The best training on the job... ~ by Georgi Stankov

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The Best training on the Job

by Love Reporter Georgi Stankov



Dear Paolo,

It was a great pleasure to read your very elaborate letter in Italian and you should continue writing to me in Italian as it is obvious that there is so much that one can only express in his native language. 

Yes, I do know that you have a profound philosophical background and that you appreciate aspects of my theory and books that remain unnoticed by most Anglo-Saxon readers of my website. 

Your experience with your two friends is typical for the current End Times. You have been introduced by them into the New Age literature, but you have soon "surpassed them on the right side of the highway" as the Germans say and they could not accept this "inappropriate" behaviour on your part in front of your teachers, which is a clear indication for their spiritual limitations. This is quite normal. In this case it is easy to condemn you, or the people you read, of a huge ego - this behaviour is triggered like an unconditional Pavlov's reflex in all unreflective light workers when they are confronted with a peer mind. This is the classical protection, to which such people always resort, when they want to entrench themselves against any new influences which they fear they might exceed their intellectual capacity. 

Now I will make an important prediction: When the events begin to unfold very soon with an incredible velocity, you will be surprised to witness how many light workers will retreat from the new opportunities out of fear instead of embracing them. When the rug will be pulled away from under their feet, their true character will surge on the surface and many of them will continue clinging to the old and will be afraid to jump in the abyss without a safety net. The real human tragedies are bound to begin soon. All we have experienced so far is just "petting" in comparison to "il grande orgasmo di paura" that will overwhelm the people.

To stay firm in these turbulent times "sarebbe nostro dovere", as the people will run to us and ask for an advice in their total helplessness. The real challenges for us lie ahead and it is very important to start now profiling us as future spiritual leaders. 

Your negative experience of being ridiculed after 11.11.11 was the best training on the job.

I am happy to hear your confirmation that the people around you who were sceptical to your ideas in the past are now beginning to ask you for advice and to listen to your arguments, which is a clear indication that their inner impulse has begun to torment them. 

This tendency will stipulate in the coming days and we must be prepared for this new mission - being the pillars of humanity amidst mayhem and havoc, where the mental disarray and confusion of the masses will be the worst of all. 
As I have explicitly said in my last report-50, the initiative to expand our educational activities over to the whole humanity should be done with pleasure, experimental joy and creativity, each one of us in his own way and preference. It is not so much what we do, but that we have decided to do anything beyond chatting with each other. 

Some of my readers have become lazy and complacent and think that change will come from Heaven. It will, but we have still to make our choices and decisions here on the ground. Therefore, I wanted to expel them from the comfort zone (spiritual ghetto) of this website and throw them in the big world to fight with naked hands against dinosaurs as to win their first badge of courage. 

You must consider that most of the star seeds and members of the PAT have lived the life of social outcasts and have seldom had the opportunity to take responsibility on a grander scale. Now they have to do it all of a sudden, contrary to their whole previous experience, And this is not easy at the beginning - but they must be thrown in the cold water and must learn to swim by themselves. We have no time to adjust slowly to the changes - they will be sweeping and devastating for most people, not for us. We must be beacons of light in this moment of change, when the true character of the individual comes into play.

Dear Paolo, do whatever your inner self tells you and do it with pleasure. There is no stress to educate the people, but know that we have entered the last stage when we no longer play in the amateur league, "ma nella prima divisione" and the whole world will be watching us very soon.

In love and light
January 8, 2012

