Budget cuts push Spain jobless to 25 percent

Rain's picture

Reuters - Nigel Davies, 10/26/12

People wait to enter a government-run employment office in Madrid September 4, 2012. REUTERS/Susana Vera

People wait to enter a government-run employment office in Madrid September 4, 2012. Credit: Reuters/Susana Vera

(Reuters) - Spain's unemployment rate hit a record high in the third quarter, with one in four out of work and more expected to lose their jobs in 2013 as the next phase of government cutbacks kicks in.

At exactly 25 percent, Friday's official number was the highest since the Franco dictatorship ended in the mid-1970s, and gives fresh impetus to calls by labor unions for a general strike next month.

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unemployment in Spain

Guest's picture

dear sisters and brothers, the finantial disaster they are putting europe into is outrageous.

right now, the only european country living in democracy is Iceland.

the rest of us are totally under the control of our dark governements reporting to the evil Angela Merkl, who is a minion the cabal. but, of course, she is not alone.

and the portuguese prime-minister is a kiss-ass of Merkl. but he is not runnig the country. who really is in power in our governement is the finance minister and the minister of the parliamentar matters (?). they are selling out the country cheap to China and to Angola.

may the Goddess/God bess us All.

Love and Light to All!