Blossom Goodchild – 30 July 2012 Love Love Love

glr_Andrea's picture


Blossom Goodchild – 30 July 2012

Posted on July 30, 2012 by lucas2012infos 

Ladies and Gentleman …

whose hearts are so eager to have something full proof taking place  … I am driven to send out this letter just to remind you of a few things that The Federation Of Light have been speaking to us about … because I FEEL it is important.

There are a few channellings going around at the moment that rang alarm bells for me the minute my heart clapped eyes on them.


Before reading … take some deep breaths and ask your soul to let you know whether or not a particular message is coming from LOVE … ONLY LOVE.

If a message carries judgement of another or belittles another … regardless of intensity of dark deeds performed … then the message DOES NOT come from the Light. Higher Light Beings do not speak harshly about anyone. They cannot … for they are of a Higher understanding and come only from LOVE.

If you place yourself in a state of deep Love before you commence reading , your BEING will soon tell you whether or not the message carries that same energy.

How quickly one is ready to ‘jump on the bandwagon’ before even checking out where the band wagon is going … let alone where it has been!

My inbox has been inundated with hope filled emails regarding a predicted date of Aug 4th for First Contact… asking me what I think about it. Basically … in me feeling the need to write this letter I think you have your/my answer. The said message also states that it shall be confirmed by many other sources . Heard of any?

May I pass on this in the hope it may assist in these confusing times:


Yet we ask you to acknowledge also the KNOWN fact that there are some messages out there that ARE NOT and NEVER WILL BE descended from Higher realms . There are messages sent out whose purpose is to deliberately confuse and dupe. They are encoded in order to make one FEEL in certain moments that their hearts are being Divinely touched … and yet they are encoded also with fear and darkness that leads ones thoughts directly to the place in which the message was intended. DOOM and GLOOM!
These are easily detectable … for if one is feeling Love in one moment of the connection when reading and then the heart begins to race at a pace that is uncomfortable …then this dearest souls …. is when the ‘delete’ button should be instantly pressed. It is not a matter of ‘throwing out the baby with the bath water’ … there is no baby … just dirty water in the guise of a baby!

However ……….. should my feelings be wrong in all of this ……. not only will I hold on to my hat … I shall EAT IT!

Be aware of how you FEEL … if you have even the slightest discomfort … question it … and find your answer within.

May I finish however by saying again that visualisation is our most powerful tool .  Let us visualise a world where THERE IS ONLY TRUTH. SO BE IT.

Many thanks everyone .

Draw the Golden Light from above/around/ within into your focus so you can BE ONLY OF IT … AT ALL TIMES.

Love Light Laughter and Golden Rays

Blossom G. xxx /



Reading this makes me feel

Tryak437's picture

Reading this makes me feel nauseous. I don't know what that means, as I'm new to much of this energy business. However, I know reading some of the August 4th channelings made me want to wiggle my toes and do laps around the room. If anything, this feels like the chameleon to me. Maybe my attitude needs adjustment, but I still feel sick typing this.

Maybe if you try to find out

glr_Andrea's picture

Maybe if you try to find out what makes you Truly Feel this way you can also find the solution for it. This is only a message, the re-action comes always fromt he reader, it's a good tool you can use to Know your true thoughts without any judgment about them and choose what you want to Feel.


Blossom's Good Sense

ellion's picture

I remember the days prorto the October 14th, '08 or so, of Blossom's "non-event".  The spiritual community was, like many are now, in high expectation of Disclosure.  When it did not occur, Blossom became the blunt of vicious condemnation.  I know she went through some difficult moments since, but evidenced by this post, they were valuable to her growth and to many of us.  Even when there was no physical manifestation of her prognostication, it was evident to me that she was a light being.  Her words throughout the experience, before and since, have always reflected love and concern.


I have met scores upon scores of  "light beings" who's batteries were dead.  They looked like light beings, spoke like such, did the things you would expect, but there was no light I could see to project.  The power of Love did not beam  light when it became dark.  Like a verse in the bible says "If I speak in the languages of humans and angels but have no love, I have become a reverberating gong or a clashing cymbal".  We can all be right or wrong, but love is the ultimate determining factor. 


Loved your reply Andrea!

Love Is All

August 4th

Guest's picture

There is a whole entry in the Galactic Press from SaLuSa about the importance and significance of August 4th, but here it states the exact opposite. Is it any wonder that people become confused and dispirited?

Actually she wrote wondering

glr_Andrea's picture

Actually she wrote wondering if any other source got the same message about the 4th and did so beofre it happened (she got salusa only later). The rest of her blog is about discernment, saying if You Feel it Keep it, if you don't leave it. If it's of Love and makes you feel Love keep it, otherwise leave it. Same thing sais her channeled message. It's all about discernment and keeping centered. Seeing one that goes cautios and still focuses on Love is something we all need to be. We're the ones that came to wake up and hold the Light, Please, please lightworkers go over your personal view and start seeing the whole picture. We're all together in this. If one has doubts and expresses them whit Love then them Love back. We're here to Unite not to separate!! Separation was the old, we're here to manifest the New, to manifest Love. Love's not something romantic one expresses when things go the way we want it go... Love IS. Fullstop. For ALL. Fullstop.

Many wait, and wait, and wait and wonder why things are not happening faster... we're the Light Speed, Love's Light Speed manifestation. Separation and blaiming will never ever manifest anything New, only delaying it. 

We're all One. Is there a message you don't feel resonates? Fine, let it go! Is there one you LOVE? Fine, share it with the PLanet. Others will feel their way but please, start using Love as a way of interactions. Cause one can be vegan, meditate 10 hours a day, not smoke, not drink, sungaze, walk barefoot, read all channeled messages... but if, in the end, the way one sees and interacts with others is still into separation and "that's better than this"... nothing will ever change. 

Is her past coming to the surface? Probably. Well, that means it's an excellent moment of Now to see it and let it go. For her, for us, for all. It's a team work. We're God's Team. All of us. 


No worries Mate

King David's picture

Blossem Child is the one that quit chanelling these particular Beings last year when they kept giving suggested dates of events that kept NOT happeing. One channel says the opposite of the other, so one is WRONG. Several are now saying that if our allies don't get up and disclose that our ET friends will do in this coming Sat. Just keep in mind which post say which and disregaurd the inacurate ones for future referrence and keep one thing close in mind at all "times," remain always in your power zone,,,,,,,NOW, as this is the only "time" that you will ever be blessed with.