Body Laughs at Any Edict of My Mind’s Creation
I am sitting here giggling as I eat the last of the ice cream in the carton. Second day of my “no sugar” edict and it dissolves. Just as all else that has form is dissolving. All that we thought of as our identity is dissolving. The old “structure” that we housed ourselves in is melting away. This can be frightening. If there is no form, who are we? We float in the void of the formless. I am laughing as I have known for some time to allow all, have stepped from schedules and plans and moved in the now (easier to do in a semi-hermit life like mine!) and floated free. When I have an fixed event, I feel the compression on my system. I enjoy the freedom of expansion with open space to move in, all about me. My way has been to give tasks to my higher self to bring to my awareness at the perfect time so that the action aligns with the energy of movement and is taken with ease and grace.
Yet, I stated publicly this no sugar edict. This no sugar thing came up as a means of supporting my daughter in her desire as well as a knowing in myself that I would benefit from it. Clearly, supporting another is no longer supported by the energies. Hurrah! An parental pattern in me, of being the cheerleader, is ready to depart. We are moving into a time of allowing one another to find our paths. I hear evidence of this as folks are feeling more detached, less of a desire to be “helpful” or jump in with advice. There is an honoring happening as we honor our joy path and allow others theirs. We are letting go of judging whether someone’s path is right or wrong. Things are beginning to be what they are, without a need to label them as good or bad. They simply are.
As I experience my body chuckling at me, as I savor this creamy texture on my tongue, I know she will guide me to the best choices in each moment. That may or may not align with what we have been taught is of the highest nutritional content. We have all lived through the swings of what is healthy and what is not. So much of it has been a corporate game played at our expense. Thank goodness, folks are choosing to empower themselves in this area and are tuning into what their bodies have to say rather than the outer world.
This rattlesnake who surprised me on my walk, reminded me that shedding our skin is a natural part of growth.
All this aligns with this new state of formlessness where we allow the energy to flow. We are conduits for energy. No longer storehouses with cubicles for placement of this and that. No sugar is a label that dissolved as it went through me. I can have an intention to give my body what she needs but any labeling as to how that looks in a given moment, will not hold as there is no thing to affix to. I may find myself eating sugar or not, I can observe this but not dictate it. I can set an intention and trust myself to care for my body with all the tenderness I hold, in each moment. To be true to the now moment.
I love this!! To be so fluid and free, I have awaited this feeling. I love that what I thought yesterday about myself has already dissolved. I love that what I thought this morning is no longer true. I love this shift! I sense as a dissolving of the form of “Linda” completely as the pathway to allow the fuller, more expanded energy of my I AM presence, to pour in. There is no longer a need for a mental construct for the energy to flow into. We have our bodies which are being transformed into vehicles that can be a conduit for greater and greater amounts of our light from Home. By dropping form, we free ourselves to be who we are more fully. This is like a new game and the child in me is so enjoying playing!
In a dream last night, I felt so burdened, trying to clear up a mess made by others. They were long gone and all their stuff was left and had to be removed. After some struggle and trying to figure out how to move it, I realized that I could leave it. I could walk away. I could drop the struggle. It is that simple when we allow it. I am ready to play in a new playing field of joy and laughter and love. Will you join me there?