Christina Sarich, Staff Writer
Waking Times
I’ve got some interesting friends. They are magicians and sorcerers trapped in modern day guises – like Carlos Castaneda in an attorney’s garb, auditioning for acting roles on the weekends, or the Goddess Salome wearing the guise of a stay-at-home home, her dance of the seven veils more like a juggling of baby diapers and over-cooked spaghetti sauce, while wearing a tiara. Their lives sizzle and pop when I talk to them, like a good cook’s onions brewing on a stovetop, but the peeled onion is such an old analogy for breaking down the layers of the mind – isn’t it?
Even if you don’t practice Mesoamerican sorcery using psychoactive substances like Ayahuasca, or the equally brave endeavor of sitting in silence for days, weeks or months like the Himalayan sage Devraha Baba who is said to be more than 150 years old, you are cooking your own recipe in life, based on the subterranean layers of your consciousness.