Blossom Goodchild
June 18 th, 2016
Blossom: Well Hello! Straight to it, if we may? Just a follow through from last week regarding you saying that your word for God would be ‘Yahweh’. One chap wrote in, almost in relief I felt, that you had finally slipped up and revealed yourselves to be the dark side that you are and another lady was concerned as she follows a reputable lady who says that Yahweh is a false Light. I was not ‘disturbed’ in the slightest about this as that is ‘their Truth’ and I have become so strong in mine. I sort of already know what you are to say, yet, I feel it may clarify and strengthen the point about anyone’s Truth, about anything. Would you do the honours?
The Federation of Light: Welcome One and all. We would be delighted to serve as we always are and give credibility to our reasoning behind our statement of offering that name. Which by the way, as asked by another reader regarding its pronunciation, we would say that ‘Yod He Vod He’ is the most strongly coded vibration in /through sound and yet, ANY interpretation carries with it … the intention behind it.
We shall travel off track a moment. Let us take the word ‘God’. When one is deep in prayer and Grace and speaking/connecting with The Source, The Divine … they raise the Vibration of that word because of their intent … because of their Love offered to God. Yet, at another time, another soul may be in mood of great fury and use the word through/in such anger and hate … and that which you call ‘blasphemy’ would then lower the Vibrational sounding of that word. It TRULY is the intention behind any word that raises or lowers its original form/coding.
So, to get back to those who FEEL … for it has to be a FEELING for it to be TRUE for them … that Yahweh is a false Light or a Being who is from the dark side and has enslaved your planet … as just one example … All we can say to that is … ???? We shall leave a little moment before we answer, in order to allow the reader to find the answer for themselves first … in the TRUSTING that they have opened up to themselves in order to know this.
Blossom: And how interesting that at this very moment the next door neighbour has taken out their hedgecutter to trim the hedges right next to this window!! Timing! Very, very frustrating. I shall have to continue another time.
Ok continuing on now.
The Federation of Light: We say, that if that FEELS right to them and our words do not … then do not for one moment longer continue to read our words. For, if they make you doubt or become fearful, then our messages are not for you. For, we do not come to cause these emotions within one’s sentiment. We come to uplift and give encouragement. Maybe, it would be that one ceases to read our words for a time … yet, may come back further down the line and resonate more fully.
As we have said many times before … we are not here to gain points. This is not a competition as to how many on your planet we can ‘get on board’. Obviously … the more the merrier and that fills us with Great Joy. Yet, if it was to be that only two Beings read these messages Blossom, then that would make us happy also, for we were assisting two people. Yet, in the knowing that ALL IS ONE … of ONE MINDED CONSCIOUSNESS OF/IN/THROUGH/AS LOVE … we would KNOW IN TRUTH that those two souls were/are part of The Whole and therefore, we are serving ALL.
That is a Happy thought for you to ponder on, Dearest Friends. That, that which you do for yourselves, you do for another. That which you do for another you do for EVERYONE. For the Vibration of that thought/action, although offered to maybe just one … is actually received by ONE … for that ONENESS IS ALL THERE IS. It is your ‘warped upbringing’ shall we say, that allows you to FEEL that you are separated from it. YOU SIMPLY CANNOT BE.
Blossom: Thank you. Could we just continue on the same thread regarding what sits well for one, may not for another? Because I’d like you to clarify/speak about the fact that no-one is wrong or right in such matters.