~Bearning Witness to the Light Infusion ~
It has been a very very long time since I spent most of the day in the bathtub. I truly bore witness to the greatest movement of Light I had ever seen. What I am going to share may not be in the exact order I had seen them, but truly, it doesn't matter.
I seen the movement of ther earth, of our mother. She was a unique little thing that is for sure. She put on her human suit for me, to give me an image to hold the visual. SHe was in her deep center, on her back, knees bent up to her chest, feet up in the air slightly and on her feet was a globe the of world. She started this movement with her feet that started the globe spinning around inside the walls of her core. She was also rotating as I continued to watch. She was spinning slowing in a circle clockwise slowly compared to the movement of the globe upon her feet. The globe itself, was large, bigger than a basketball, much bigger. It was spinning in every direction, nothing was missed by the feet of Gaia.
I thought about the motion of a gyroscope, several different spins happening at once. As my vision shifted outward to earth, I realized the whole of the earth was also spinning on it axes within the mufti-verse. 3 different spins happening all within the same motion.
I tried to understand what this clearly vivid event was saying, I was and still am clueless. I know it is important because I can see it as clearly now as I did yesterday. I also know from so many meditations, often times the understanding comes later. I am looking forward to that moment!
As I moved up and out to the surface of earth I had seen this massive cylinder of light. It was glowing white and went from the ground to the sky. There was a network of energy all around it, connecting to it. I simply hopped onto the grid-work and looked for a way into the cylinder. The moment I looked for a way in... there was an energy that started to come from the cylinder and pulled me into it. (I would like to just interject the word that is sooooo important to us now CLEAR INTENTION. It wasn't until I intended to find a way it, did it open up to me.)
I watched as my whole physical body was merging into this cylinder. The Light had a very fibrous feel to it. Threads of pure white light that allowed you to be one with it.
As soon as my whole body was in the center of the cylinder, I was sucked rapidly upwards. I came out the top of the tube really disoriented... and oddly changed. I no longer had my human suit on, instead I had tentacles and a strange looking body.. a jelly fish maybe? Nope, as the image got clearer I was a really large octopus. A big bulbus head and I could see the suction cups on each of my tentacles. I understood, without anyone saying a word, these suction cups and tentacles will be how I bring all that is needed towards me in this new grid of life. Not me the person.. me the Light of Created Reality on earth.
The next thing I knew, I was back in the center of the cylinder and flying thru the atmosphere of the earth. My first feeling was to find the White House, the nations capital in the USA to anchor it here for when the collective breathing starts.
I landed it as if it was a natural space ship to me right on top of the White House. Two legs/anchors came out of the bottom and embedded into the earth. As it set firmly in this space, two arms came out of the very top and anchored into the sky.
When it was all set and anchored firmly to this place on earth, it emitted a glow.. a vibration of attraction. Calling (in its own frequency) all Light Cells to it. I could feel it. Like a homing devise or something.
I watched as a network of energy started to light up and connect to each other within the earth.
The human side of me... started to starve! I was so hungry inside my body from all this... energy stuff. I watched as my spirit told me what to eat. Just when you think you gather things at a grocery store for no real reason other than it sounds good...
I was instructed to fix tuna casserole and eat it before coming back into the tub. This was about 10am (I had entered the bath at 8:30am).
What was going to blend together as my days food had purpose and specific energy assigned to it.... really, to the color of it.
Keeping in my I live in a hotel right now and my only cooking devise is a microwave. I purchased some already made macaroni and cheese specifically to create a tuna casserole. This was the color yellow.. the body of the soul. It holds everything together for the creation. The peas, green, heart energy. The tomatoes was earth herself, red. The tuna was the sea of life. The fluidness in which we live and swim.
I understood it is not only important for me to experience amazing changing time from the outer view, but also from the inner place as well. To infuse it as one full energy inside and out within my humanness.
Who am I to argue?
I drained my bathtub down to about an inch of water. I knew by the time I returned the water would be cold, as it as pretty much already there anyway. It was important to hold the energy of this first session in my water, hence keeping an inch in the tub.
I got my mac and cheese outta the fridge, got my can of peas out and then laughed at myself. I don't have a can opener. I made sure the tuna had a pull ring on it... but how did I forget that with my veggies? My peas and tomatoes had no pull ring. There was nothing in me that wanted to run to the store, so I called down to the front desk and they gave me the no we don't have a can opener reply I expected.
So I pondered. Obviously my spirit knew already I didn't have the tools to make this creation, yet, I was given very specific instructions and understandings. Now what?
I thought, maybe I can break thru the cans with a key. I got my room key and started pounding the top of the can... and laughed at myself. It didn't work at all. And then I was shown my scissors in my desk drawer... why not, it is pointier than the keys. These are my cheap dollar store scissor and not only did they break thru the cans, but effectively cut the metal open so the contents would come out. But even this... had it's own message.
The Peas, representing the heart energy, the divine feminine had a thinner metal and was easily pierced. I moved the metal to the inside of the can to spread the opening wider. The tomatoes on the other hand, much harder. Took some pounding, the created earth, the divine masculine. I actually pulled the metal out of the can, up and away from the insides.
I really felt accomplished when all my energies came together to create my food. I popped it in the microwave to heat up and God was it ever good!!
I heard my spirit say, well you cannot have such a fine dinner (even tho it was really breakfast lol) without desert! God I so love me!! But again, I am not eating for the sake of eating, I am creating a very very purposeful energy within me, within the combined ingredients.
I was taken to a snack sized package of M & M's I have and that was the perfect desert. More than I could have ever realized. I spilled them out onto my bed and looked at them. I was told to make a formation with them.
I needed 12 M&M's and I laughed as I watched this go effortlessly together with color... the yellow one represented me. I placed it on my bed. To my upper left and upper right a blue M&M represented two energies that would be my right and left hand/arm. (Think the start of a triangle with these candies) then slightly diagonal inwards were 4 red vibrations on the left, 4 green vibrations on the right. and the last one was an orange one. I understood each one's meaning and placement... (which I will not share here... sorry). When I looked at the form of M&M's on my bed it looked just like a sword and I thought OMG this is AA Michael's Sword of Truth!
I had 5 M&M's left from the bag... 4 blue and one brown. The brown went in the middle as the 4 blue placed around it. Representing the power of change (5) the earth (brown) and spirits expression on the earth (blue).
I ate everything in a very sacred prayer way... feeling and savoring not only the taste.. but the combined energy as well.
It was almost 11am... gotta go heat my tub up.
The Breath of Light
The moment my eyes hit the water... I was back at the White House. The very first thing I witnessed was this massive angel of light reaching down from the right side and hugged the top of the white house soooooo hard it broke into pieces. The top of the white house was now completely open and exposed.
And I started to see and feel the breaths of light swirl in towards the white house. I cannot even tell you how amazing this feeling was. It came in from the 4 directions swirling and expanding as it started circulating around the white house. Golden threads of energy on the outer strands of the united breath energy.
I breathed... a breathe so thick I was surprised. And then... I watched as this massive Angel of Light took what was the rest of the white house and pulled it up off it's foundation and started to shake. Shake and shake and shake as if trying to get the very last something out of it.
The breath of light now infiltrating the space within the white house... and then the white house shattered into pieces.
I was made aware of two things as I watched it shatter...
The Color of Money. The USA money is made in rich green... the energy of the heart. America has had a massive love affair with money... forsaking so much in it's pursuit. The creators of this money knew... and colored this way for a reason.
Oil. As the White House fell apart, the earth on which is was built started leaking... pulsing oil. Dirty, used oil. The earth herself was bleeding out all the impurities in which her blood had been used.
I shifted my awareness to the energy grid above the white house.. and below... there was so much meditation energy... so many living colors of life. So much took place in perfect harmony that not only holds this vibration of new rich vibration life... but has become it.
Instantly I thought about the other countries... the other capitols of the earth that may not have had representation today. I was flying here and there... breathing.... watching the network of energy light up in the core of the earth. We left no stone unturned (so to speak)
When I made my way back to the USA capital... something really really amazing happened. The combined energy of Light was too much for the old energy to hold in the same place. I watched as this place... the energy of the white house and all that is aligned to that grid of fear, control power, money, oil... etc... collapsed down into the earth and took the entire grid work with it from all around the world.
Once it completely disappeared from the face of the earth... something that caught me so much by surprise.. there was my grandson... dancing his wild thing dance in every single direction. He stood at the center of the white house... and danced slowly turning around in a 360 degree circle... emitting... embedding the frequency of love in it's place.
Him and those of his age (he is almost 2) will be of age in a little under 2 generations... The energy has now been released to welcome them when they arrive. And they WILL arrive!!
I also understood much is going to be changing in the coming years. As these changes take place... re-member who you are. There is going to be a time when pure re-SOURCE-full-ness is demanded.
Every human has amazing skills within them... skills that lay dormant because life is still rather convenient. Learn to fly now... so you aren't doing on the fly a moment from now.
There is so much more to share, but for today... this is enough.
With a grand excitement in my heart, in the fields of Light... thank you for your breath of Love, we have indeed changed the world!!
On bended knee we marvel at the sea of Love that is Now Created Reality.
Lisa Gawlas