Changing the Gradual Timelines of Earth

Mario's picture

Changing the Gradual Timelines of Earth

This depiction (Title) has acquired means to a select few individual’s while partaking in higher grid activities, the composition of the fabric’s within these moments can and will have “abruptive” mean’s to contemplate on moment’s where the fabrication’s may have been condoned to higher teaching’s implementation’s “technology” While (acquirering) developments in structures abolishing the controversial feed’s in “complarative” consensus.

These notation’s are consensual as the general degradation in processes by which these are becoming known has greater (effect\s) individually hacking moment’s which the purposeful timelines may have been (s\lashed for) individuals “to understand” these, we say simply, acknowledgement’s in partitions of realms in acquiescing development’s throughout the grid’s while contemporary reselecting avenues for greater exemption’s may accommodate this faction (stasis) “while delving deeper in” cosmology’s.

Pertaining matter’s at hand’s may be consensual to adept’s within (the fabrication of eventual) exemption’s while advancing the higher feed’s. “The aspect’s conversing” within moments of telemetric avenues had been paramount to deviation’s in causation’s of these part’s (Channeling’s) which according to us should be implemented at greater means to supress knowledge (in venue’s where) the possibilities’ of augmenting deeper “within those” **88*9* mean’s to a gradual stopping point… which impartially I have no former vocabulary of what 88*9 composition of those may be. 88*9=792 7+9+2=18 1+8=9=333=(3)*792=2376 2+3=5 7+6=13 1+3=4 5+4=9=333=(3)*2376=7128 7+1=8 2+8=10 8+10=18 1+8=9=333=(3)*7128=21384 2+1+3+8+4=18 1+8=9=333=(3) 3333=4=22=(2) Two is enough.

After consensus we will develop greater mean’s to having the (higher feed’s) renowned worldwide in area’s which implementation of technology may have been selected for tribunals, trine’s in sign’s acquired prosperous amounts of individual’s having notation of the simple “sign’s” individually we had made them known as an easier flow to accommodate the possibilities of awakening perception’s Awareness “to gradually having message’s” which were gathered at moments of implementation in there of “which drugs may have advanced” aspects of those individual’s, while we call them drug’s they are aspects of higher states of being individually the experimentation’s going on in the pass was not known yet, in how those “experience’s” (might have been gradual mapping’s to higher implementations), understandings “of the acquired” experiences.

Postulation’s where regarded as false evidence (while impartially we had composed something of a greater nature) within moments of having “channelings” occur “worldwide”.

The implementations of technology, may have become (renown to individuals with a purpose on) this Earth. “While selectively” we would denote greater times to having events (eventual) “event’s working impartial to our consciousness”. Which “indescriminently” we had compartments of greater notation’s (timeline) shift’s to accommodate the world in greater (balancement) through the fabrics of the higher channeling’s (which imperatively), we would have been feared as for (the unknown had aspects of how those timeline’s) may have “caused a general reset” in the functions of our genome’s*, “which inherently” the components/compartment’s (needed to advance) to higher grade’s*, Intellectually “denoted times of greater possibilities” (in moment’s which these would be Implemented).

5:06pm December 3rd 2014 Experiment/Experience Give and Take** freely* and the possibilities’ will become known in time of “matter’s which composed greater aspects of this feed”.

3:44 pm December 4 2014

