~ The Chains that Bind Us: Letting Go of Our Limitations ~

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~ The Chains that Bind Us: Letting Go of Our Limitations ~

2011 December 4

The Chains that Bind Us: Letting Go of Our Limitations

 ~Galactic Love Reporter Caroline Aguiar, 12-3-2011

As we move into a new era of consciousness we’re invited to ask ourselves if we’re willing to let go of the limitations which keep us from fully embracing the truth.

Self-Limitations hold us down and anchor us to the murky waters of illusion.  Our self-criticizing beliefs and thought patterns distort our perception of everything around us and hinder our spiritual growth.

Society, the media and especially the entertainment industry have infused distorted views of beauty, wealth, and ways of being that cause people to become fearful of valuing themselves and generate feelings of not being good enough that limit who we can be.

Over the centuries, entire societies were based on criticism, fear and negative belief systems which did nothing but control people by keeping them buried in the illusion of limitation.

Social and economic classes, identified by color and religious preference also became part of the self-limiting mind-set to the detriment of society.

Many self-limitations stem from early childhood.  We might remember being teased at school or being called names based on our physical attributes or the type of clothes we wore.  Demeaning comments from family members are the worst because they’re the ones we trust the most.   As we accumulate self-limitations during the course of our lives, they affect the way we see ourselves and our concept of the world we live in.   Sit down and think about it. These limitations are so engrained in us, we hardly notice them anymore. They’ve become accepted ways of being.

When we let go of our limitations, we ignite our creativity, passion and purpose. We’re free. We’ve cut the chains that bind us.  Our lives begin to change and we finally begin to see the wonderful possibilities the universe has to offer us.  We’re able to pursue our journey to ascension fully conscious, fully ensouled.

As we begin to accept our truth, fear may raise its ugly head to see if it can still control us one more time.  When this happens, and it will, we’d do well to remember that we’re all worthy of being loved beyond our imagination.  We’re all here to take part in the magnificent changes that are occurring at this time as we move into this new era of unity consciousness.

On November 16th, Saul stated:

“Humanity’s awakening is a done deal; it is going to happen as divinely intended; there are no other options.  The divine energy field enveloping Planet Earth was enormously strengthened and intensified on 11-11-11 to give you all the power and assistance that you need to enter into and complete your process of awakening.

“This process is very demanding, which is why you are receiving so much help from so many loving spiritual beings, and their love for you is way beyond your comprehension while you continue to hold on to and support the illusion with the energy of your fears and doubts. Your fears and doubts are important issues that you need to address and release by opening your hearts to God’s Love Field in which you have your eternal existence.”

If we look within our hearts, the courage to rid ourselves of self limitations is there.  We have legions of angels and enlightened beings at our side who support us and want nothing more for us than our highest good.  They want us to understand how much we’re loved and how important it is to break the chains of our illusions so we can accept the truth of who we are and continue moving rapidly and steadily towards the light and Ascension.

In his book Eternal Echoes, Celtic scholar, poet and philosopher John O’Donohue said, “The chains that bind us bind our souls.  These are the worst because these are the chains that have cut you the deepest and have held you the longest.”

It’s time to take the chains off and answer the deepest calling of our soul.  The truth will set us free, and freedom to BE is everything. Once we experience the joy of freedom, there’s no turning back.

