The Federation of Light through Blossom Goodchild
October 12th,2015
Blossom: Hello! For some reason I have been putting this week’s channelling off. I’m not really sure why. I sort of, well … just didn’t feel like it! Hope you are around now for a chat?
The Federation of Light: Indeed we are. We would firstly like to state that these ‘chat’s’ we have, are not compulsory Blossom.
I know. Yet, I somehow feel that this is what I came to do … and do it I shall. Even though sometimes, I am a bit despondent.
The Federation of Light: About what?
Blossom: Well, I hate to say it, because last week’s chat had such High Energy, it was wonderful, yet … I guess it’s that same old thing of wanting to bring something new and exciting to the table. Yet, I KNOW that it is all about Love and that’s what you intend to stick with … and I know why etc.
The Federation of Light: What would you have us speak of?
Blossom: How ridiculously unaware we all are of what actually IS going on in the bigger picture. How did we ever become so far removed from The Truth?
The Federation of Light: Then let us speak to you about that. And yet … we would say that this of course, will also be all about LOVE!
Blossom: I sort of guessed that!
The Federation of Light: The TRUTH … what is it?
Blossom: If I knew that …
Yet, you do! You ALL do! It is just that it is locked up inside of you due to blockages that have put restraints upon you … in order to NOT KNOW YOUR TRUTH.
Blossom: I am presuming you are talking here about ‘Those of lesser Light’ as you choose to call them.
The Federation of Light: This is so.
Blossom: For some reason … writing and chatting this way doesn’t seem to flow as it used to. Perhaps we have become more comfortable with you speaking?
The Federation of Light: It is more to do with the Higher Energies that have created this change … for it is more suitable to speak through you … to put across that which we FEEL appropriate. Yet, it is more than suitable for you to ask questions in your head to us … as you are used to doing in this written form.
Blossom: OK. Let’s see what ‘revelations’ you come up with!
Greetings of the Highest order to those who have taken this opportunity to listen and FEEL the Vibrational Energy that we bring through to uplift your soul this day.
The lady Blossom was FEELING a little despondent … she spoke to us of. And yet, she smiled as we entered further into her Being and therefore, she found a rather large smile upon her face and her eyes filled with water from the FEELING of Love that we brought through to her … and we choose to bring through to you … and we hope Dearest Souls, that you are able to FEEL this Love that we are … and this Love that we FEEL for you. You, who have taken the harder road … should we say … to come down upon Earth and fulfil your mission.
There was an inquiry as to whether there was a system of Hierarchy … regarding who chooses those who volunteer? We would not say it is so much as Hierarchy. There are not those who know better than another … would we say. For indeed, we are all … when in our Highest form … of the same material … which is Love … and yet, as you know, there are different levels of Vibration of this Love.