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Light Artist Janosh


Third Ray - Pink Ray - Ruby Ray
Divine Qualities - Love, Adoration, Gratitude, Compassion, Mercy, Perfection
Twin Flame of Archeia Charity
Retreat - Temple of the Crystal Pink Flame an etheric retreat over the city of St. Louis, Missouri.

Chamuel's Name means "He who sees God"


" . . . We are in the day of opportunity - opportunity not only to make things right, but opportunity to spread the Cause of Freedom and Its Glorious Effects across the face of the planet into the consciousness of mankind. Thus will this Earth be freed from limitations of every description. May there never again go forth from the heart of any lifestream who has been blessed by the Presence of Saint Germain, a vibratory action that is less than the joy, the gladness, the praise, the thanksgiving, and the adoration to the God of Life for His Goodness, for such sustained adoration is the Consciousness of the Kingdom of Heaven. The primal difference between the Kingdom of Heaven and the realm in which you abide, children of Earth, is that the Consciousness in Heaven never knows anything less than Praise, Thanksgiving and Gratitude to Life. It never knows condemnation, discouragement, nor depression. It is in a constant rhythm of gratitude and everexpanding Adoration for all the Gifts and Powers that are from the Universal First Cause, spilled forth in great profusion -so much so that all the Consciousness of the God-Free Beings put together could not grasp all of the Ideas that are released from the Mind and Heart of the Father, even in one minute.

"The Adoration Flame is practical. It is one of the most practical activities that can be generated within the heart, soul and Spirit of the bound, because it is an actual treatment of the feeling as well as of the mind and an actual therapy to the flesh. True adoration to God has within it no self-seeking. It is an absolute relaxation, basking in the Goodness of God and loving Him for Himself or loving any great God Being Who represents some special Service to Life. There is, therefore, within it none of the tension that sometimes attends prayer and invocation because of the use of human will. Adoration, to be the therapy for which it is meant in the return of the exile, is a complete devotion to the Goodness of Life. It is the same relaxed devotion that you feel when you sit in the sunshine on a beautiful Spring day and absorb into yourself the goodness of the light of that mighty Sun. Adoration is just a pouring forth of your life and all the gratitude that your heart can draw forth to the Heart of the Sun, to the Heart of the Presence, to the Heart of Saint Germain or any God-Free Being. I challenge any individual in depression, any individual in pain, any individual in chains of any kind, to use the Flame of Adoration - that is the true nature of their being. If in using that, they do not see and feel Freedom, then the Sun and the planets themselves will no longer move on their appointed course.

"The Flame of Adoration has been looked upon by the practical man as something for the visionary, for the aesthetic, for the devotional. It has been put aside by the human intellect as an opiate of the soul. Yet that Flame of Adoration contains within Itself the most practical, scientific aspect of the Law. That to which you give your life grows, multiplies, matures and develops, whether it is a garden plot, whether it is a farm crop or whether it is a friendship, human or Divine. The pouring forth of the gratitude of your love and life multiplies and makes things grow. The pouring forth of adoration to the Heart of the Presence, makes that Presence within your own heart to grow. It makes that Golden Man expand and mature within the heart even as the plants in your garden, to which you give the love of your life and the care of your hands, expand and multiply themselves. Adoration and love is the spiritual aspect of the Law by which the beloved Jesus multiplied the loaves and the fishes, by which conscious precipitation may be increased in your world and your affairs. The giving of thanks for the substance at hand can duplicate that substance indefinitely.

"There is no limit to the response within Life to love poured forth consciously, for Love is Life Itself and the cells within that which you love double, triple and increase as you pour out your love and gratitude to them. Adoration is a Divine Alchemy, beloved hearts, which you may use well in your association one with the other. It is that Power to Adore the God Flame within the hearts of unascended beings that enables Us to continue to serve age after age, to continue to Love, to continue to hold impersonal Kindness, brushing away the appearance and the shadows. It enables Us to give no thought to them but adoring that God Flame within the heart, nourishing it by Our Faith and Our Confidence, and drawing It forth from that 'Airless Cell' until one day each Flame will arise the Master Presence of that human form. It is Our Adoration and Devotion to that imprisoned Life of God within the heart that has kept mankind from annihilation through the ages. If you, in your dealings one with another, were to use that Flame, centering yourself within the stillness of your own heart and acknowledging then that the Presence of God beats the heart of those around you; if you were, in calm, impersonal devotion to pour your adoration to the Flame within the imprisoned heart of those who cause you distress, what would you do? You would increase the Power, the Pressure of that Presence within that heart, you would increase the Light rather than accentuate the shadows by the added accumulation of your censure and blame.

"The man who learns to adore the Flame of Life, to acknowledge that Presence everywhere, may move in the world and find all life his friend, because the intelligent Presence waiting within the heart of even those who seem to be the most difficult responds instantly to the salutation when it comes from the feelings and not from the will or only from the lips. Beloved hearts of Life! That Flame of Adoration directed to that which is good is a practical magnet within your hands to draw to you every good and perfect thing if you will use it! Over and over again We come, bringing to you the Key to Freedom, and Your precious hearts respond, but so soon, so soon, you slip back into the habits of the centuries and forget to use these Gifts which are Ours to give, Ours to remind you of, but yours to externalize!

"In the action of the Violet Ray that now plays on the planet Earth, what do you think that Ray will do for you when you give your adoration to It? How It will leap forth in response to your devotion and love! In the Action of the Resurrection Flame, in the Action of the Ascension Flame, or any of the Gifts from the Hearts of the Masters of Heaven, beloved ones, practice pouring forth your greatest adoration. Although you know not its fullness, Thanksgiving and Gratitude are the Activity of the Adoration Flame. Feel It increase and multiply within you! Prove that not behind convent wall, not in the hermitage alone, but on the streets, walking the pavement, cleaning your homes, turning the wheels of business, the Adoration Flame is a practical alchemy for multiplying good and decreasing evil.

"Among the millions of sons of men incarnate on this planet Earth today, you are the few who have chosen to part the Veil of Silence and allow Me to give to you an outline of My Service to Life. I know, because of your centuries of devotion to spiritual things, that it shall live and truly wax strong. Oh, the Happiness within that Pink Flame as It rises within your hearts, and calls to the Central Sun of this system! Oh, the happiness that your bodies will feel and the lightness you will experience as you drop the appearance of age, distress, discomfort! As you learn to relax within that Pink Flame of Gratitude and Thanksgiving to Life, the softness will erase the lines on your face and Love will replace the hard look in the eyes. All these Blessings come from the use of that Flame of Thanksgiving, of Gratitude and Adoration, of which My beloved Complement is the Spiritual Being and Heart. It is a cause for rejoicing that the mighty infinite Spirit of Thanksgiving and Gratitude, whom I love and Who is part of My life shall increase and intensify now until Her Spirit covers the Earth. When the beloved Pilgrim Fathers gave acknowledgment to the Spirit of Thanksgiving, they did draw into the lower atmosphere of Earth a Focus of that Flame, and that is why in, through and around the New England States particularly, the Focus of Love and the Activity of the beloved Nada is so powerfully felt.

"There is no such thing as 'happenstance' in the placing of lifestreams at various strategic points on the Earth's surface! You think you are born to a family, in a nation, sometimes by happenstance! You think you are drawn by circumstance (sometimes very adverse) from a place of seeming security into a new locality where you must hew again for yourself a means of making a living. Yet if you could see at inner levels those great magnetic currents which draw your Light that you might join together in cooperative units to be used by the Cosmic Law, you would rejoice as your feet responded, as outer circumstances caused necessary changes. It is thus that you are built into Grails through which specific Qualities and Blessings are poured to flow through the planet Earth and its evolutions, to bless, uplift and enrich all! . . . "

Archangel Chamuel and Charity's etheric retreat is over the city of St. Louis, Missouri and is called the Temple of the Crystal Pink Flame. From this temple, they radiate an immense flow of divine love and creativity to the entire hemisphere and arc these energies to the retreat of the Elohim Heros and Amora over Lake Winnipeg. Archangel Chamuel and Charity invite students to come to their retreat to expand loving-kindness.

Chamuel and Charity are the Archangel and Archeia of of the Third Ray of God's Love. Their Retreat is located in the etheric realm over the city of St. Louis, Missouri in the United States of America.

In every Retreat of the Archangels, there is a Focus of the Sacred Fire that is maintained at all times. In Chamuel and Charity's Retreat there is the focusing of the Pink Flame of Love.

This Retreat is called the Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame. An Arc of Divine Love has been established between this Retreat and that of the Elohim of the Third Ray, Heros and Amora, in the etheric realm near Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba, Canada. Chamuel and Charity radiate from their Retreat Waves of Divine Love and Creativity to the entire hemisphere and to the entire Earth. Such spiritual action promotes generosity of heart and the expansion of the Flame of Adoration in all who will receive it. The Altar and Flame of the Temple of the Crystal-Pink Flame are dedicated to the flow of Life from the Heart of of the Great "I AM" to the Heart Flame if the Individualized "I AM" extended into the Heart of each embodied lifestream.

Archangel Chamuel and Charity invite students to come to their Retreat to expand loving-kindness. Here, they teach absolute trust in the ultimate resolution that Divine Love can bring into daily affairs and family situations.

The most prominent landmark of St. Louis, Missouri is a 630-foot high stainless steel Gateway Arch which is constructed near the Mississippi River and symbolizes St. Louis as the gateway to the West. Inspired by the Inner Design of the Retreat, the Gateway Arch is intended as a sign to quicken the awareness of all who behold it that here is the open door to Archangel Chamuel and Charity's Retreat.


Archangel Chamuel and Charity
Copyright © Marius Michael-George / Contact:

Ascended Masters Teachings

Ascended Master Teachings as given through Their Anointed Representatives

Research Material:
Ascended Masters- Who are they?
Ascension Research Center

The Temple of The Presence


Sharing Love note:

In honoring a vision that had been humbly received. In this vision was re-given an ancient text, translated into three languages. Which is a contract that had to be signed in love & trust, and so the 'Ascended Master Teachings' is here for all to share in love & trust that we honor their timeless wisdom and uphold it original designation 'Our Divine Creator' divine light working through 'Ascended Masters. Anointed Representatives Galactic Free Press- File Archival The Ascended Master Teachings.


"When we awaken a Master Ascends within."



thank you

dawn christine's picture

... with gratitude love and grace.


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We are so very happy, just went outside beneath & dancing with the Star filled night to your happiness Dearest Sister Dawn Christine our Angel Mercy.



Ashvatha Foundation- Community
Earth Stewardship Global Non-Profit
Melbourne Australia 3000