Cathy Lynn Pagano ~ June’s Cosmic Story : Gemini New Moon June 8 & Capricorn Full Mon June 23rd,

Lia's picture


I’m going to combine the New and Full Moon Cosmic Story for the summer months, since we’ll mostly be dealing with the fallout from the 3rd Uranus/Pluto square that occurred on May 20th.    This hard aspect between the old and the new forces us to face the challenge of overthrowing an out-of-touch patriarchal paradigm that just doesn’t want to admit that it’s wrong about most things.
Flower Power

Our financial institutions and corporations are still raking in immense profits while the people carry the load of world-wide debt.   The corporate control of government is flagrant; i.e., the US Senate refusing to deal with GMO labeling at the behest of Monsanto–among other obvious abuses of corporate power, corporations are fighting for their hard-won/bought rights, which can be taken away when we, the people have the Will.   And of course there’s the refusal to vote for tighter gun-control restrictions in the US.   First world workers are losing their jobs while third world workers are losing their lives as a result of poor working conditions and corporate greed.   Even our pal Apple refuses to pay its fair share of taxes, hiding their profits overseas. Climate change has reached a tipping point, and many people in the know see a bleak future for humanity if we don’t start taking these environmental changes seriously.   You read the news, so I don’t need to go on about what’s happening in the world.

But people are also standing up to the powers-that-be, already gathering together to show that we are many, and that we will overcome in the end.   (Just watch as we complete the 7 squares between Uranus and Pluto in March 2015.)       While each of us came into this lifetime to do something about the state of the world, we also need to stand together to create societal change.      Because at this time of the changing of the ages, we have to make a conscious choice to evolve or we doom our children’s children to a hard world.

Our work is to align ourselves with our inner Spirit and follow our destiny.   That destiny might just be to become conscious, so that we make use of our free will rather than follow the herd mentality of our society. Or we might have a bigger destiny, one that involves shaking up the power structures that shape our society.   Whatever you are called to BE and DO, this is the summer to take yourself seriously.   As I’ve said before, this potent challenge between Uranus, the planet of awakening and rebellion, and Pluto, the planet of evolution which involves death and rebirth, needs to be worked out within each of us so that when we go out into the world, we know what our values are and what we stand for.   Like the 60s, this decade will shape our future.   If we let things ride, the future will be bleak.   If we take our responsibilities seriously, we can create a different future, even if we can’t see our way to it yet.

The future of our world is in our hands.   What will we do with it?

June’s Cosmic Happenings: Venus, Gemini New Moon, Summer Solstice & Capricorn Full Moon

Before we look at June 8th‘s Gemini New Moon, let’s look at what kind of energy June begins with.   We’re just 12 days away from the potent 3rd square between Uranus & Pluto on May 20th and 7 days away from the 3rd eclipse this past month on May 24- 25th.   These cosmic happenings set up an energy field for radical change.

Mercury & Venus Lead the Way

June begins with the Sun in Gemini trying to sort out the fallout of these four major cosmic events.   Gemini’s ruler Mercury has been in Gemini for these past two events, sending us to seek answers that help us understand what we’re experiencing.   What’s been going on in your life this past month and what do you plan to do about it?   The Gemini Mind wants to pull things apart, analyze and understand how things work.   It plays with opposition until it can find the 3rd, mediating power–the power of Love which brings even opposites together.    While the Sun is in Gemini, we focus on how we see the world and name it.    The Cosmic Story says, “It’s time to find new names for our reality.’

Hermes or Mercury by Walter Logeman

On May 31st, Mars enters Gemini, giving support to the other planets in Gemini–the Sun and Jupiter, and Venus for one day.    Mars adds the dynamic of desire to the mix, because desire spurs action.   Just watch out that you don’t get too distracted and take on too much.   Mars in Gemini wants to do everything!

With Mercury’s entry into Cancer on May 31st, the planet that symbolizes Mind and Consciousness says do the sorting and naming by listening to your heart first.   Use your emotional intelligence!   Mercury/Hermes is the psycho-pomp, the guide of souls into the underworld.   In Jungian thought, the psycho-pomp is the mediator between the Unconscious and ego-consciousness.   So Mercury is comfortable in the watery realms of Cancer and the unconscious.   So use your right brain to work on sorting things out.   Pay attention to your dreams, fantasies and meditations.    Mercury will form a grand trine (see below) with Neptune in Pisces and Saturn in Scorpio on June 3rd, helping to open our minds to intuition and our hearts to compassion.   At the New Moon, Mercury will become part of the Uranus/Pluto square, pushing us to face our fears, look at reality and find alternative plans that will work.   Mercury will soon be in its retrograde shadow, and will turn retrograde itself on June 26th at 24* Cancer.   The Sabian symbol for Mercury retrograde is:   A woman and two men castaways on a small island in the South Seas.   This symbol indicates that our three-fold consciousness–body, soul & spirit–need to come into alignment, because we need all three working together to stand in our power.

All three retrogrades of Mercury this year are in each of the three water signs.   The Cosmic Story says we need to work on our emotional intelligence.   Get in touch with your feelings by letting the emotion (fear, anger, hunger, lust) move through you without it taking you over.    Actually feel the emotion and decide what you want to do about it.   So rather than say, I’m angry, you can say, I am feeling anger.    Don’t repress the feeling; remove yourself a bit from it and let it give you its message.   Such as, this person always lets me down.   Why get angry about it?   Perhaps I need to not trust this person to meet my needs.

Read the whole story at : / link to original article
