Hello One and All.
Here are the audio's of the last two channellings. Many thanks to Joe Pena for all the time taken to do this for The Whole. He reads with such understanding , which in turn helps US to GET IT!
Keeping in the flow of the High Vibration we are in ... I would like to share with you an email that a reader offered ... It matches up with the 'spurts' of Energy The Federation are speaking of.
I have just measured the vibrational rate of the planet:
ON 12/9/14, it was 9,640,630,420 hertz. So it has gone up by 4,179,880,000hz in the last 34 days = up 122,937,640 hz per DAY.
= up 5,122,375 hz per HOUR ! The last reading was 5,460,750,420 hz on 9.8.14 and in the previous 6 weeks to that it was averaging going up by just under 1,000,000 hz per HOUR. So now the rate of acceleration is 5 times what it was a few months ago. This kind of acceleration was predicted years ago but I believe that this is truly exponential.
I did of a bit of a prediction check, which cannot be guaranteed, and this acceleration will level out at around 18,000,000,000hz (double yesterday's figure ) and that will be in early December 2015. 15 months from now.
Based on our current daily increase in 465 days time the vibe of the planet would be approx 57,195,000,000 hz so I suspect we are in one of those spurts due to the full moon and solar flares. This suggests a series of extra bursts here and there. Not all the time. These are only very much approximations. We are in uncharted territory here so there is nothing to compare this with.
To check the figures I am using my pendulum with the spiritual response therapy to get the Earth`s vibrational rate. The "hz" is short for hertz. This is cycles or pulses per second. A/C electricity is 50 hertz I believe.
Our healthy internal organs vibrate at around 70 hertz and someone with cancer, say, will have their internal organs vibrating at around 40 hertz, indicating low life force energy.
For thousands of years the vibrational rate of the planet was 7.8 hertz. By 1999 it was up to 10 hz. Nearly 5 years ago it was up to 55 hz. A year ago it was around 1million hertz. So you can see that it really is shooting up now. This affects us on many levels as the vibrations cause our physical bodies to shift and alter to the ever increasing frequencies. This is even affecting our levels of consciousness as well. This is one of the mechanisms shifting us up into our Ascension. Increasing and expanded light frequencies being directed at us and thought energies and love energies are also contributing to this. We just have to be so unbelievably patient do we not?
For more information please contact Michael Low on Face Book or LinkedIn. Many thanks Michael.
'Ain't life Grand!!
Many thanks to All for your enthusiasm and support all- ways!
Love Light Laughter & Golden Rays,