~Galactic Love Reporter Ben~Arion~
It has been shown a couple of times that humans have either closed their eyes to what they have seen or chosen to write or tell about their experience and sights. Meanings with these small signs are to slowly raise higher the human level of consciousness.
Why have they not just landed right in front of the white house and said: “We are here, now we will change the world”? The answer is easy; First and foremost they never use force to change things over, it is we who choose, we have a free will. True changes can´t be forced from the outside, they will come from the inside, from the heart and the soul. They are not coming to save us but to wake us up to full consciousness, and that is love. Everything that is happening has a purpose even if you wouldn´t always believe it for example because of all the terrible things that happen. Everything is a part of a higher plan.
They are not interested in showing themselves and brag. They are interested in showing who we truly are and that will be done in a lovable and appropriate way. Our destiny is to be a galactic civilization, to wake up to full consciousness and that has been taking thousands of years. We have been controlled to believe that we are alone. They really have succeeded in it until now. When this happens it´s not science fiction, it is the truth. You have a soul. You are a cosmic creature with no limits. Why is this happening? Because mankind has matured. Our soul has said “We are ready, let´s go!” Do you think that the planet will be the same after this? The answer is pretty obviously no.
In a galactic society everything is shared, because there is enough of everything. Everyone is free. The word boring is not going to exist anymore. War, greed and hate will totally disappear. These cannot exist in the new consciousness and vibration which is about to come. People who choose to continue in old patterns and don´t want to go further in love and shaping experience will experience this further on other planets in the universe, free to research and learn until they choose to go on. Humanity is on its way to an energy filled with more love. You have a soul or an etheric body. You are not only your body. You cannot die. When you die you simply change form. You look at your body; “ Here I stand and look at my shell”.
Have you seen Star Wars and Star Trek? You probably have, and maybe you have thought. It’s only a fantasy world on a white canvas. The truth is that there are no fantasy worlds. What you see in these films is just a beginning to a reality that is here soon. That is why a human being is creative, to be able to express his true self and his true feelings.
The process is going on at full speed. There is message about this time which has come and will come in books, films, theater, music, art, philosophy and what we call religion.
The only true religion is “ LOVE & TO BE YOUR OWN SELF”. It may come as a surprise, but that is the reason we live for. To be prepared to some extent is good. First as a larva that crawls around, then this larva becomes a chrysalis. We are in that stage now. After that the chrysalis transforms to a butterfly. That is magic.
© copyright Ben-Arion
http://www.cosmicnature.net & http://www.ashtarcommandcrew.net