This transmission is a transcription from the Sirian Grid Transmission Q&A on 12.13.11
Heather: How do I bring through my highest 2012 Self? How do I best assist to bring about a Unified timeline for a Unified Earth in 2012, and bring about the Highest Good of everyone’s 2012 self?
Ratava: 2012 shall be the Great year of invigoration and purification. This means that by purifying, accentuating, invigorating and accelerating your Earthly temple, your vessel, you, in turn, increase your awareness. Now, by going into meditation, finding the stillness within, everybody entering into this 2012 time portal, if they are accurately listening to their Higher-Selves, their Lower-Self, the Earth Plane, for what it needs, as well as the various guided and galactic energies coming in now, will be receiving specific training missions and directives to pursue their multi-dimensionality in bringing in greater components of their selves.
What does that mean? That means that the great healing is underway, and that means that 2012 is, in essence, an expanded time window that allows you to pull in all fragmented components of your being. So all places where you have experienced trauma in this lifetime or past lifetimes, that Gateway of Remembrance is Opening. The Gateway of Remembrance is Open.
And so it is…that you can pull through these frequencies of who you are from these different planes and different dimensionalities. And in coming from that place of meditative stillness can you begin remembering the Cosmic components of yourself and come into Communication Bridge with that. This work allows you to expand, and expand the energy of the Earth into the Cosmic frequencies.
Now, in conjunction with how to serve using this energy is to bring this energy back into the Earth. And to bring that expanded energy Here and Now. As we all as, to correspond any fragmented components of yourself, being tracked or restricted in certain places of the Earth. For example, if one has experienced a past-life and that past-life had a trauma associated to it where they were killed in war, that region, which they were killed in war, needs healing so that they can retrieve that component of themselves. As that healing and clearing takes place, that piece is retrieved, and you accelerate and expand to a greater cosmic level, and in that simultaneity, that region of the Earth Begins to be Cleared and is able to accelerate.
Amateo: As a note to this transmission, the guides are basically mapping out the multi-dimensional hologram of frequency from the Cosmic Body to Earthly Body into the Human Body. The Human Body has reservoirs of information stored beyond our concept of time. The reservoirs of information are now to be unlocked. By going within and finding where we have blockages, distortions, fragments and/or underpinnings of withholding to a Higher-Frequency, we open up the energy pocket of that place within us. Often, the memories, stories and lineages stored within us, traumatic or not, can be traced locationally to a time-space where they originated. By clearing and re-integrating that time-space we open up the potential for novelty to co-exist in the present moment.
Essentially, there are these memories and encrypted experiential codes stored in even the most micro-cellular functions of our being. These encrypted experiences and their time-space locations, in essence restrict us. The greater the trauma of the experience, the denser the experience we are still constantly having in that time-space. As we connect the traumatic experience with our physical body, we connect it to our Planetary body. In clearing both, our Individuated & Collective Earthly vessel, we break up the lower energies and bring them into a Higher Resonance. This is beginning to happen on an Earthly Level.
The next step to this natural occurring evolution is to incorporate the Galactic & Universal Multi-Dimensional Being Self. Clearing and Re-Integrating the portions of the Universe which are stored in varying places in time-space, which are dynamically co-related and linked to the Earth, her continents, Chakras, and physical and energetic ley lines. The Earth has a multi-dimensional fabric of energetic stories, memories, timelines, experiences stored within her, similar to each of us. This fabric is woven through the varying levels of her being, from etheric to physical. By breaking up the dense and limiting patterns of one-self does this fabric become revealed, and also enlightened.
Now, perhaps, you are seeing the Hologram. Clear the Physical Body, Become a Unified Earth Organism. Clear the Earth Organism, Become a Universal-Galactic Being. These are the steps of remembrance on the path to Ascension. It is almost as though we are hacking our own Internal Reality, through softening density with Love. The path which asks us not to just rise in Love, but to carry the Love-Light down, within, in to the darkest shadows for the grandest re-integration The Creation has ever known.
Ratava now continues….
Ratava: Many places which are not as spiritually accelerated as other places of the planet are, generally, because they have a backlog of density that needs clearing and re-integration. Once that happens that energy is lifted peacefully and allowed to be. Through the allowance of being come the templates and the frequencies of service. It is vitally important at this time that you return to stillness, and in that stillness come to a place of saying, “I know who I am. I know how I serve.”
As the Collective, “We know who we are. We know how we serve.”
It is through this knowingness, that knowingness is a certainty. That certainty that you have, in essence, given yourself fully to the divine light of Truth and Source, can take that light and apply it to Service. What is happening in 2012 is the discernment for those who are still looking for the Light and those who have found it, and are of service utilizing it. And so, all of you have found the Light. You know it, you know yourself, you are knowing yourself more fully in every moment, and you are serving from that place and from that energy.
That is how you can serve. That is how you can become more of who you are in 2012.
We will recognize and offer in reflection that in this Winter Solstice 2011 time window, you are to anchor this energy. The energy of Knowingness and of Service. This is the divine alignment of Service through the Gateway of Great Remembrance. That is the platform to align, too, to bring about the timeline of 2012 in this epic astrological occasion & equation.
Heather: Thank You.
Ratava: Thank You.
If you would like a copy of the full recording of this transmission, as well as the 12.12.11 Sirian Grid Tranmission which it corresponds to, please visit:
Ratava is a Sirian Ambassador who is working in accordance with the Sirian Contact Crew for Interstellar Galactic Alliance. They are in cross-communication with over 28-52 other Galactic Councils intermittently, and working in correspondence with Ashtar Command. Amateo Ra channels Ratava, as he is his Higher-Self, and/or, rather, his future Self existing as a more-enhanced accumulation of who he is, drawing him into the moment through the path of Ascended Service. Amateo Ra channels at playshops around the Globe, does weeklly Teleseminars & One-on-One Reflection Sessions. Ascend In Love ~ Family of Light!