~Being Nonjudgmental is a KEY to ASCENDED LIVING, as LIGHT~

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This is RC, and I share my Light and Love with All.


~Being Nonjudgmental is a KEY to ASCENDED LIVING, as LIGHT~



One Light Being, experiencing 3D realities, where the extreme nature of the duality of polarity prevails that leans towards Darkness, is a LESSON entirely, as one learns, as Light, to traverse through Darkness while living as Light and expressing one self through this nature of dualistic polarization.

Through Darkness, one experiences individual as well as collective dualistic polarizations that stem from individual (DNA/Psychological), familial (DNA/family dynamics), societal, religious, cultural, political and thousands upon thousands of dualistic polarities that exist that one chooses as expressions of one self in 3D realities.

Many of our Galactic families, through channeled messages, guide us in detaching from illusions that one experiences. Through the messages, they have guided us by allowing us to understand that detaching from the illusions, therefore becoming impartial to any dualistic polarity is an essential component in our individual and collective ascension process.

As our solar system and all inhabitants within ascend to higher dimensions of realities, we begin to open our collective hearts to the understanding, appreciation, and loving of one self and each other, allowing for the release and disappearance of any dualistic polarities that remain.

The release of judgmental issues from an individual perspective catapults the release of our collective judgmental issues therefore allowing for Ascended Living to commence. One Light Being, during these moments, continues looking within to allow for the releasing of any negative karmic emotions and any judgmental issues that may still exist. This release of dualistic judgmental issues within one self only occurs when one accepts, appreciates, and loves the reason for each particular dualistic polarity issue thus releasing any judgment one has had of one self, as well as, judgment one has had towards others.

Being nonjudgmental, impartial, is a key in ascended living because this allows for the expansion of one self. One, as an Ascended Light Being, compassionately loves all Beings, and is impartial to anything, thus allowing for the unity of Oneness with all that exist. For one soon realizes that if one judges, that judgment is a reflection of one self.

As one emerges out of the darkness of duality and one merges into the Light of ascended Living, one releases any judgments, and any dualistic polarities for one knows, in one’s heart, that to live as an Ascended Light Gaian, one has to compassionately love all Life that exist in the Cosmos and beyond and be impartial to all.

Love the Light, love the Dark, love the good, love the bad, love everything, and do not judge anything.

May The One Bless All, As One.

RC Towers.
