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Happy Hanukkah! Merry Christmas! Name your holiday! For me, this holiday season does not feel very festive. I'm so sorry; but the energy on the planet that I pick up as I sit quietly feels more dark than light. I still look forward to the biggest holiday celebration ever. When it occurs, we will not need a special date. We will feel it, know it, and revel in it. It will be the day when everyone on Mother Earth honors the Divine in each and every one and only tears of joy will be shed. The drama of a planet ruled by greed and ignorance will have finally ended.


ALSO In today's video I mentioned computer problems on my desktop. The system restore seems to have corrected the issue, which apparently was my email program, Thunderbird. This is good news for me. ... I just finished a 2nd video for today - the poem, In the Garden I mentioned in this video. Oh, for laptopanimal, myths, including Santa, may have meaning. To me, they should be taught as allegories that teach ideals.



This is the poem that I mentioned in the earlier video. I wrote it in 1982 at a time when my marriage was falling apart and my world was shifting (sort of like right now). It is included in my book: LIVING GODS ARE HARD TO FIND. Bear in mind that I was still a fundamentalist Christian when I wrote this. :-)