Bilderberg Group Meeting This Weekend

will's picture

It's time again for this year's Bilderberg Group, where the world's rich and powerful meet in secret to discuss God knows what. They claim it's a purely innocent meeting, which is odd because what is discussed is kept in the highest confidentiality. If they wanted to show people there's no funny business going on, why not share the meetings with everyone? It's an affront to the idea of democracy to have the world's most influential people all meet together and keep the whole thing a secret.


Location of this year's meeting

Almost as big a story is the fact that the mainstream media does it's best to ignore the Bilderberg Group's yearly meetings. The meeting is absolutely packed with the type of people that appear in the news daily, but for some reason the media turns its head the other way when all these people gather together to hold a secret meeting.


The following media channels care very little about really informing people:



CBS News:;sort;d

ABC News:

Fox News:


So to sum it up again: World's rich and powerful all get together to meet in secret, and the media doesn't even try to report on what's being discussed there. That's enough to make any rational person start to suspect things.


If you look at the mainstream media articles that do mention Bilderberg, you'll notice the media is more concerned with dismissing all criticism of the meetings as "conspiracy theories", than actually trying to find out what's actually going on at the meetings. Note that the media is simply running PR for the meetings, instead of actually reporting the news. What a joke they've become, it's not news they're reporting, it's propaganda.


I hope our Galactic friends

Janina's picture

I hope our Galactic friends and Hollow Earth people will know what they talk about and won't let them nuke Japan or London.

That's funny since yesterday

E Dawn's picture

That's funny since yesterday I had the feeling of writing a letter to Mr. Gates and really putting the truth out there.  Wonder if that would affect the topic of the weekend at all.  :)

rich and powerful no more....

grailheart magi's picture

rich and powerful no more.... now poor and vanishing..... let's place a cloud above of love and compassion