Beloved Goddess of Justice

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God Bless you, Dear Sons and Daughters of the Eternal Light That Knows No Failure! I greet you 
through the Mighty Dispensation of your Beloved Akasha and Asun, and I greet you out of the Eternal 
Flame of Divine Justice that is my Service to Life.
… The Mighty Saint Germain is my Twin Flame… I speak to each of you -- as my Beloved Saint 
Germain offers his own Heart Flame, and as Chela and Mighty Chohan of that Heart Flame, the 
Violet Consuming Flame, for the purification of humankind, the purification of the Powers of Nature 
and the Forces of the Elements; and also for the greater protection of all that is good and 
constructive within yourselves, your loved ones, your families, your nations and the world -- do I 
offer each of you, to become one with your own Heart Flame, my Eternal Flame of Divine Justice.
…On the issue of Divine Justice, my Dear Hearts, I ask that each of you would hold within your self 
that desire to be just, at all times, to the Mighty Presence that stands above your human forms, 
that gives you Life; to be just to the great Elementals, the tiny fiery beings of which your physical 
forms are composed; to be just to the Powers of Nature and the Forces of the Elements that make 
up your Mother Nature; and in general, to be just at all times to all Life outside of you.
And in light of that desire, to reach up to your own Mighty God 'I Am' of your Being, and to myself, 
and to call upon me to anchor within you, to enjoin within your own Mighty Unfed Flame, that 
Darling Flame, that Eternal Flame of Divine Justice -- that just loves to make you just to your 
Presence and to the elements of your body, the elements of the Earth and all Life outside of you. 
And then ask me to fill you with that Eternal Flame of Divine Justice. Those are the key words in the 
English language, my Dear Hearts -- 'The Eternal Flame of Divine Justice'. Will you consider this?  
It is not for a long time that I have been given the authority of the great nation that is known as 
Canada… Before coming to this nation Canada, it was my authority to continuously send forth the 
Fire of my Heart's Flame, primarily into the two nations that were England and France, and to a 
lesser degree to the nations of Portugal, Italy, Spain, Greece -- and even to a lesser degree, certain 
other nations that were trying to hold to the democracy and freedom of Europe that was facing that 
sinister force that tragically had its day as the two World Wars that are behind you now.
I carry and I bring to each of you my own Legions of the Angels of the Eternal Flame of Divine 
Justice. There is no limit, my Dear Hearts, to how close we can come into association with you. 
Trust your feelings. As you invite your own Great 'I Am' Presence and us to come into full power and 
expression in your feeling side of Life, you give us the permission to help you feel your own 
magnificent Great God Presence, and to allow Her or Him to find its greater expression in your 
outer lives, that your outer lives have been fulfilled.
More and more, I shall encourage you to trust the inner feelings that will grow within you, for I say 
that not 144 days can pass -- if every day, you call upon your Presence and us, to come forth in full 
power and full Light into the feeling side of life -- that you shall arrive in that place, my Dear 
Hearts, that your feeling side of Life, the Goddess of your own Being, shall be so resurrected, and 
your own Goddess shall serve you greatly in giving you the inner promptings, the inner direction, 
and opening the door to the inner voice of the Master that dwells within your own Heart Flames. So 
that you have that Supreme Guidance, that Supreme Love, that is within you, and a formidable 
Power to act upon that Love and that Guidance, that you may march forward to your victory of Life; 
that you may be in service to Light and be in service to all that is the desire for justice in Life. And 
that your own passageway through the experience on this Earth may be a passageway in which your 
calling is fully embodied; your Service to Life is that of being a mighty outpouring of Light. And the 
Light within your own Heart Flame is that Light that goeth forth out into the world, compelling 
Justice wherever you walk upon this Earth.
Could you be playful for a moment? Could you allow the Goddess within you to fill your imagination 
with some images? Could you ask  your own Directing Higher Intelligence to give you the correct 
pictures? Could you say to the Mighty 'I Am' of your Life, "Give me a good picture, for I wish to be so 
conscious of the great Octave of Light above me in which the Ascended Ones and the Goddesses 
live. Could you give me a good picture? Could you give me an image of my own Presence, and an 
image of this great Octave of Light? Could you give me an image of a great transparent belt of white 
Light that surrounds the physical Sun? Could you give me an image of this magnificent belt of white 
Light, that has within it and upon it, magnificent temples of Light that are the Goddess temples and 
some temples that belong to the Mighty Helios and Vesta. Could you give me some images? I'm going 
to play with my imagination. I'm going to imagine some pictures. My Mighty Presence, Great Host of 
Light, could you help me; could  you pour your Light into my imagination? For I wish to stay 
conscious. I wish to stay aware of my Presence, of the Great Octaves of Light and the Great 
Ascended Host, for I am opening my Life. I am opening my heart, my soul, my being, and all the 
affairs of my life -- I am opening my home and all my outer world activities to this great Cosmic 
To do this about three times, my Dear Hearts. About three times to actually set aside time, and it's 
time to go out and just be a in a lovely setting, to enjoy Mother Nature and just to be still.
And then 
to say to your Presence and to us, "I'm going to think about everything that's in my life. I'm going 
to think about friends, about relationship. I'm going to think about my work and my future. And 
I'm going to remember that I'm awake, and that my Light is growing. And I call forth, as I have 
this contemplation -- I call forth the Light of my Presence and the Light of the Ascended Host to 
weave through all my thoughts and all my feelings that I am about to engage upon, so that that 
Light can come forth as the great bridge of Love, the great bridge of transformation; so that 
Light can come forth as that which transforms and supports and builds that bridge of 
transformation and Love that helps me to move from where I am into that which everything in 
the outer life is a fulfilling manifestation that just continues to grow, producing more Love, 
more happiness. And there are no voids, there are no hurdles, but rather everything is a sweet 
God Bless you, Beloved Blazing Sons and Daughters of Light! I offer each of you my Mantle of Divine 
Justice. May it make you intolerant to the injustices of the world, and may it grow within each of 
you a compelling desire to reach up to your Presence and the Presence of all humankind, and to 
reach up to the Ascended Host, to call us to release what we know the world requires to be free of 
the injustices, the hatred and the discord that certainly has a tendency to wreck human lives and to 
create destruction on the Earth. I bring you greetings from the entire Ascended Host. May their Love 
and their Light find within each of you that expression making each of you a greater instrument of 
Cosmic Love Supreme.  
God Bless you, God Bless you, God Bless you! 
