Bonus Video "Sphere Deflects Solar Eruption! May 25, 2012"

glr_Andrea's picture



Barbarossa's picture

"They" are here to slow down the big changes that Mother Earth is going through, which includes the catastrophic effects that our Sun can have on our planet. This is a commitment that our Star Brothers had pledge to do, so life could still going forward on Earth after the changes has taken effect. My true Love goes to all of them for those beautiful intentions, and actions. I really hope to see them before I go; my hearth will explode in love on that day.

J. M.

It is awesome to see in

DrDougCole's picture

It is awesome to see in action what we who know what our space brothers are doing to facilitate the perfect plan.


DrDougCole's picture


Good Guys, Bad Guys

ado kay's picture

Just hope it's not the bad guys cutting off our 'Upliftment.


glr_Andrea's picture

Only LOVE exists in this Universe NOW.