Blossom Goodchild
January 9th,2016
Blossom: Hello! Wondering if you are there today, as I have tried twice before this week and … nothing! Nada! Anyone about?
The Federation of Light: Dearest Blossom, Dearest Souls who walk upon the Earth plane at this time in the Glory of themselves. We are indeed with you … sharing Energy this day and more than happy to do so.
Blossom: People write in asking me to ask you all sorts of ‘controversial’ things. Yet, as we have discussed, these topics are not really ‘your bag!’ I do feel however, we could do with a change of approach in this New Year. A new way of ‘deliverance’. Sort of like a revamping … if you get my drift and yet, I have no idea how this would/could take place … and I have a feeling, nor have you! And that is probably why we didn’t connect the other times I have tried this year. Your thoughts?
The Federation of Light: We are committed to bringing you OUR TRUTH. This … as you know … for us … is how we see ‘Our mission.’ For we KNOW that ALL THAT WE ARE … ALL THAT YOU ARE … is all that is required to be KNOWN in order for all One’s desires/requirements of soul satisfaction to be met.
However … in pursuit of this TRUTH … for those upon Earth who have not necessarily ‘lost their way’ yet, have been ‘thwarted’ and perhaps misguided on a scale beyond comparison … May we enter into this New Year with the possibility in mind that indeed, a new approach shall come about.
Blossom: Have you any idea how this may work? With all respect and I DO MEAN THAT … we sort of need some fireworks up our ‘proverbials’ (Good luck with that one, translators!) … something exciting! I KNOW your/our purpose is to bring through messages of LOVE … after all, what else is there? Yet … Oh! I don’t know … as I say … any ideas?