Beloved Queen of Light: Ascended Master Asun & Mother Akasha Decree for Humanity

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Beloved Queen of Light: Master Asun & Mother Akasha Decree for Humanity  
~Akasha: …We bring you the Living Light and the Living letters and the Living Gifts of the Great 
Queen of Light. You know in her age she is one of the Great Cosmic Beings of Light… The Queen of 
Light has come from a very distant time/space in the past when a civilization was upon the earth of 
varying belief systems, evolution was high but so was the discord, so was the tragedy… The greatest 
challenge at that time for an unascended being, such as yourself who is seeking the light, the great 
challenge was to maintain life in the body for a minimum of 400 years. the Queen of Light 
maintained life in the body for 937 years and then she gained her ascension. The Queen of Light 
upon her ascension did not look like a raggedy old lady because she was 900 years in the body! No, 
she retained youth like you would think of a 22 year old young lady. That is what she maintained in 
her body. 
~Asun: When the Queen of Light comes into your life she offers you that which is termed Diamonds 
of Light or Gems of Light…One of the great qualities of the Queen of Light and her Gems of Light is 
to bring forth greater joy into your life.  
The Spiritual Hierarchy, and certainly the Queen of Light, desire that you work more with the 
Cosmic Light Substance. At any moment, any  one of you can issue the following decree: Mighty 
Presence of Life! I reach up into the Ascended Masters Octave of Light, and I draw forth that Cosmic 
Light Substance into my being and world. And I command that my Great God Presence, I command 
the Queen of Light and the Angels of Light, join me in charging the very walls of this room, the very 
atmosphere, the very energy of this room, of this building, with the Ascended Masters Cosmic Light 
Substance, that does not allow the lower human energies and qualities to manifest.
Where is the Queen of Light? She is in the Great Cathedral of Light, up in the Golden City of Light, 
above the Sahara. That which is the Sahara Desert -- that desert has been there three times and 
there has been three civilizations before each of those deserts. And then you go past that in time, 
then you have the Queen of Light. The Queen of Light grew up in the area that is today the Middle 
East. But you see, where you have deserts today, you have former civilizations of great attainment 
in which the people eventually turned away from the Light, and the turning away from the Light 
caused the degradation of life, until finally the Earth takes Her toll, and removes humanity, and 
what you have left is the desert.
The more you want to call that Cosmic Light Substance. Even until your feeling body is completely 
harmonized, you can reach up to God and Goddess of Light, Ray of Light, Queen of Light, to just 
flood your Feeling Body with the great Cosmic Light that just silences everything that is not Love. 
Lack is not love. Do you have anything to prove to yourself? Is there anything, is there any lesson, is 
there any insight that you yet want to give yourself from lack and suffering? The whole lot of you 
should have a lot more money in your hands and use! Are you in agreement with me? (Yes!) And, 
Dear Hearts, you should have freedom. You are Children of the Light. You're claiming your victory, 
and you should have the ability to move about this world, safe in the tube of Light you have called 
forth from your Higher Self, and having all of the means and all of the resources that you require.
The Light is pouring forth, and the great Cathedral of Light in the Realms of Light, the Golden City, 
is the seat of the Queen of Light. It is from this seat of the Queen of Light that the great Grand 
Master Melchizedek, and Herself, send forth tremendous Dispensations of Light. Her Twin Flame  
Melchizedek works with the student body that  is approaching the Ascended Master teachings 
through the old presentation of those teachings  that were found in the Language of Light and 
brought through the original Fire Letters of what is the Melchizedek Knowledge. There are students 
that continually wish to work with the techniques and the application of that and that is fine. And 
there are other students who've come to realize, all that I really need to work with is my Beloved 
Higher Self, the Ascended Masters, the Light and the Sacred Fire. It's not difficult, Dear Hearts. My 
own Higher Self, the Ascended Masters, the Light and the Sacred Fire.
I call upon my Great God Presence, and the Ascended Masters, and the Angelic Host, to make of me 
a Being of the Violet Flame, to constantly purify this outer self of all discordant creation. And I call 
upon the Light of my Great God Presence, and the Great Beings of Light, the Queen of Light, Ray of 
Light, God and Goddess of Light, and Angels of Light, to keep flooding this outer self with the Great 
Cosmic Light, and its Substance, directly into my mind, body, feelings and world -- especially if 
something has been purified within me, I don't want to come along and re-qualify it discordantly. 
The true democracy of Life allows every human being to grow, to worship, to speak, to create, to 
interact in this world according to their desire, without anything or anyone holding them back. The 
permanent atom within every human being's heart that every human being has, is being activated by 
the Queen of Light at this time. If the permanent atom, which is in the fifth chamber of the heart, 
is activated into a place of giving forth a radiation of what is in there, that radiation, when it grows 
within  a  human  being  --  what  does  it  give  you?  It  gives  you  the  gift  of  knowing  each  and  every 
moment what is the difference between what is right and wrong for you. So you see, within the 
world, the human race will grow with that knowing within of what is right and what is wrong. Not 
from a political wisdom point of view, not from social consciousness, not from what the morality of 
the world suggests what is right and wrong, but what is in your heart, known as what is right and 
what is wrong. 
This tremendous activation that is going on as a gift of the Queen of Light will assist more people to 
find their higher purpose, and more people will be equipped with the courage and the illumination 
to follow that path of that which is right for them… 
God Bless You, Dear Hearts. I would like to seal this Invocation with a Blessing from the Queen of 
Mighty Presence of Life, I, Asun, Causal Emissary of Jesus the Christ of the Earth, use that Authority 
to address the Great God Presence within and above each of you. And I say to you, Mighty Presence 
of Life, I bow before Thy Throne Room, and acknowledge Thy Illumining Splendour that Lighteth up 
these Temples. Come Forth, O Mighty Presence of Life, and be the Authority of Love and Wisdom, 
and the Power of the Presence, that sets each one free. That each one here might go forth, a 
powerful focus of Light that sets the Earth free.
Great Mother of the Universe, Mighty Queen of Light, we greet you from out of our Diamond Heart. 
We call forth your Gems of Light, your Diamonds of Light, to these the Children of Light. Fix and 
fasten, as you project Thy Diamonds of Light into the Crowns and Feeling Body of everyone here 
gathered today. Cause your Gems and Diamonds of Light to come alive with the full Cosmic Light 
Substance of the Ascended Host, to give birth to Ascended Master Joy that knows no boundaries, 
within the minds and the hearts, the feelings of each one gathered here.  
Beloved Queen of Light! Thou art the Authority over the Angels of Light. We compel you this day to 
release an Angel of Light unto the lives of each one here, and cause that Angel of Light to be with 
each one, until they gain their Ascension and the Ascension of the World. And may that Angel of 
Light be Your Ambassador, O Queen of Light, to the lifestream of each one gathered here. And may 
that Angel of Light join each one's Calls, for the Greater Light to Come Forth and take its full 
Conscious Dominion within these outer selves.
Mighty Queen of Light! We welcome Your tremendous Cosmic Light Substance to the people of the 
Earth. May each one, in the most intimate way, feel Your Light and Your Love as that expanded 
state of beingness that sets Life free. May Your Light -- the Great Cosmic Light of the Universe 
and its Fiery Love, O Queen of Light, and Your Legions of Light, Descend into the atmosphere of 
Earth, the Powers of Nature and the Forces of the Elements, the very structure of the Earth Itself, 
and with that Cosmic Light, set the Earth, the atmosphere of Earth and the people of Earth free of 
all discord that has been self-imposed.
We Bless the Earth. We Bless You, O Beings of Light. And we Bless you, each one, from out of the 
Diamond Heart of Our Love. Akasha and I enfold you in the Rose-Pink Golden Ray of our Love. God 
Bless you for Eternity. And Namaste.
