Blossom Goodchild DEC 12 2012

glr_Andrea's picture


Hello my friends.

Hopefully for many of you who have not already got something arranged  for 12 minutes past 12 on 12.12.12. I have caught you in time.

Today at my 12 minutes past 12 on 12.12.12. which I already have had ... White Cloud conducted the most beautiful activation ceremony. There were 44 of us present and it felt like a mini Sedona experience with the LOVE that was shared. It was so very powerful and White Cloud ... as you will hear ... had some incredibly emotional moments.

If you begin this audio at 2 minutes past twelve your activation will take place at the exact moment of 12 minutes past 12 as White Cloud so 'cleverly' arranged. How he works this kind of magic I shall never know!!! He speaks afterwards about the coming days ... Hold onto your hats people!

 Oh how I love him !

Here it is ... Best to use earphones if you can. (51 minutes)  


Hoping to find a space in which to chat with The Federation before the weekend is once again upon us.



Blossom Goodchild

Ra-Raela's picture

Wow, what a beautiful channeling. I tuned into it after the 12:12, and still got energy. I noticed that the message repeated itself halfway through. Was that intentional or a glitch?

Just wondering. Thank you White Cloud for this beautiful gift! Love to all!