It occurred to me that what we're seeing now is as complex as a Beethoven symphony and as intricate as a ballet. Just imagine the dynamics involved to arrange the forthcoming events, it amazes me to no end:
(1) We have the largest known Hurricane/N'oreaster storm combination swirling to a crescendo in the most populated part of America. A slow moving monster that could flood, freeze and dump mountains of freezing rain and snow, the likes of which have never been seen in the modern era.
(2) We've had a 7.7 earthquake in British Columbia that has already rung-out 14 aftershocks the smallest of which was a 4.1, and has forced out tsunami warnings all across the Pacific.
(3) We've had a large CME yesterday that is now barreling through space with an arrival time of approximately October 30th. Right about the same time Hurricane/N'oreaster Sandy is visiting the crap out of New York.
(4) And the cherry on top?, Full Moon. The Hunter's Full Moon in fact, which is slated to make its entrance on October 29th. And bring along his friend High Tide to keep things interesting.
It just doesn't get any better than this. - Tighten up the ropes to yer skivvies mates, it looks like we're going for a ride! Take care.