Between Worlds, Passing the Tipping Point?

Cherie's picture

I think I passed a tipping point and don't know what to do. I am asking my angels and guides(YOU) for help today to understand and what to do. The last several weeks I have been as though in a trance, preferring to be in the NOW but struggling to deal with 3D reality. I FEEL like I have become an observer to the point of disconnection and am not sure if that is good or bad. Yesterday, I woke up and had an out of body experience or guess that is what it was. I was ONE with a Hue man angel who I could see through. I FEEL as though I am not part of the world anymore yet went to work. Around noon I had to tell him I was not well as I couldn't concentrate on anything and am home today. I want to go forward but still have to support myself yet am having problems concentrating on earthly stuff-things that are put on us forcing us to do useless tasks when there is so much that needs to be done for humanity. I FEEL the need to move on but it is not the right time-yet. I FEEL big things coming and I am supposed to wait yet how do you still function? Thank goodness I have sick leave but I am lettting others down which is not like me. I have had some days or smaller times like this in the past months but this one FEELS bigger by far. Hope to get some perspective on what to do from others. WE ARE ONE!



What a blessing to know there

Eternally Seeking 's picture

What a blessing to know there are so many others experiencing the same 'doldrums'! I could have written this myself, friend!  Our old 3D programming is falling rapidly away and we are trying to hard to process it - hence the worry of 'supporting ourselves'... we won't have that concern once we just let go & release and dive right into the freedom of 5D of which we already are a part as you know and are experiencing.  I focus on the blissful detachment, thankful to be closer to saying buh-bye to this chaotic reality, knowing it keeps my connection to my Godself fully open and my arms open wide to the next thrilling step :-}


Cherie's picture

Thank one and all. It just was weird to be missing so much work. I know we are coming very close to the beginning of a wonderous time. I see forgiveness for all and Oneness with all and it FEELS great. I am ready to fly! I guess I needed the time as it has worn me out. It is amazing how much it takes to project light out of a 3D body and I don't think I realize that as it is so great to do and may be overdoing it a bit. My meditation today was amazing. I felt as though I connected to MotherGod for sure today. This group has been wonderful for me and I bless all here as so many of us or at least I had been looking for such a posative group of people. A lot of places don't hold the same light or anything close to it so advice here means a whole lot.

I totally FEEL You! I was

Earthchic's picture

I totally FEEL You! I was just sitting here thinking about all of this when I started reading your letter.
I can't seem to get myself out of my chair to do even the simplest of tasks, like feeding our cats! I keep thinking that any day now I will wake up and be blissfully happy, but it's not happening. I'm even having a hard time getting myself to Meditate And I know this is exactly what I need to be doing!
The only thing I FEEL like doing is reading GFP and hearing about the transformation that others are going thru. I feel very alone right now and don't know what to do to change this feeling.
I think in the past 3 months, I've had about a weeks worth of "good" days, where I have energy and any drive what so ever.
Thank You all for sharing!

You are expanding :)

mayo31311's picture

Detachment is a natural process of evolution. When you are a child playing with dolls, you eventually moved pass that stage of playing. We even see animals detach from younger ways as they evolve. So 1st thing is, you are doing Great. Now you must use your 5D perspective at all time even when tangled in a 3D setting like work or ego. These times are indeed times to use who you are "Love Manifested" to transmute or release dense energy from the scene you are observing. And release the feeling of Letting Others downs, that in its self is not a vibration you want to send to your (our) grid. In reality you can not let anyone else down, only Lower self would think that. So yes, hold to the responsibility that you know or feel in your emotional body support you. As you take care of You, You will also be taking care of others with the intent and Love you are... cause we are all connected and we are One.


Cherie's picture

Synchronicity-I just meditated and that same message came to me. Did you send it on the airwaves. LOL


Jon's picture

Yes I TOTALLY understand as well where you're coming from. I've been in that space for a little over two years now. However, within the last three-four weeks the energy/disassociation with the "current world" is overwhelming. I' ve been able to get by though, without many bells or whistles, simply by staying present and looking out for "the next coincidence" as a bread crumb strategy for survival.

It sure as hell hasn't been easy but I will say that the EVENT / completion of our physical transformation is EXTREMELY close at hand. I was given some privy information on this the eve of the last Equinox in regards to those who are of the first wave to ascend. For many, they may wake up one morning very soon and find they can do amazing things. If you haven't seen the movie "Push" I would highly recommend it as its fairly accurate as to the "gifts" we are being re-wired to receive. For some, the gifts and total body transformation will be even greater.

Essentially, the equinox served as a literal platform 9 and 3/4 bringing all who were ready towards the next destination where MUCH more will be possible...a real Hogwarts of sorts! For now, sit back and enjoy the ride and be ever so proud of yourself because YOU MADE THE TRAIN!:)


Cherie's picture

I was beginning to doubt my sanity for a minute. Yes the last couple of weeks have been very rough. Most days I have made it by just focusing on the present and smiling a lot. Yesterday though was a big one. I just meditated and visited Terra Nova-I had just put in a request. Thanks for the information and can't wait to get on the train.


Michael Merkabaman's picture

Jon,  I really needed to hear what you said.  I, too, am almost completely removed from the 3D life.  I get frustrated with all the messages that say ,  CREATE YOUR NEW REALITY, because how can I try to create a new reality when I have disolved my identity, don't know who I am or what I am becoming?

I woke up a few days ago, still in bed, with a sense of a NEW BODY,  It was as if the light inside me was so huge that the body was inflated from within within.  I could breathe

SOOO deeeeply and effortlessly and I felt like I was in an orgasmic state of divine bliss.

I stayed open to it and was in a deep state of gratitude.  But, then I got out of bed and though I felt better than I have felt in months,  that state of ecstacy left and my frustrations concerning my everyday life returned.

But, I do agree with you, that I felt like I got a glimpse of this "NEW" reality where I can do these amazing things of which you speak.  I had hoped that I had made the leap that morning. Then I feared that I had ruined it :)  But,  again, I do believe that we are in for some WONDERFUL SURPRISES.

BLESSINGS TO YOU and the person who wrote the origianl blog entry.






create your new reality kind

Guest's picture

create your new reality kind of stuff is for the ones who are deep at sleep. btw, i'm also feeling like u guys, like being between 2 dimensions, actually some weeks ago i've gone tru a experience inside this next dimension as if i was in the moment of ascencion and the first thing i said was: i knew it!

Sounds like things are going

Sarah75's picture

Sounds like things are going just like they should be. Reassure yourself of this. You're inspirational.

(((Greetings Loving

tommyBcause's picture

(((Greetings Loving Cherie!...Your *Feeings* are yours & your Knowingness is YOU...."Struggling" is a word to me that*s a 3D thang!...EGO...3D thang....1Luv*...EVERYTHING!!)))(((WE are ALL LOVED)))  NAMASTE!    I Love (((U))) Cherie!

I feel ya

King David's picture

Copy that, it's getting strange in 3D land, no doubt

Hi, I understand what you are

starryriver's picture


I understand what you are talking about.  or at least I think I do.  I know that when our guides etc. are working with us to help in our developement it is a partnership.  Just accepting anything is not balanced.  If you feel that it is making too many difficulties, It would be good to set your boundaries. 


We all want to advance but we are still in 3d and must function.  So sometimes we have to honor that we are going too fast and pace ourselves.  How can we be balanced when things are so fast that we can't focus.


I also was out of work for 2.5 months sick leave because of this, when another llight worker told me this.  Thank God he did, because I work and have a Husband and two children.


Hope it helps:-D