, pouring in immense light/love, is quite the experience.It's my first time in California since i was a baby and the moment here has revealed alot to me and has helped me release energies that serve me no longer.

Each moment is an opportunity to ground and share source energy with all of creation through being love in action.Being amongst nature and feeling the flow of source energy with each breathe is a heart expanding experience. In love there is no separation for all things come from source energy(love).The trees show you how to be grounded.The river teaches one to flow and breathing teaches you how to be present in the moment flowing with the light/love energies that one grounds.

During the LionsGate opening on the 26th of July and Star of David Merkabah alignment on the 29th of July I definitely could and still can feel the waves of light energy integrating with our beings and lifting us higher vibrationally in love.Only in the moment of now can one be aware of the beautiful changes happening at this time.There is no need to fret about the past or worry about future because neither exist.There is only now and when you are love in action in the moment your awareness expands in truth.So breathe an stay centered in the UNCONDITIONAL LOVE that you are.

You are source as all else is.I am because you are and you are because I am.

Breathe.Flow.Love.Be Present and know that all is well and all is love.


Yes, Kai your words reflect the Love and Truth you are

TheFlashRon's picture

On the 28th of July I had the synchronistic experience of rolling into the camping spot where you were and instantly I knew that I wasn't lost after all. We recognized each other from the chat room images and as we hugged the Oneness was almost overwhelming. My brother, you walk your talk and your talk is of Love and Oneness with a ton of humor thrown in as a bonus. I know that I speak for all here when I say: Welcome Home, Kai to your Family of Light.

Blessings on your path, my brother


We were not there with you

MomT's picture

We were not there with you all Kai and your experience is beautiful.  We thank you for sharing this with all of us who were not in attendance.  You and all there helped move the energy so well because we all experienced it where we were.  Enjoy your new life and love you so much.  We are all family and we all love each other for who we really are.