~Ceremony for Opening an Energetic Portal~
~Galactic Love Reporter Kriss Erickson ~
A little over two years ago I was given a symbol from the Universe. I didn't know what it meant for a long time, but at the beginning of this year (2011) the meaning came clear. It was a Universal Whirlwind Symbol. This Symbol is to be used to:
1) Open energetic portals
2) Clear out energies in our body/mind/spirit in preparation for new energies, new DNA and creating a less-dense physical body
3) Calling in energetic help such as the Great White Brotherhood, the Crystalline dragons and others
The symbol is posted below. The meaning of the Symbol and the wording to the actual ceremony is below that.
One of my purposes here on Earth this time around is to perform/facilitate ceremonies such as the one listed below, which I channeled from the Universe. I know there are other portals that have not yet been opened. I am willing to open the portals and hold ceremonies should anyone request that.
Here is what the Symbol means:
The Saarvatrika Vaatuula Symbol
"The Universal whirlwind that shifts our perceptions of ourselves and others so that we may step deeper into our our own unique selves in order to prepare for deepest contemplation and connection with our inner wise ones." --Use as a Mantra
Universal - saarvatrika
whirlwind - vaatuula
that changes/shifts : parivartinh
perceptions - buddhi
ourselves - niyama – observances towards ourselves ; personal discipline
and - uta
others - anye
step : pada
Unique , unparalleled - Anupama
in order - yathaa
prepared - samupapAdita
deepest contemplation - atma dhyana [ aatma dhyaan ] : contemplation on the Self
connection - sanyogaM
Inner - antar ( anthar ).
wise person – Buddhadev
This is also a calling Synbol—sending a message to call other Lightworkers (the Great White Brotherhood) on this plane and other planes and to raise an army of Peace, so to speak.
This Symbols was downloaded from the Universe to Kriss Erickson in December 2008. You are welcome to use it but not to teach it to others at this time.
Here is the actual ceremony:
Universal Whirlwind Portal Opening Ceremony
I’ve invited you here today because we are all part of the family of light and divine union. About two years ago I was given a symbol that looked like a whirlwind. I didn’t know what it was at that time but I was told that I would know when the time came. I did extensive searches for other sources of this Symbol but wasn’t able to find anyone else who knew it, though several people have told me that they have seen the Symbol in dreams, meditations or visions.
I also wasn’t sure why my family and I were led to this property, until I was told that there was an energetic portal here. This portal is connected to the energy that is being released from the Milky Way and beyond to heal the human race and our world.
Some of this energy may seem disruptive to our human psyches, but remember that what we see as a catastrophe may also be a way to transform the extremes of duality so we can create unity.
The symbol I was given is the Saarvatrika Vaatuula, or Universal Whirlwind symbol. The purpose of the Symbol is to open an energetic portal that is located at this place, above our heads. I hope that, even though the portal is closed, you can feel its energy. Connecting to its energy and to this moment is very important for the relieving of the suffering of the Earth and to transform the duality of suffering and war into peace.
In this ceremony today, we will call The Great White Brotherhood, the four Crystalline Dragons of the Violet Flame and an army of Lightworkers from all parts of the Universe
to assist us in the energetic shift that is occurring on Earth.
To do that we’ll share a meditation with the intention of focusing the sincerity and purity in our hearts and beings to ask that this energy portal be opened. Before we begin, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you all for coming here today. As you know, this ceremony isn’t part of any religion or philosophy and the Universe intended that those who wanted to be here would be drawn to this or other places where portals are being opened. The date of this opening is important numerologicaly, as the number balances down to one. Part of the intention today is to bring our own unique “One” to the zero point of connection with the Universe.
I am honored to be on Earth in this time and place with each of you. I love you all.
As we begin, I’ll use my crystal wand to place us in a golden triangle. As I do so I call Isis, Guardian of the Golden Triangle energy. I place in the center of the triangle a violet candle set on a stand of silver, gold and white. I call Quan Yin and Mahakaruna, guardians of the Violet flame. I call SoLaRa, my star sister from Sirius, to send her platinum dolphins to guide us on our journey.
Now, take a couple deep breaths and find your calm, clear center. From this calm, clear center, take another deep breath, this time intending that you are inhaling the Golden Breath of the Universe. Let that gold energy merge with your own unique energy for a moment. As you exhale, project that golden energy out into the area around you.
Take another deep breath, again inhaling the Golden Breath of the Universe, hold it for a moment, feeling the Universal Lifeforce energy filling every cell, every organ, all your connective tissues, your meridians and your nervous system. Exhale, projecting golden energy into the area around you once more.
Take one more deep breath, inhaling the Golden Breath of the Universe. Again, hold it for a moment, feeling the Universal Lifeforce energy filling you, this time out into your emotional, your etheric, your energetic, your spirit fields. Exhale, projecting the combined Universal and your own unique energy signature into the area around you.
Can you feel the energy rising in this place? See how powerful you are!
Now we have prepared ourselves. We are each a clear, perfect channel, ready to invoke the light. Each of us is a sacred flame, a part of the Violet Flame of Quan Yin and the Mahakaruna.
Let the sacred flame dance through you, clearing and cleansing any areas that have need of it. With each breath, feel the Violet flame dancing through your Chakras, lighting the fire of Kundalini, until you feel the energy spouting from your Crown Chakra.
When you feel the Kundalini energy spouting from your Crown Chakra, send it to the point of the triangle, above you in the center of our circle. As we send our combined energy we ask this energy portal to open.
As we do so I will chant the Sanskrit words of the Saarvatriki Vaatuula symbol. Those words are: “The Universal whirlwind that shifts our perceptions of ourselves and others to that we may step deeper into our own unique selves in order to prepare for deepest contemplation and connection with our inner wise ones.”
This chant will invoke the Saarvatrika Vaatuula symbol. As I chant, feel free to add your voices, drums, or other instruments, to send a vibration into the Universe so that this portal may be opened.
Chant: Repeat chant. “Portal, we ask you to open now!”
And now, like the petals of a cosmic flower, the energy portal is opening. You may keep sending your vibrations if you like. As you do so, see the four crystalline dragons, Guardians of the meta energy coming from the Universe, flying through the portal. The dragons are immense, so large that each of them can circle this property. They are benevolent and gentle to us, so there is no danger and no need to fear them. Their scales are pearlescent, white with reflections of silver, gold and prismatic colors dancing along their bodies.
The dragons form a circle around us, adding their own voices to our vibrations and setting up an impenetrable protective shield around each of us that extends to our places of work and our homes and families.
As the portal continues to open, we see members of the Great White Brotherhood coming through, entering this space, along with the platinum dolphins of SoLaRa. Let us use our instruments to send a vibration to welcome the Great White Brotherhood.
The members of the Great White Brotherhood are so glad to see us! So glad that we have called them here today. They cry, “Well met, family of light!”
The members of the Great White Brotherhood are in the forms of animals. You may see boars, stags, dogs, cats, lions, panthers, dolphins or other animals. Watch the Great White Brotherhood dance around our circle, through the woods and spiral around the sacred flame in the center of our circle.
Now, call one of the members of the Great White Brotherhood to you.
Take a few moments to share energy with the member of the Great White Brotherhood that you have called. Allow the Great White Brother to dance around and through you, spiraling around your own sacred flame, strengthening and further purifying it.
As you commune with your Great White Brother, know that there will no longer be any duality. There will no longer be any separation. Let the light of the Brotherhood strengthen you and help you to be more like bamboo, a clear and open channel of Universal light and love.
As the members of the Great White Brotherhood withdraw, forming a circle behind our circle and encompassing our circle, we look up and see that the portal is now completely open. As we watch, an army of Lightworkers rides through. The Lightworkers look like men and women but have energetic forms. They ride unicorns in the colors of silver and gold and white. Let us use our instruments to send a vibration to welcome the Army of Lightworkers.
“We have come as moths to a flame,” they say, “we are now part of you, and you are part of us. Together we will change the world.”
The platinum dolphins leap over us as if they are leaping in and out of the water. They are forming a pattern—the dolphin matrix of peace.
As the dolphins are forming their sacred geometry over us all, I will come to each of you and draw the Saarvatrika Vaatuula Symbol on your body. The Symbol is drawn with the lines symbolizing the bamboo stalk first, then the Universal Whirlwind, flowing down your energy portals. The unique symbol for pi is next, connecting your own unique self to the Universal energy, and then the symbol of the mole, for integration and deep contemplation.
After you have all received the Symbol, I will again chant the Sanskrit words for this Symbol. You may join in again if you like. Know that this portal will be open from now own. You carry the energy of this portal with you wherever you go. You are reminded that whenever you face challenges or difficulties, that the direction of your supplication must be toward the Universe, not toward the troublesome human entities. Call on the crystalline dragons, the Platinum dolphins, the Great White Brotherhood, the Army of Light or any of the spirit guides and helpers, whenever you have need.
I am honored to be on Earth in this time and place with each of you. I love you all. As you prepare to leave the circle, please feel free to leave a flower, leaf or other small item on the table in the center of the circle for the fairies, elementals and wood sprites.